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amount. Keep the door open. To-day we keep my brother’s birthday.

He kept his word. I don’t want to keep you up late. To get the key of the street, to camp out.

I did that as a joke. He killed two birds with one stone.

She is gone to kingdom come.

To kiss the dust.

He is known to lie.

He had never been known to sing.

Labor shortage.

Labour exchange.


Trouble lamp (Am.). To land on water. Large-minded; -ness. To the last. Last, not least. He breathed his last. By the last of the week (Am.). In the late afternoon.


Fiska renso.






Mort kolpir la almo; mort le pene-trir.

Rust-mark; ink-flek. Senshendala. Kontendo-punt. Endakonte.

Zi distribir tikelos al infanos.

Brami (po).

Martirist, gestapist.

Pusa’; dyablul.





Surplena, surkolma. Un ladin, un ladel. II urtar ma neuros. Invidok.

Klozu maulo!; kolzu bek!

Promenel, -er.


To kaput!


Eto ma job; sar ma job. Bor-pleno; sukro e myel. Var vu kon nos ? Koautor. Junta kont.

Mixa Komisyon (Komiteo). Sproponi. - Salti kozkoze. Mi fas ekratir. - Рок mankir so me

ekri (mi ekrati). II ir rek aski yen montant.

Li lo pordo apra.

Oje nos festar lo nasid de ma frat. II tenir parol.

Mi no dezar ve fi kushi tarde. Loji kol stelos.

Mi fir it po plezanti.

II fir du kolpos kon un mov.

El pasir a mel viv.

Mordi polvo.

II konat as luger.

II sir ni konat (udat) kantanda.






Largamenta; -o. Usende.

Lasta, no minsta. II ir sa last spir.

Prel endo d’et vek. - Inyel vek. Tarde domide. - Tramonte.

At the latest. To laugh loud and long. To lay aside.

He is laying off (taking off) his

overcoat. This leads me to believe he is right. French dressmakers set up lead in fashion.

To lean out of the carriage window.

Now he stands on his own legs.

Let me alone, please.

She lets herself go.

Our house was levelled by the

hurricane. Still life (picture). She is light on her feet. He is nothing like so rich. I feel like sleeping. He is not likely to succeed.

(Line of) route.

To stand in line (to queue up).

He did not open his lips.

They live and let live.

The times we live in.

You took a load off my shoulders.

To lock up.

To make a long nose.

He has a long head.

He looked about for a waiter.

To loop the loop.

Lord’s Prayer.

They lord it over everybody. Love at first sight. To work for love. Love-potion.

Lowest common multiple.

In low spirits.

Stroke of luck.

Lump sum.


He left her in the lurch.

Macabre humour.

War is a mad selection (a reverse

selection). Examining magistrate. By main force. Maintenance allowance. To make use of a knife. This portrait makes her an old woman.

He was made to appear before

a judge. To make up for the evening-party. To live as man and wife. Man of straw.

You did not manage your affairs

well enough. All manners of things. He has no manners. Many a time. Map of the world. Exlamation mark; question mark. Black market; grey market (Am.). Master of Arts; - (Am.)


Ridi long e laude, ridegi Apartoci.

II diwerar samant, il dimantar.

Eto me far kredi il raga. Fransa kudistos dar lo ton de modyo.

Exporgi (dal vagon; dal fenso). Nun il flar pe sa alos. Pli, me liu tranqila. El latigar.

Na dom sir razat pel uragan.

Kedayo. - Natur morta. El ar un vad liva. 11 nile tan rika. Mi dormena.

Noprobabla il riusor; il probable no




II taconir; il no dikozir labyos.

Zi vivar e lar vivi.

Nuna tempos.

Vu dicevir ma spalos.



II fyutar ben (u il bon nazo).

II mir-kirir un garson.

Bukli 1’ buklo.


Zi domenar tos.


Labori po glor.


Basesta komun-multipla; Basesta

konmultipla. Dikoragat. Ixo-kolpo. Forfel; runda sum. Snak.

II ley lashir. Nerumur.

Guer sar rov-selekto.

Juginstruer. Vivaforte. Menten-alok. Uti un kotil.

Et portret ley aspifar un oldin.

II shir komparsi antel juger.

Fardisi pol serado. Vivi marie. Palyomo.

Vu no geradir va ecos sufe ben.

Tosorta kozos. II seneduka. Plulyes. Mondomap.

Exklam-punto; interogo-punt. Nermerkado.

Doktor, Profesor; Letros-licensyat.

He is his own master. Her hat matches her dress. Match-mark.

It does not matter!; it makes no odds!

What is the matter with you ?

A matter of no importance.

By no means.

Without meaning it.

What does this word mean in

English ? Square measure. Liquid measure. Beyond measure. Medical examiner. Medical officer. Medical jurisprudence. By the medium of. Culture medium. To meet trouble half-way. That meets the case. Not worth mentioning.

Don’t mention it! I am at your mercy! Works of mercy. It’s a mercy that you came to help me.


To clear up the mess.

Bare-midriff ensemble.

Milk and water (adj.).

To cry over spilt milk.

He is going thourgh the mill.

He did his brother a mischief.

Model maker.

Model (Mannequin).

Money market.

Money payment.

Most horrible.

Most of my friends.

Most people believe this.

Mountain sickness.

A dreadful muddle.

He is a multimillionaire.

Multiplication table.

He must be a foreigner.

You must not touch our books.

Mutual testament.

Mutual benefit Society.

For want of a nail the shoe wasllost.

Full name.

He spoke in his brother’s name.

What is your name ?

They are in narrow circumstances.

They had a narrow escape.

Natural history.

Death from natural causes.

He was as near as could be to death.

The same or near it.

They nearly died.

He gives me a pain in the neck.

He is shot in the neck (Am.).

She had to go to a nerve specialist.

Shopping net.

What is the news ?

II sa prop mastro.

La capel benkunar kon la rob.


No vikar! - Senvika!

Ко ve oxar ? - Ka lo mat kon vu ? Un mat senvika (nilvika). Milmode. - Nilkaze. Novole.

Ke mindar et vort anglale ?






Jusmedik; Medikjus.


Koltomedo. Kiri nugos. Eto konvenar.

No valar mensyon. - Nomensyonenda.

No dey! - Nil mal! - Senvika!

Mi valesale!


Sar un canso vu venir m’elpi.


Dibroli ‘1 nop.

Dupyesa moldel.

Fada, sengusta.

Plori pol pot rompat.

II pasar un mal orqarim.

II lezir sa frat.






Plus ma amikos. Plusunos kredar eto. Montalgo.

Un skur foro; un skur eco.

II mulmilyoner.


II probable xena.

Vu no shar toki na libros.

Surviv testament.

Elpuco-Socado/» Elpucio.

Manke un klod lo sut perdat.

Nam e prenam; plennam.

II parlir name sa frat.

Ka va nam ?

Zi in duf dengostando.

Zi skaponir.


Natura mort.

II sir nireste mort.

Samo о fas.

Zi fas mortir. - Zi sir nir mort. II me skoconar. II bevoca.