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pastoral n, a (mus., poet.) pastro ; -a (eccles.) pastor; -al pasvek; -a,-e last week; -‘s; — adv. pasyes last time

pasyon; -a; -i passion n; -ate; to impassion


pasyonifa thrilling, exciting pat v partciple of pi. to be able paten; —er ; —i skate; -er; to - Pater Lord’s Prayer pati to take pity, to commiserate pato compassion patren godfather patrimon; —a patrimony; -onial patrio; -ia country, fatherland; - а patro ; -a father; paternal patrocid ; -er; -idi parricide (action; person) ; to commit - patron; —a boss, master; -ly a patrulyo; -yi patrol; to - pauzo; -i pause; to - pav ; —a fear; afraid pavadi to frighten

paved(o); -i paving, pavement; to

pave pavi to be afraid pax; —a peace; pacific, peaceful paxaro cemetery

paxismo; -ist; -ista pacifism; -ist n;a

pd(pund) pound pe by, through

ped ; -ado; -adi foot; kick; to - pedagog; -a; -io pedagogue; -gogi-cal; -gogy

pedal; -i pedal; to - pedant; —a; —i pedant; -ic; to show pedantry

pedantismo, pedant eso pedantry pedapaso pedestrian passage pede on foot adv., afoot pedestal pedestal pedi to walk, to go on foot pedil footboard

pediraro footpath, (US) sidewalk

pedirer pedestrian n

peforte perforce: by force

pego; -i pledge, pawn; to -

рек ; -i; -er sin; to -; sinner

pekto; -a breast, chest; -‘s, pectoral

pekun; —a money; pecuniary, money’s

pel by the, through the

peli; -o, -azo to drive out, to expel;

expulsion pelso ; -er fur; furrier pen; —i pain; to -, to afflict penal; -a penal code; penal penalado; — i penalty; to penalize penco; —os penny; pence pendel pendant n

pendi; —il to hang; hat-peg,hook,coat-hanger

pendo hanging n

pendon; -i scaffold, gibbet, gallows;

to hang (torture) pendul; -yo pendulum; clock, small clock

penetri; —о; -azo to penetrate; -ation

penko; -i pick; to dig up penombro; -e penumbra, half-light; in the -

pansel (bot.) pansy penso; -i thought; to think pensyon; —aryo board, -ing-house; pension, full-board; boarder, inmate; pensioner


pensyonado; —naro pensioner’s condition; boarding-school pensyoner pensioner pen la repentant pentadaro penitentiary pental penitence pento; — i repentance; to repent penury о shortage, penury penyo ; -yi comb; to - pep; —at; —i pepper; -y; toper because perat perished

percep ; —i perception; to percieve percev; -i collecting n\ to collect perdo ; -i; -at loss; to lose; lost perel, —azo ; pereli declining, wasting

away; to decline, to waste away perfa; -azo perfect; perfecting n perfi; -o to perfect, to bring to perfection; perfection perfida; -eso perfidious; -idy, -ousness

perfismo; -ist; -ista perfectionism; -ist n\a

performo ; -i performance; to perform pergamen; -a; -i parchment n;a;

to give а - finish; to shrivel up peri; -ibla to perish; -able peril; -a peril; -ous perim; -i; -at lapse n; to -; -ed period ; -a period; -ic(al) period ik periodical publication periplo periplus

periton; -it {anat.) peritoneum; -onitis

perio ; -ol partridge; young - perkal cambric muslin, percale perklusa stiff, crippled, stiff-jointed perkurso; -i route, way; to go (also:

to look through) perkut; -a, -ifa; -i percussion; -ive;

to percuss, to strike, to blow, to tap perlo pearl

permana; —eso, —aro permanent;

-ence; all-day, all-night service permanel permanent wave permi; -o to permit, to allow; permission permisi to allow oneself permut; -i exchange, permutation, to

exchange perno ; -a; -i pivot n;a; to - pero perdition

perok; -i parrot; to recite, to repeat like a - peroneo (anat.) fibula peroro ; -i peroration; to -ate perpa ; -e; -o perpetual; -lly; -uity persa Persian, persic persek ; —i persecution, to -ute persev; —i perseverance; to -vere persho pole; jumping-pole; trolley-pole persil parsley person ; —a person; -al personajo ; —onon personage; bigwig,

big bug. (US) big wheel personeyo staff, employees, personnel perspektiv perspective, prospect perspika; -eso perspicacious; -cacity persuadi; -o to persuade; -uasion perturbi; -o to perturb; -ation


perverti; —о to pervert; -version pes since, as, considering that pes (o) piece

pesh fish; -er, -erin fish-seller я»,/; —io fish shop pesker fisher peski; -o to fish; -ing n peskior (ship) trawler, fishing-boat peskolin fishing rod peskopermo fishing licence pesk-vermo angle-worm pest; —a plague, pestilence; pestilential, plague-stricken petal petal

petisyon ; -i petition; to - petrema; -o stony, hard-hearted, -ness

petro ; -a ; -i stone n\a -y; to petrify petrol; —a; —ior petrol, paraffin oil, petroleum oil, (US) kerosene; - a; tanker

petula; -eso lively; -iness pex; —a breast, chest, bosom; - a, pectoral

pezo; -i; -a; -il weight; to weigh; heavy; scales pi to be able pia ; pieso pious; piety pic ; -eyer peach; - tree pigment pigment pigmeo ; -ea pygmy; -ean pigo magpie

pigro ; -i; — a laziness; to laze, to idle; lazy

pijam pyjamas, pajamas pijin; -a ; -e pidgin n,a; in - piion pigeon

pik (weapon) pike, spear; (cards) spade

pikel (game) piquet

pikies pickles

piknik; -i picnic; to -

pikpok ;-er pocket-picking;pickpocket

pikup pick-up

pil; -a; -oza hair, pile, nap, bristle; hairy; shaggy pilaf pilaw, pilaff pilastro pilaster

pildo; -face; -i (of money, medal) reverse, tails; heads or tails; to toss up pilgo ; — er pilgrimage; pilgrim pilko pile, heap pilon pylon, pillar pilor; -a (anat.) pylorus pilot; -i pilot; to - pilso ; -i pile-driver, rammer; to ram pilul pill

pilyo (electr.) battery; (US) flashlight battery

pirn ent; -i; -a, -at pimento; to pepper, to season with red pepper; hot, sharp, peppery pimpa spruce, natty pincel finch, chaffinch pinci to force-feed, to gorge, to stuff pingo (arch.) gable pingpong pingpong pinso, -il; -i nipping n; pliers, nippers, clip; to nip

pinter, pintor painter pinti to paint pinto, — io painting n 361

pinturer house-painter, paint-worker pintur; -i paint, paint work; to coat

with paint pinup pin-up pinyel fir-cone, pine-cone pinyo pine-tree

pion (game) man, pawn; (school’s) junior master, under-master, (US) proctor pioner pioneer pip pipe

piramid ; -a pyramid; -al

pirat; -i; -ado, -io pirate; to -;

piracy pirex; -a pyrex n.a pirit pyrites

pirogo canoe, piragua, pirogue pirso ; -eyer pear; -tree pish ; -i pissing n\ to piss,to make water pist track, ring; trail pistash pistachio-nut pistil(yo) (bot.) pistil pistol; -a; -ado (weapon) pistol w;o; - shoot

piston; -i piston; to push, to back pistrel (zool.) bat pit(o); -i pity; to take - pitenda; pitibla piteous; pitiable piza ; -i worse; to -en pize worst adv. pizel (bot.) pea pizelel small pea, green - PK (Pre Krist) B.C. (before Christ) plad(o); -i pleading n; to plead, to advocate

plafon ceiling [-ist

plapi; -o; -er to plagiarize; -iarism; plaja; -en sea-shore a; - dress plaio sea-shore, beach plak plank, plate, slat, tablet, sheet, plaque

plakta; -i plated; to plate; veneered;

to veneer plan plan, project; level, plane plana even, flat, level a planal (geog.) plain, flat country plancil (techn.) planisher planet; -a planet; -ary planing planning

plankal; -i stage, -ing, scaffolding.

heap; to scaffold, to pile up, to erect planken shelf

planko plank, board, plate, batten planpeda, -e on the same level, on the same floor a.adv. planralbo corn-crake, water-rail plant; -aro, -azo; -i plant; plantation; planting n; to plant plaqi; -ila; -o to appease; -ing;

-ement; to quieten; -ing, soothing a;n plar v present of pli, to please plas place; seat plaska flat

plastik, -a plastic n.a plastro plaster

plat dish, course (also: participle of pli

to please) platan plane-tree platel plate n