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platen; -i crockery, table-service, table-ware; to wash up


platformo platform platin platinum plato dish

plaudi; —о to applaud; applause

plaza; -i pleasant, agreeable; to please

plazo pleasure

plebisit; -a plebiscite; -tary

pled plaid, travelling-rug

plek; -i explanation; to explain

plen, -a full n;a

plendo; -i complaint; charge; to lay

a charge (against) plene fully

plengade light-heartedly, gladly pleni to All

plenide in the middle of day, in broad daylight

plenkone with full knowledge of the facts

plenlume in full light plenmede in the very middle plennam full name plennoxe in the middle of night plenoco ; -a chubbiness; chubby plenposo; -a full powers; plenipotentiary

plenreke by right, as of right plentempo; -a;-e full-timen; a\adv. plenvite in full speed adv plenyeme in the middle of winter, at the height of -

plenzome in the middle of summer, at the height of - pleuroso (med.)pleurisy plexiglas plexiglass plezanti; -o; -e to jest, to joke; Joke, -ing, jest; as a joke pli to please; pli! please 1 plik(o); -i; -azo fold; to -; -ing n pliken cover, envelop plis(o); -i; -azo pleat; to -; -ing n plomb(o) lead (metal) plombel lead soldier, tin soldier plombist plumber

plor weeping; (also future of pli, to

please) plori; -er to weep; -er ploron; -i; -er whining; to whine; -er plot; -i feat, prowess, exploit; to make a -

plu; -a more adv.’,a, added

pluadi; —о to increase; - n

pluazo increment, augmentation

plude more, more and more

plue in addition, besides

plugo plough

plui to increase

plul, -unos several a; - ones

plulye in several places

plulyes several times, many a time

plum feather; pen

plumine more or less

pluplue more and more

plur v. conditional of pli, to please

plural, -a plural n,a

plus (a) most a

pluse mostly, for the most part pluso most things, most of it plusunos most people plusye in most places plusyes most of the time, most times


pluv ; -i rain; to - pluvil umbrella pluvon shower, downpour pluye rather pneumo pneumothorax po for poem poem poet poet

poezio ; -eza poetry; poetic(al) pogo; -i support, bearing; to support;

to lean рок (a) a little, few a poko little n, pronoun, a little quantity pokpoke little by little pokunos few people pokye in few places pokyes a few times pol for the

pol; —a; —astel (geog.) pole; -ar;

Pole-star, lodestar polado; -adi polarization; to -ize poldo; -i polish, -ing, shine, -ing n;

to polish polemik; —1 polemics; to -mize pol en (bot.) pollen poliedro polyhedron poliglot(a) polyglot n.a poliklinik polyclinic, general hospital pollp (zool.) polyp; {med.) polypus polls; -a; -aro; -er police n;o; - station; -man polisyo policy; sekur - insurance policy politik; -a politics; -ic(al) Polno ; -a; -al Poland; Polish;- (lang.) polsen link, cuff-button polso wrist polto armchair

polvo; -a dust; -y; mordi -o to kiss the dust

polyo ; -myelit polio; -myelitis

pom; -yer apple; -tree

pomkompot apple-sauce

pompal; -a display, array; pompous

pomper fireman

pompist {mot.) pump assistant

pompo pump

pon, -azo ; -i putting, placing, laying;

to put, to place ponadi; —o; —aro to warehouse; -ing n; - n

pondi ; -o to lay (an egg)\ laying n

ponso pumice-stone

pont; —er bridge; pontonier

pon til; -a; -i pontiff; -iflcal; to -flcate

ponton pontoon

pool pool

popleyo population

poplo ; —a; —emo ; -ema people;

popular; -arity; -ular por v future of pi, to be able porcelan porcelain, china pord,-odoor

pordexi to reject, to expulse (a visitor) pordigi to go to the door pordon gate

porgo; -i offer; to offer, to give

pork; -in; -ol pig, pork; sow; piglet;

porkolot suckling-pig

porlo (bot.) leek

porsh(o) porch, portal

porso portion


port (o) carrying n, carriage, postage

porti to carry, to bear

por tret; -i portrait; to draw a -

poryo (anat.) pore

posa powerful

posed (o); -i possession; to possess posh; -i pocket; to - posi to be able positive; —e positive; -ly poso power

pospon ; -i postponement; to postpone post; -a; -er post; -al; -man postel set, device, instrument posti to mail, to post postkont postal account postkontor post-office post(o)bux letter-box post(o)ferma Poste restante, to be called for (post), (US) general delivery post (o)giro postal transfer post(o)pak parcel post post(o)valto postal money-order pot pot potaso potash

pov, —a; —o, —eso poor; poverty pozisyon position

pozo ; -i placing, laying m; to place, to lay

pradel platform, stand pralin praline

pranso; -aro dinner; dining-room pratik, —a; -i practice; -cal; to -tise prato meadow pre before (time) prea former, prior, previous preala; -e previous; -ly preaverli to announce, to warn precisa ; -eso precise; -ision predanki to thank beforehand predestin; -i; -at predestination;

to -ine; -ined predici ; —о to predict; -iction prediluva antediluvian pree previously, before preeso anteriority prefabrikat prefabricated prefaco preface, foreword prefekt(o); -ado prefect; -ure preferi; -o to prefer; -ence prefix prefix

pregna, -at; -i; —о impregnated;

to -gnate; -ation [ask

pregi; -o to pray; prayer; to beg, to prei to precede

preid; -c the day before madv.; eve preistor; -a prehistory; -ic prejugel; -i preconceived notion, opinion; to have —s prejugi to prejudge preiugun old offender, old lag prekauto; -i precaution; to take -s prekoca; -eso precocious; -ness prekonizi ; —о to advocate, to (re)commend, to preconize; recommendation, preconization prekonklud foregone conclusion prekono prescience, foreknowledge prekont previous account; previous deduction

prekontado; —i previous estimate n, tender; to tender


prekurser precursor prekursi to forerun prel before the (time) prelasta last but one prelat prelate

prelib; -a; -i predilection; -ted; to

have a predilection for prem premium premensel hors-d’oeuvre premid ; -a morning; -‘s, antemeridian premyo; —yi prize, reward; to allow a - prem yon premium, key money, big tip pren(o); -i taking n, capture; to take prenam Christian name, first name prenasa antenatal prendo ; — i seizure; to seize prenel (electr.) socket prenil handle

prenso; —a pregnancy; pregnant prenupsa antenuptial preokup; —i preoccupation; to -py preparga preventive prepargo; -i prevention; to ward off, to avert

prepari; -o to prepare; -ation preposo; —a arrogance; -ant prepozo preposition preprizo imprisonment awaiting trial prerogo, -ativ prerogative pres; -i pressure (also: press); to press presbita; -eso (med.) long-sighted; -ness

presegnal premonition

present (о); -i presentiment; to have a -

preservi; -o to protect; -ion; to

preserve; -ing n, -ation president; -enso president; -ence presil press; printing press pres-kampado press-campain presko ; -i ; -er sermon; to preach; -er prespici to underestimate prest(o); -i loan; to lend presya precious

presyadi; -o to appreciate: -iation presyeci; -o to bargain; -ing n presyo price

presyon ; —i pression; to press, to push pretendo ; -i pretention; to pretend pretext (o); -i pretext; to - pretote above all, especially preval; -i prevalence; to prevail prevenema ; -o kind, obliging; -ness preventiva preventive [-‘s

preyer; —a the day before yesterday; prezajo ; —i presage, omen; to presage prezenta present a prezenti; —azo to present; -ation prezum; —i presumption, to presume; supposition, to suppose pri concerning prep. prica; —e; —i preceding; previously; to precede

prican, -a; -eso priority-holder n,a;

priority pricer predecessor prid(o) prey

pril; -i preference; to prefer pril concerning the, about the prim, -a first primager protagonist prlmala primary