prima ver; —a spring (season) n;a primavide at first sight primayo early fruits or vegetables prime firstly, first, at first primel copy.auther’s copy (manuscript, typescript) primelga first-choce a prim! to have a primacy, to be the first
one, to surpass primitiva primitive primiugal, -aro court of first instance
primklas; -a first class; n;a
primkonos first knowledges, object lesson
primloke firstly, in the first place primnasa firstborn primorda first order’s primordyala primordial primul primula, primrose primye in the first place primyes the first time adv. primyesl to happen for the first time,
to do for
princa; -e main, -ly, principal; -lly; chief; -ly prindp; -a, -e principle; of -; in - prinka; -o; -orek elder, eldest; primogeniture; birthright prins; —in; —ado prince; -ess; principality
print; -aro; -er printing n; - house;
printer prlntos printed matter prip(o), -azo; -i preparation; to prepare
pripado preparations
priske; -a once, in the past; ancient,
bygone prismo; -a prism; -atlc prist; -ado priest; -hood priv, -o, -azo; -i; -a; -e privation;
to deprive; private a; -ly privilege privilege
prizo; -i; -azo prison. Jail; to imprison; -ment
prizun; prizin prisoner m\1 pro for, in the favour of, on behalf of problem ; -a problem; -atical proba; -eso upright; -ness, probity probabla; -eso probable; -bility proced; —i process, proceeding; to
proceed, to advance procedur;—ema procedure; skilled in-proces; -i process, trial; to proceed
(against) procesyon procession prod, -o, -eso ; -a prowess; valiant prodiga; -eso; -i prodigal; -ity; to act -lly
prodijjo ; -a prodigy; -ious produk; -1; -azo product; to -uction
proek per cent; percentage prof; —a professor; -ial prof ana; -1; -azo profane; to -; -tion
profes ; —a profession; -al a profesi; -er to profess; -ionaln profesor; —ado professor; -ship profet; -a; -i prophet; -ic; to prophesy
profil; —i profile; to -
profit; -i profit; to to avail oneself
profonda; —o, —eso deep; depth
profondeni to deepen
program programme
progredo ; —i progression; to progress,
to advance progres; —i progress; to -, to make - proibo ; —i ; —a prohibition; to forbid;
prohibitive projek; -i projection; to project, to throw
projekto ; —i project; to plan, to design projel; -i (clay) model, maquette; to make a -
proklam ; —i proclamation; to proclaim prokrei, —eo to procreate; -ation prokur; -er charge, proxy, procuration; attorney at law prokur azo; —kuri provisioning n,
supplies; to provide prokurist proxy (person) prol; -i progeniture; to proliferate proletara; -eyo proletarian; -ariat,
-arianism prolixa; -eso prolix; -ixity prologo prologue, foreword prolong! ; —о,—azo to prolong; -ation;
to extend prom(o); -i promise; to - prom en ; -i walk; to -, to have a - promixa; —eso promiscuous; -cuity promon ; —i wonder-promises; to promise wonders promov; —i promotion; to promote pronam pronoun
pronostik; -i prognostic; to -ate, to
forecast pronta ; -i ready; to get - prontema ; -i ; -o willing, eager; to be
-; promptitude pronunco ; —i pronunciation; to pronounce
prop (o); —er ownership, proprietorship,
possession; owner, proprietor propagand; -i propaganda; to carry on -
propagi; -o to propagate; -ation propal; —a property, propriety; appropriate, proper, suitable propaldice properly, strictly speaking propamova, -e freely a,adv., motu prprio
propayo property, estate propi to possess, to own; to appropriate propisa propicious propkomuneso co-ownership propon ; —e subject, matter; in connection with, by the way proporso ; —a proportion; -al propozi ; —о to propose; -al, -ition propsepar (law) separation, ownership-separation propulsi ; —о to propel; propulsion pror (naut.) prow
proselit; -ismo proselyte; -ytism proskribi ; -(o) to proscribe; -iption prospa; —o, —eso prosperous; -erity prosto; -in prostitution; -ute / prostro prostration protein protein
protek ; —i protection; to protect protekismo protectionism protest; -i protest; to - protezo (med.) prothesis protokol; —a ; — aldo protocol; formal; chief of Protocol proton (phvs.) proton prototip prototype, first model prov ; -i proof; to prove provel proof, test
proven; -i origin, provenance; to come, to derive, to issue (from) Provenso ; -al Provence; -al proverbo ; -a proverb; -ial provid ; -i provision, supply; to - providuyo provisions cupboard; shopping bag, - basket Providenso; -a Providence; -ential provinco ; —a province; -ial provizyon (comm.) commission provok ; —i provocation; to provoke proxela; —e approximate; -ly proxo; -a; -i proximity; near, close;
to approach, to draw near prozo ; —a prose n\a, prosaic(al) pruda; -o, -eso prudish; -ness, prudery
prudenso; -enta prudent; -ence; carefulness; careful prufa; -i impermeable, proof; to proof prufel waterproof, raincoat prun ; -yer plum; -tree prunkek plumcake prur; -i itching, itch; to itch prutal cracker, fire-cracker PS (postskriptum) postscript psalmo ; —i psalm; to -odize pseuda (pre/.) pseudo, socalled pseudonim pseudonym, nom de plume psikanalis; —a psycho-analysis; -aly-tic
psikolog ; -io psychologist; -logy psikoso psychosis psikyatro; -io psychiatrist; -atry publa ; —о public a\n publiki; —azo -er to publish; -ication; -isher
pudika ; -eso modest; -y puding pudding
puerkolto; -tin rearing of children;
children nurse puerto harbour, port piles to station, post pugnado;-i punch; to - pugno fist
pui; puo; pua to stink; - n; -ing a puk : -i knock; to - pul, pulover pullover (jersey) puldel pool (of water, of blood) pulko (zool.) flea Pulman Pullman pulmo, —on ; -a lung; pulmonary pulmokongestyon congestion of the lungs
pulmonit, pulmit pneumonia pulno pulley pulpo pulp
pulso; — i pulsation; to pulse; palpitation; to -tate pulto chair, desk; cathedra pulul; -i pullulation; to -late
pulvel face-powder pulvil pulverizer, vaporizer pulvinii powder-box, -case, compact pulvo ; —el powder; face-powder pun(o; —at; —i punishment; -ished; to punish
pundo(pd) pound [an -
pungen; — i (med.) injection; go give pungo ; -i prick; to prick, to goad pungolos; -oli pins and needles; to
pun so ; -11; -i punching, stamping; ticket-punch, stamping-machine; to stamp, to punch punt; —a; —e point; in order a;adv. pun tad i ; -© to bring into focus; bringing into focus n puntajjo; —i aiming (of a gun); to aim puntel -1 point, nid, head, barb; to make a -
puntema ; —о punctilious, particular.
fastidious; -ness; touchy; -iness punteni; -azo to tick off, to check; -ing n
puntol; -1 stitch; to -
puntuala; —eso punctual; -ity
puntuo; — ui punctuation; to -uate
puo stink n
pup, -o, -el doll
pupilyo; -ya (anat.) pupil; -illar
puplo ; —in ward m;f
pupso; —a, — e (naut.) stern
pur v conditional of pi, to be able
qal; -a; -i; -azo quality; -itative;
to -ify; -iflcation qam than
quanto; —a quantity; -itative (also:
phys. quanta) qar; -a four; fourth qarek four hundred qarim fourth (fraction) qaripeyo four-in-hand qaripla; — i quadruple n;a: to - qaris ; -a fourty; -ieth quarmana four-handed, quadrumanous qaro a group of four; quartet, quartette qarpeda four-footed, quadruped (al) qarplasa four seats - a qartyer quarter qarzo quartz qatuor quartet qen pork-rind qerel; -i quarrel; to - qereleti to be at loggerheads qero (drawing) square, cross-staff qesto ; —i quest; to collect
pura ; -eso pure; -ity purel (cook.) mash, puree, mashed potatoes purgo; -i purge; to - purl, -fi; -azo, -ifazo to purify; -iflcation
puritan, -a; -ismo puritan; -ism purke provided, on condition that purpa purple a pur sang a full-blooded pus; —a; — i (med.) pus, matter; purulent; to suppurate pusli(o); -i push; to - pushel rickshaw