muzik; —a music; -al
muziker; -ist musician (player,
author) muzo muse
muzyet (mus.) musette; - bal popular
dance-ball, popular ball myel; -a; -ema honey n; a; - like myellun honeymoon myeto; -i; -er harvest; to -; -er
na our; ours
nacel nacelle, basket, cockpit Nadam Our Lady nafto; —alin naphta; -line nagi; —о to swim; -mining n nakro; -a mother-of-pearl, nacre; - - a nam; -i; —at name; to call, to name; called; ka va -? what is your name? namadi; —о to appoint; -ment name in the name of nameleste the best we can adv. nam—id name-day, f6te-day, Saint’s-day namkart(o) card, visiting-card nan, —a; -in; -eso dwarf n\a\ /;
dwarf-condition naopine in our opinion, in our view nap; —el; —et table-cloth; napkin;
tea-cloth, doily Napatro Lord’s Prayer nar (a) next, to come a naranyo; -ya next year; —‘s narbultene in the next bulletin nardomin(ko) next Sunday naren nostril
naridyes some day, on a next occasion,
one of these days nariske at our risk narjjov; -a next Thursday; -‘s narlundo; -a next Monday; -‘s narmatinyes one of the next days, of
the next mornings narmes ; -a next month; -‘s narmirko; —a next Wednesday; -‘s narnum ; -e; —a next number, next issue; in the, of the - - naroxe on a next occasion (opportunity) narsab; -a next Saturday; -‘s nartempe in the coming time nartud ; -a next Tuesday; -‘s narvek; -a next week; -‘s narvenso; -a next Friday: -‘ь naryem; -a next winter; -‘s naryes next time narzom ; -a next summer; -‘s nas ours pron. nasa; -at native; born nasalinguo mother tongue nasalok birthplace nasid birthday
naso; -i; -a, -at birth; to be bom; bom
nasorax birth-rate naspeze at our expense (charge) nasyon; -a; -ismo nation; -al; -alism
Natal; -a; -ye Christmas n\a\ on - day natalarbo; -dindin; -velyon
Christmas-tree; - turkey; -eve natur; -a; -e nature; -al; -ally naturalismo; -ist (a) naturalism; -ist n(a)
naturistor natural history; object
lesson naturne on our turn naufrago; —i; —at, —un wreck, shipwreck; to wreck; shiprecked n nauzo; -a ; -i nausea; -eous; tosicken;
to feel sick nav ; -a ship; naval navigo; -i; -er navigation; to -ate: -ator
navri; —a, -at; —о to grieve; -ed; grief
nazo; —a nose; nasal nazopalmi to make a long nose Nb (Notabene) N.B. (Nota bene) ne us
nea in Neo a neblo; -a fog; foggy Nedo; -a; -al Netherlands; Dutch. Dutschman; Dutch (language) nee in Neo adv. nefasta ill-omened nefro ; —it kidney; nephritis ncglo; -a; -i; -at negligence; -ent;
to neglect; -ed negi; —о ; —a to deny; -ial; negative negosado; -i; -er negociation; to -ate; -ator
negoso; — er; — i trade, business;
businessman; to trade nei to know, to practice Neo Neist, -in Neist m;/ nek not, not at all nekta net a nel in the
nemik, —a enemy; hostile, inimical
neologo neologism
neon (electr.) neon
neoplasmo neoplasm, new growth
nep ; -in nephew; niece
ner(a) black
nermerkado black market; (US) grey market
neroka, —kapla black-eyed; black-haired
ner-umur macabre humour [blues nervidon; — i blues n pli to have the nesa ; —о ; —i necessary; necessity; to want, to need nesar it is necessary net (a); —eso; —i clean; -ness; to - netego ; —i spring cleaning; to make — netetisi to tidy up neura nerve a. -ous neuralgio; —a neuralgia; -algic neurastenio; —stena neuresthenia; -enic
ncurema; —о nervous; -ness neuri to excite, to irritate neurit; -a neuritis; -itic neuro nerve
neurolog ; -io neurologist; -logy neutra ; -eso neutral; -ity nev; -i; -sut snow; to -; - boot nex; -i connection; to connect ni never
nid ; -i nest; to - nigra negro a.n
nikel; -a; -i nickel n;a; to - plate
nil (a) no a
nile no wise, in no way. not at all
nilecer; -eci; -o lazy-bones; to do
nothing; laziness nili to annihilate
nilkaze in no case, on no account
nilo nothing
nilon; -a nylon n\a
nilosa; -o no other a; nothing else
nilun nobody
nilval rascal, good-for-nothing n
nilye nowhere
nilyes never, not once
nir; —a; —i near prep, a; to near, to
approach nirazo approach, -ing n niresta, —e nearest a.adv. Niroryent Near-East niudat never heard niv ; -i level; to - nividat never seen nivinkat unconquered ilix; — e nothing at all; not at all no no, not
noa; noe negative; -ly noabitua unusual noadmitibla inadmissible noaktiva; -eso inactive; -ity noaltribla unchangeable, unfailing noapta; -eso inapt; -itude noatendat unexpected noaxedibla inaccessible, unreachable nobatibla unbeatable, invincible nobennomale so-so nobevibla un drink able nobla, -e; -eso; -eyo noble; -y;
-ness; nobility, gentry noeerta; —eso uncertain; -ty nodefena indefinite nodelibla indestructible nodependo; -a independence; -ent no dey ! Don’t mention it! nodezibla undesirable nodigestibla indigestible nodiskutibla unquestionable nodispendibla indispensable noduba; -e indubitable; -ly nodus not far nodyo (meas.) knot noe negatively noedibla uneatable noeditat unpublished noefieenta, —censo inefficient, -ency noelikaca; -eso ineffective, ineffectual; ineffectiveness, inefficacy noegala ; —eso unequal; inequality noeltema; -o impartial; -ity noendai unfinished [evitable
noevibla, -itibla unavoidable, in-noexakta ; -eso inexact; -itude noexista ; —о non-existent; -ence nofalibla; -eso infallible; -ibility nolavora unfavorable nofibla unfeasible, impracticable nofrosibla uncreasable noglutibla impossible to swallow noi to say no, to refuse noimitibla inimitable noinsa, -e not included a.adv. nointeresema ;-odisinterested; -ness noiusta not right, unjust nob; —a more, yet, still; ulterior, more, further
nokambat unchanged nokapabla unable, incapable noknicle still better adv. nokmin still less, lesser nokoltat uncultivated nokomoda uncomfortable, inconvenient a
nokonat; —nun; —nin unknown; -
man; - woman nokonselenda unadvisable nokonsilibla not reconciliable nokonsolibla inconsolable, disconsolate
nokontestibla incontestable nokorekta; —eso incorrect; -ness nokpize still worse nokplue still more nokredibla, nokribla unbelievable noksem still nokturno nocturne mus. nokumpo non-accomplishment nol; —i freight; to - nolegitima illegitimate nolektibla illegible, unreadable nolezifa harmless, inoffensive nolieila illicit nologika illogical nolopibla ineluctable nomad; —a; —ismo nomad n;a, -ic; -ism
nomala ;—e not bad, not so bad a;adv. nomata immaterial nomendibla incorrigible nomensyonenda not worth mentioning
nomeritat unmerited, undeserved
nomesme not even adv.
nomezuribla; -e immeasurable; -bly
nomine nevertheless
nomorala immoral
nomortala immortal, everlasting
nomovibla irremovable
non; —a; —im nine; -th ordinal-Jract.
nonegibla; —e undeniable; -bly
nonek nine hundred
non(o); —in grandpa; grandma
nonis ninety
nonok not yet
nonormala abnormal
nonur not only
nooblibla unforgettable, never-to-be-forgotten a
nooxat non-existent, null and void nop ; -a ; —at; —i knot; -tty; -tted; to - noparda odd, uneven noparelya unlike, dissimilar noparlenda! there is no question 1,
don’t talk of it! noperla; -eso imperfect a; -ion noperibla imperishable nopersona impersonal noplaqibla implacable noplue no more порок not so little nopoplema ;-o unpopular; -ity noposa ; -o powerless; -ness noposibla impossible noprevidibla unforeseeable noprobabla; -e; -eso improbable; -bly; -bility noproporsa disproportionate
noprufa not proof, not Impermeable nopunat; -uneso unpunished; impu-nity
nopura impure nor nor norape wrongly
noraiona not reasonable. Irrational
norakontibia indescribable
nord; -a; -e north n; - a, northern;
- adv, in the - of nordauror aurora boreal is nordon north wind nore neither noreala unreal noregla; —eso irregular; -ity nor exa; -e indirect; -ly norezistibla irresistible; -bly Norgo; -a; -al Norway; -wegian;