puto; -i supposition; to suppose, to presume
putri ; -o ; -azo to rot, to become rotten; rottenness, decay puzaqo well-water puzlo puzzle
puzo; —a; —er well, pit, shaft n;a;
well-digger pyago (med.) wound, sore pyanto (foot-) sole pyazadi to encroach, to intrude pyel; -a skinn;o pyel el peel, skin (of fruit) pyelko film; (skin’s) pellicule, dandruff pyelterpom patoto in its Jacket pyes piece; (theatre) play pyok(o) post, stake, pile pyokonado piling n, piles pyop(o) poplar
qestyon ; -i ; -ar question; to -; -ary, -onnaire n; exe - out of all question qeta; -o quiet; -ude qida clear, discharged (of an account); - о dipla double or quits, (or nothing) qidam some, fellow, (US) guy qin; -a; -o Ave; fifth, group of Ave, quintette
qinek Ave hundred [about -
qinis; -a; -o Afty; -ieth; Afty or so, qinkal; —er ironmongery; -monger qintal quintal
qitanso ; —i acquittal, receipt, discharge, acquittance; to acquit, to receipt qiti to leave; no -u/ hold the line! (on
the phone) qo where… to qorum quorum qosyent quotient
qot; -i contribution, to -ute; subscription, to -scribe qotado ; —i contribution, fee; to contribute
RADAR-REAPRI radar radar
radazo radiance, radiation
radi to radiate, to spread
radik; -a root; -‘s
radikala; -ismo radical; -ism (vol.)
radii radiator
radost(o) (anat.) radius
radot; —i twaddle; to talk -, to drivel
radun; —i assembling n. to assemble
radyo radio
radyoberik radio-report, - commentary radyodefuzo broadcasting n radyoelektrio radio-electricity radyoemit broadcast transmission radyografio; -fa radiography; -ic radyoguido; -i radio-controlling n; to
- control radyoiornal radio news-bulletin radyolog ; -io radiologist; -logy radyonavigo radio-navigation radyoricil radio-receiver radyoskopio ; —opa radioscopy; -ic radyotelgo radio-telegram radyoterapio radiotherapy radyum radium raf tidal wave, tide-race ratal; —i blast, squall; to - rafina, -t; -azo refined; -ing n rafinema; -o refined (manners); -ement
ratio ; —i roundup; to round up raga; -e; -i right; -ly; to be - rago reason, right raput stew, ragout raion; —i reason (intellect); to - raionema reasonable rakel racquet, racket (tennis) raket; —er (gangster’s) racket; -eer rakit; -a (med.) rachitis, -itic; rickets, -ety
raklo ; -il scraping n; scraper rakolgado recollection, meditation rakolgo; — i collection; to collect rakolto ; —1 harvest, -ing ni to - rakomando ; —i recommendation; to -mend
rakomodi; —odazo mending, repairing n; to mend, to repair rakont; —i tale, story; to tell, to narrate rakonter story-teller ral; -i (med.) r&le, death-rattle; to give the - ralbo (zool.) rail
ralenta; —e (cin.) slow-motion n\a ral en to; —1 slowing down, to slacken;
slackening, slowing down n raligi; -o to rally; rally, -ing n ralongi; -o; -azo to lengthen; -ing n ralyo rail, railway ram ; —i branch; to - ramemi to remind
ramendi; -© to repair, to mend; -ing n raminga wandering a ramol twig, sprig rampo banisters, handrail ran frog
ranpo ; -i rank, row; to range, to rank rankor; -i rancour, grudge; to have
(to bear) a grudge ransa; —1 rancid; to become - ranson; -1; -azo ransom: to -; -ing n ranunko (hot.) ranunculus
rap ; —i elopement; to elope; to kidnap;
-pping n rapel; —i recall,-ing; to recall rapida; -eso rapid; -ity rapino; —1 rapine; to practise - raplo; -i plane n; to - (wood) rapno (boU rape
raport; —i report, statement; to report, to state
raportado report, statement raportajo repeating, telling, denouncing n; to repeat, to denounce rapresal; —1 reprisals; to make - raprezenti; —er; -o to represent;
-ative n; -ation raprox; -i bringing nearer n; to bring - rapso ; —i rasp, grater; to rasp, to grate rapsod ; —io rhapsodist; -ody rapto ; -i kidnapping; to kidnap rara; -e; -eso rare; rarely, seldom; rarity rariji to grow rare ras ; —a ; —ismo race; racial; racism rasegno; -1 resignation; to resign
oneself rashka stale rashpan stale bread raski to scratch, to scrape rasmixa half-bred, cross-bred a; half-breed, cross-breed, metis n raspo; —i check, miscarriage, failure, ill-success,misfire; to fail,to miss, (US) to flunk; to miscarry, to strand rasto; -i rake; to - rasyon; -i; -azo ration; to -; -ing n rasyonala; -e; -ismo rational; -Ily; -alism
rat; -a, -e (vayment’s) batch; in -ea a,adv.
ratangi to rejoin, to Join, to rally rati; -azo to pay in batches; batching n ratifik ; -i ratification; to -ifу ratrapi to catch again, to recapture;
to rejoin ratvendo instalment sale rauka; —eso harsh, hoarse, raucous; raucity, hoarseness
rav(o); —i enchantment; to enchant; captivation; to -ate
rava, —ifa enchanting, captivating, fascinating
ravelyi to awaken, to awake, to wake up rax; —e rate; at the rate of, pro rata rayon; —a rayon, artificial silk n.a raze at level, close, flush with razi ; —il to shave; razor razillam (shaving) blade razlo ; -i raid, razzia; to raid, to make a razzia
reabili; -azo to rehabilitate; -ation reabitui to reaccustom reaktil jet motor
reakto; -i; -ist(a) reaction; to react; -ionary n;a
real (a); -i; -azo; -ismo real; to
-ize; -ization; -ism realizi to realize, to grasp realm eni to bring back realmi to reanimate, to revive reapri; -© to reopen; -ing n 367
rearmi; -о, -azo to rearm; -ing, -ament
reasorti; -o to restock; -ing n rebapti; -o to rename; -ing n rebildi; -o to rebuild, to reconstruct; -ing, -ion
reboski ; —azo to reafforest; -ation rebus rebus, puzzle reciproka; —eso reciprocal; -ocity; —e mutually recital recital red ; -i raid; to - redanki to thank again redici to say again redipli to redouble, to increase redno rein
redoni to give again; (cards) to deal again
reedit; -1 republication; to republish reelekti; —о to reelect; -ion reem there is (are) again; here is (are) again
reensi; -o to recommence; -ment;
to begin again reentro ; -1 reopening; to reopen reesel; -1 trying again n; to try - reestabli; -o to re-establish; -ment reexami; -o to examinate again;
re-examination referendo, —um referendum referi, referensi; -o to refer; -ence refi to do again
reflori to blossom (to flower) again regal; —i present n; to make a - regan; —i rivival; to revive, to increase
again regent regent
regim; —a, —e regime; a,adv regiment regiment regiri to transfer again reglament; -a rule, order, regulation;
according to - reglo; -a, -e; -i rule; regular; -ly;
to put in order, to regulate regno; -i reign; to - reborni to come (to go) home rejon; —a; -ismo region; -al; -alism rejuki to hang (to hook) up again rek; —1 right n, privilege; to have a right to; -os e dovos rights and duties rekado relapse n
rekaryo rightful owner, interested party reklam ;—а,—e;— iadvertisings a,adv; to -ise
reklozi to close (to shut) again
rekomponi to recompose, to recombine
rekonsil; -i reconciliation; to reconcile
rekoni to recognize
rekonkir; -i reconquest; to reconquer
rekopi to recopy
rekopri to cover again
rekord, -un record, -man
rekoti to cut again
rekta, -e right, -ly. Just, -ly
rektagon; -a rectangle; -gular
rektel; —a, —e recto n;a,adv.
rektifi; -azo to rectify; -ication
rektor; —ado rector; -ate
rektum (anat.) rectum
rekupi to cut again
reldo (fish) ray
relevi to raise; to - again reluk; —i subletting, sublease; to sublet, to sublease rem aril; —о to remarry; -iage rembo dish) brill reminul pencil-refill remota remote
Renasal Renaissance, Renascence renasi; -o to be born again, to revive; revival rendi to give back
renilenta (soldier) absconder, defaulter rensimpost income tax renso; -i; -ayo income; to yield, to bring in; yield, return, produce rento; —ist; -i rent, revenue; rentier; to yield
rentro, —ado ; —i reopening; to reopen renuvado; -i to renovate; -ation renuval revival, renewal renuvi; —azo to renew; renovation reorgani; —azo to reorganize; -ation repaki to pack again reparsi; —о to appear again, to reappear; reappearance repeski; -azo to fish up again; -ing — n