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-wegian (lang.) norimedibia irremediable. Irreparable noriparibla irreparable noriprensibla irreproachable, blameless

norisolva irresolute norivokibla irrevocable norma normal Normal Normal School norm!; -at; -azo to normalize; -ized; -ization normo norm, standard norompibla unbreakable norovibla irreversible noruske nor even norye neither nos; -a we; our, ours nosa tibia insatiable nosembla unlike a, dissimilar nosensibla; -e; -eso insensible; -bly; -bility

nosenava not without means (fortune).

on easy street noshira not expensive nosimila dissimilar, unlike nosimileso dissimilarity nosolvabla; -o,-eso insolvent; -ency nosolvibla insoluble, unsolvable nosonora ; -at; -i; -azo insonorous, soundproof; - proofed; to - proof; soundproofing n nosperat unhoped-for nospikibla inexpiable nosseif ourselves

nostalgio; -да nostalgia; -gic; homesickness; homesick nosula; -e insufficient; -tly nosyon notion, knowledge not; -i note; to - notaryo; -ya notary; -lal note! a word; a small letter notenda to be noted a notili to notify notis notice

notora; -eso notorious; notoriety notoxa non-toxic, non-poisonous notransigema; -o intransigent; -ence notromale not so bad adv notye namely, especially nousa non-American nouske not even adv.


noutra neither one nor the other, neither of both nouza unusual nouzajibla long-wearing a novala not valid, non-valid novalida; -eso invalid; -ity novaryibla invariable, unchanging Novem(bro); -ча; -e November; of, in -

novendenda not to sale, not for sale novendibla unsaleable novera ; -o not true; untruth noversembla; -o unconvincing, not verisimilar; unverlsimilitude novidibia ; -e invisible; -bly novinkibla invincible novola; -e unintentional; -Ну novunibla; -eso invulnerable: -bility nox; —a; —e night; -*s; in the -, at -, by -

noxbux night-club

noxoyo bedside-table

nuanso; -i shade; to -

nub ; -a cloud; -y

nubia nubile, marriageable

nuda; —eso; —ismo naked, nude,

bare; nudity; nudism nudcefa bare-headed nudoke to the naked eye adv nudpeda barefooted nugi ; -fa to annoy; -ying nuk nape, nape of the neck, back of neck nuklo; —a kernel; nucleus; nuclear nukloshenso nuclear science nula; -i; -azo non-existent, worthless, null; to cancel, to nullify; cancellation nulyo noodle

num ; -a number; numeral; numerous numego, numon big number, great

number nun; —a now; present a nunco nuncio nunojje nowadays nunore at this time, at this hour nunpree, —ea formerly; former nun ye henceforth, from now on nupso; -a wedding n; - a nuptial nur only

nurso; —in male nurse; nurse f nus(a); -o pretty; -iness nuseta dainty, pretty, graceful nushi to be stumped (for a question,

for an examination) nusi to embellish nutri ; -o to feed; food nuv(a); -o new: novelty, something new

nuvadi; -o to innovate; -ation Nuvanyo New Year nuvayo novelty novayon house-warming nuvel news n nuvelyo short story, tale nuvi to renovate, to renew nuvnasa newborn

nux; -el; -il nut, walnut; hazel-nut:

nutcrackers Nux! Nuts! nyet no

О or

oazo; —a oasis; - s’

obe; —a upstairs, above; above a

obed ; a; — i obedience; -ient; to obey

obeza obese, stout

obis shell, shrapnel

objek ; -a; -e object; -ive a; -ively

objekiv objective n\ target, aim; lent;

object-glass obiekti ; -o to object; -ion oblel omission, oversight oblenda to be forgotten a obli; -o to forget; -ing n, oblivion obligado ; -i obligation (duty, gratefulness)’, to oblige, to serve obligema; -o obliging, kind; -ness obligi ; -o to oblige, to compel; obligation

obliqa oblique; -i to -, to bias oblo forgetting n, oblivion obnamat above-mentioned, aforesaid oboe (mus. instr.) oboe obol obol

obsedi; -o to obsess: -ion observaro observatory observi; —о to observe; -ation obshena; -eso obscene; -ity obstaklo ; -i obstacle; to hinder, to bar,

to put obstacles obstina; -eso obstinate; -inacy obstrui ; —uo to obstruct; -ion obten; —i obtaining n, obtention; to obtain

obtusa obtuse

obvia obvious

ocean; —a ocean; -ic

Oceanyo ; -ya Oceania; -ian

ocid; —i; —er killing n; to kill; -er

od ; -i hate; to -

odel (poet.) ode

odiseo odyssee

odor ; -i smell, odour; to -

of; -a often; frequent

of endo ; —i offence; to offend; insult, to -

ofensiv; — a n;a offensive

ofeso frequency

oficala; -e official; -lly

oficer officer

ofico office, function

oficosa; -e officious; -ly

ofiso (eccles.) service

ofmodulazo frequency modulation

ofno stove

ofro ; -i offer; to -

ofuski to obfuscate

ogiv; -a ogive; -al

obro ; —in ogre; -ess

objiveke within to weeks from to-day,

in a fortnight oje; a;—i to-day;-‘s;tobringupto date ojmese within a month from to-day,

in a month ojjveke within a week from to-day, in a

week ok ; -a eye; ocular O.K., Оке! all right 1 Okado ; -i glance; to - okazyon; —a occasion, bargain; - a okel; -i wink; to - at okelil (mot.) winker okil glasses, spectacles okist oculist okorzo (med.) sty, stye Oktob(ro); -ra; -re October; -‘s; in -

okulta; —ismo occult; -ism okup ; -i occupation; to -upy okuyo (horse’s) blinder ol on the, over the

Oland; -a; -al Holland; Dutch;

Dutch (lang.) olda; -ayo old; old thing oldboy; —fel bachelor; spinster; old bachelor; old spinster; unmarried oldema; -o senile; -ility oldeso oldness oldo old age

oldun ; oldin old man; old woman

olfo ; —i smell (sense); to -

olimpya ; -yados Olympic; Olympiads

oliv ; -yer olive; -tree

olivolyo olive-oil

olko, olkel pan, pot

olmo (bot.) elm

olografa holograph a

olsaler; —alio joiner, carpenter; -‘s

work, woodwork olsen stake, pyre olsio woodwork, wainscot olso ; -a wood, timber; wooden olson ; -er log; woodcutter; (US) lumber jack, lumberman olsorno wainscot, -ing n olsul stick, log

oltrago ; —i insult, to -; outrage, to - olyo ; —ya oil; - a; oily om; —a, —ana man; human omancso humanity (quality) omanismo (s) humanities, classics omblik ; —a navel, umbilicus; umbilical ombrago; —a umbrage; -eous, touchy ombro ; —a shadow, shade; -ed omeyo humanity (people) omit; —i to omit; -ission omna all a

omnide all days, every day adv. omnye everywhere omnyes every time omocid, —er ; —a; —i homicide (action; man); -al; to commit -, to murder omonim, —a homonym; -ous omoplat homoplate,’ scapula, shoulder-blade

Omorekos Human Bights, Bights of Man; - Defendo-Ligo League for the Defence of —; Om-e Civan-Rekos- Deklo Declaration of Bights of Man and of the Citizen omsovene within the remembrance of

man on on

ondo ; —ado wave; -, big -

ondul; — i waving n (the hair); to wave

one over


onesta; —eso honest; -y ongadi, -o to starve, -ation ongo ; -i; -io; -a hunger; to be hungry; famine, stavation; hungry ongostrek hunger-strike oni to overhang, to cover, to hang over onix onyx

onki to drive (into), to stick in, to plough in onklo uncle

onmezura, -e made to measurea; adv. onor; —i honour; to - onorala honorary onorayo fee, honorarium onorenda, onoribla honorable ont; —a ; —i shame; -ful; to be ashamed onvege on the way opaka; —eso opaque; opacity oper, -ado; -i; -a operation; to -ate; -ative

operyo opera

opin; -i opinion; to be of opinion that opon; -i; -er opposition; to oppose; opponent

oponeyo ; —ya (vol.) opposition; -‘s opradi to bring into play, to start off opral work, product, book oprer ; —in worker, workman; -woman opres; -i oppression; to oppress opro work, action, product oplik; -a ; -er optics; -ic; -ician optimismo; -ist; -ista optimism; -ist; -istic

opti; —о to opt: option, choice opulenta; -lenso opulent; -ence opyo opium

or hour; (also: future of i, to have) or(o) hour

ora horary, per hour a orago; -a storm; -y oral; —a n oral examination; a oral orango; -gad (oranjo, -ad) orange; -eade