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mediocrity mekan; -er engine; machinist mekaneyo; -nio mechanism; mechani-calism; machinery mekanik, —nio mechanics mekanismo machinism mekanist mechanic mel, -a better о mcle better adv. mel esta; -e the best a; adv. meli; -azo to better, to improve;

improvement, amelioration melmele better and better melmo; -a; -i mire, slime, mud; miry, muddy; to bog, to mire melmol silt

melodio; -oda melody; -ious melodram; -a melodrama; -tic melon melon

mem, -or ; —i memory; to remember meme by heart, by rote men unless [wife, housekeeper

menago; -erin housekeeping; house-mendi; -o to mend, to correct; correcting, correction

mendik, -er; -i; -azo beggar; to beg;

begging, beggary, mendicity mendodom Borstal; - prison, - school,

reformatory meneli to spare, to indulge meni to lead, to conduct, to rule menko handle, crop, helve, neck mensi ; -er ; -il to have a meal; person having a meal; cover (knife,fork,spoon), table utensil 351

menso ; -i meal; to have a meal mentala, -e by heart a,adv. menten; -1 maintenance, maintening n; to -tain; - aloh maintenance allowance

mento; -a; -eso judgement; mental;

-ity menton chin

merco; -er haberdashery; -dasher merendo, -1 tea, tea-time; to have tea

(coffee, etc.) merengo meringue mergi; -o to dive, to plunge; plunging,

dipping n, immersion merit; -i merit; to -, to deserve merkado market; agreement merko; -er goods, merchandise;

merchant merkurmecurry.auicKS Iver merlo blackbird mes; -a; -e month; -ly a;adv. mesajo; -er; -i message; messenger;

to message meskina; -eso niggard, -ly, poor, shabby, mean; meanness, stinginess, niggardliness mesme even adv. mesmese from month to month mest; -i craft, business, trade, profession; to carry on a trade, a profession metalizik, —a metaphysics; -ysical metal; -a metal; -llic metalurglo ;-urgametallurgy; -urgic metamorfo; -1 metamorphosis; to -ose

meteo; -ea; -eal meteorology; -gical; weather forecast bulletin met! to put

me tod; -a method; -ical metreyo metric system metro ; -a metre, meter; metric metroh, metroo Paris underground

(train, railway) metropol; -a metropolis; -olitan mev sea-mew, gull Mey(o); -a ; -e May; of, in May mezanin mezzanine, entresol mezo; -e means n, way; by means of mi I

mia my, mine

mico; -i mushroom; to grow as -s mid; -a, -e noon; of, at - mifarmer metayer, tenant farmer migo crumb, soft bread migol small crumb migro migration inik not

miko ; -a mica n;a mikro microphone, mike mikrob; -a microbe; -ial mikroskop ; -a microscope; -ic mil thousand

mila; -im thousandth (ordinal; fraction) milda mild milimetro millimetre milisyo ; -yer militia; - man militara; -ismo military; -ism militi to militate; -ter militant milko (hot.) millet milo a thousand


mil to grindstone

milyardo; -der milliard, (US) billion; multimillionaire milyo mile (meas.) milyon ; -er million; -aire mimoso mimosa min; -e less, minus; lesser mina less, lesser

minax; -i threat; to -en; menace; to - minel; -at; -i (mil., engine) mine; -ed; to -

mineral, -a mineral n;a mineraqo mineral water mingo sleeve

mini ; -azo to decline; -ing n minim, -um ; -a minimum n;a ministrado ministry, department ministro minister

minora minor [ber)

minoreso; -eyo minority (age: num-minox; -a, -e midnight; -‘s; at - minsa thin minsel sliced meat minste at least mint (hot.) mint minut; -al minute; time-switch minval decrease in value miopa; -io shortsighted; -ness, myopia

mir ; -i look; to - at miraklo ; -a miracle; -culous mir el; -I aiming; to aim miril opera-glasses, field-glasses Mirko ; -a; -e Wednesday; of, on - mirmo; -i ant; to swarm miron; -i covetousness; to covet miru! look! mis (relig.) тявв mister; -a mystery; -ious mistik, -a mysticism; mystical mit; -a myth; -ical miting meeting

mitologio; -oga mythology; -ical mitral; -i machine-gun; to - mitralet tommy-gun, sub-machine-gun mix(o); -i mixing n; to mix mixa mixed

mixeco ; -i foul relations; to have — mizeryo; -ya poverty, need, misery; miserable

mizo ; -i stake; to -; -at,in -o at stake mo but

mobila; —i movable, mobile; to mobilize

moblo; -i; -eyo piece of furniture; to furnish; furniture mod way, manner model; -i model; to - modelist model-maker mod era, -t; -i; -eso moderate; to -; -ation

moderna; -ayos modern; - conveniences

modesta; -eso modest; -y modifik; -i modification; to modify modika; -eso moderate; -ness; unpretending modvo ; -ya, -ye fashion; -able; -ably mogi may v

mogo faculty, possibility, permission, leave


ток ; —i mockery; to mock

mokofendi; -o to scoff at; scoffing at n

mola; —eso soft; -ness

moldel swaddling-band; vest, Jersey

moldeii; -i knitted wear; to knit

molko ; -i mould; to -

molov soft-boiled egg

molusko (zool.) mollusc

momeii when, Just when

mon; —a money; monetary

monal banknote

monark; —a; —io monarch; -ic; -y

monca one-armed

mond ; —a world n;a

mondan; —in worldy man; - woman

mondomap map of the world

monel; -ado urchin, little boy, street—

boy ^little-boys’ pranks monio currency, change, small change monitor monitor топко ; —in monk; nun mon-merkado money market monol small piece of money monolog ; —i monologue; to soliloquize monopol monopoly monotona; —eso monotonous; -tony monstro; —a monster; monstrous mont, —anyo; —a mount, mountain;

mountainous, hilly mont-algo mountain sickness, height - montan highlander, mountaineer montant;-iamount; to-,to mount up.

to add up to montel hill

monti to go up, to ascend

mon to rise, rising, going up n

montri ; —о to show; show, display n

monument; —a monument; -al

mor(a) black; brown

moral; -a morals; morale, spirits;

moral a moratoryo moratorium morbil; —a (med.) measles n\a, morbil-lous

morco bit (horse’s)

mordi; -o to bite; bite n; -i polvo to

kiss the dust morgo; —ye mortuary, (US) morgue; at the -

morko ; —a haemorrhoids; -hoidal morin brunette

moroza; —eso gloomy, dull, morose,

sullen; moroseness, dullness Mormon; —a Mormon n\a morna cheerless, dismal, gloomy mort; -a; -i death; dead; to die mortal (a); -eso mortal n(a); -ity mortasizo slack season mortifa deadly

morun; —et brown man; brown boy mos(o); -el groom, dark; ship’s boy, deck-boy

mosha; -eso ugly, -ness; rotten, -ness moskeo mosque


mosko fly

mostardo mustard

mot(o); -i motorcycle; to go on -

motel motel

motiv; —i motive, cause; to cause motor ; —i motor; to -ize motoskaf motorboat mov(o); -i; —ema; —adi movement;

to move; bustling, fldgety; to start off movot; -i trigger; to - mudi; -er; -aro to mill, to grind; miller; mill muf; —i; —a mildew, mould; to -;

mouldy, musty, mildewed mugi ; -o to bellow; -ing n mugil fog-horn

nuk; —i heap, pile; to heap, to pile up mul much; many

mulatra; -o; -in mulatto a;n; -attress, (US) griffin mulko (zool.) mussel mulkolora variegated, multicoloured mulmele; —a much better adv.,a mulmilyoner multimillionaire mulso; -in (zool.) mule, he-mule; she-mule

multo; —i fine, penalty; to fine, to penalize

multipla; —o; -i; —al multiple a,n\ -ication; to -iply; -ication table mum; —i mummy; to -ifу тип; -at; -i supplies, ammunition;

provided (with); to provide, to supply mund mouth

mungi; -o to draw, to milk; milking n municip; —a municipality; -icipal mur; -el wall; partition (- wall) murdo ; —a; —i; —er murder; -ous;

to murder; -er murlo ; -eyer mulberry; -tree murmo; —i murmur, -ing n; to - murmon; -i grumble; to - mus ; -el rat; mouse mush; -a misery, poverty, destitution;

miserable muskat (grape, wine) muscat musklo; -a muscle; -ular muslo ; -a (bot.) moss; -y mustash moustache muta; -eso dumb; -ness mutili; —azo to mutilate; -ation mutini; —er; —azo to mutiny; -ineer;

mutiny muy very

muzeo ; —ea museum; -‘s