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ripunt; — i reference, landmark; to ripyeso spare part rir behind rira behind a

rirced ; -i retrocession; to -cede, to yield back

rirdus from far; after some time; in distant perspective rire behind rirgumon back-tyre riri to move back

ririgo ; — i reversing gear; to move back,

to go into reverse rirkofro (mot.) back-case rirot spare wheel

rirpenso ; —i hidden motive (thought);

to have a - rirplan; —e background; in the - rirsizo late season rirspekto; -a retrospect; -ive rirter hinterland rirvidil (mot.) driving-mirror riseka shrunk, curled up risendi; -o to return, to send back; -ing n

rish; -al net; network; rack

riske venturously

risko ; -i risk; to -

riskoni to imperil, to endanger, to dare

riskoso; —i rescue; to -

rislo; -i; -er receiving, fencing; to

recieve; -er (of stolen property) risolva; -o resolute; -ness, -ution; determined; -ination risolvon; -a unconstraint, pertness; off-hand, pert rison; -i resonance; to resound risor stepsister risorgo resource

rispe in reply to prep; - va brif in reply

to your letter rispek; —i reflection; to throw back,

to reflect rispo ; —i answer; to - risqoti, —о to encash; -ment; to collect; -ing n

ristorno ; -i refund; to - ristringi ; -o to restrict; -ion rit; -a rite; ritual ritablo retable, altar-piece ritardo ; -i; -a; -e delay; to -; -ed, late a; late adv. riten; —i retention; to retain; (techn.)

damming; to dam, to bar ritir; -i retreat; to - ritmo; -a rhythm; -ic(al) ritordi ; -o to twist; -ing n ritorno ; —i return; to - ritornomac return match ritra, -o; -e back a,ntadv. ritradaro home, retreat, home for the aged

ritrado ; — i retreat, to - ritradokaso superannuation fund ritrakti ; -o to retract; -ation


ritral; —a backwardness; backward

(child) ritrarot backwheel ritri to draw back ritrol; -i withdrawal; to withdraw ritroza; -o restive, stubborn; -ness riun; — i reunion, meeting; to Join, to

unite, to convene riiis, -o; -i success; to accomplish, to

have success, to succeed riusel (at cards) patience riv; -a, -an shore n;o, riverain rival; -eso; -i rival; -ry; to to compete

rivarmi; -at to warm up; -ed up again rivel; -i revelation; to reveal rivendik; -i claim; to - riverbi ; —о to reverberate; -ation riverbil street-lamp, reflector riversi ; -o to reverse; -al rivesti; -o (arch.) to face, to line;

(techn.) to lag; facing, lining; lagging n rivid ; -i review; to - rivinko ; -i revenge; to take - rivok; —i revocation; to revoke rivolt(o); -i revolt; to -, to rouse rivolvo, -a ; -ist, -a revolution; -ary; -ist n.a

rivulso ; —ifa revulsion; -sive

rix; -i brawl, street quarrel; to quarrel,

to scuffle, to brawl rizervo; -i; —azo; —at reserve; to -;

-ation; -ed rizipel; -a erysipelas; -ous rizo ; —a; -otart rice n;o; -cake rizoto risotto rizult; -i result; to - rob dress, gown robno tap, cock, faucet robot robot robro (cards) rubber robusta ; -eso robust; -ness roci; -o to bray; - n [trim

rodal; -i clipping, tripping; to clip, to rod el; -I nibbling n; to nibble rodlo ; —i (mot.) running in; to run in rod(o); —i gnawing, corrosion; to gnaw,

to corrode rododendro rhododendron rodri; -o; -er to prowl, to - about;

ing n; -er roao ; -a ; -e arrogance; -ant; -antly roin queen

rok; -a ; -oza rock; -y roket rocket

roi; -i roll, list; to enroll, to enlist Rom; —a Rome; -an Romal Roman dialect Rom anal Romance language romanco; —его love-song; romancero romanso ; -a novel; romantic romantika ; —tismo romantic; -icism rombo; -a lozenge; rhomboid a rompi; -a, -at; -o to break; broken:

rupture, breaking a rompon; -i (mil.) rout; to -, to cut in

pieces ron; —a kidney; renal rond en swallow

rondo; —e, -a round, roundelay, In turn n adv.,a


ronel (cook.) kidney

roneotip; —i roneotyping; to -type

ronfi; —о to snore; -, -ing n

гор; —i; —er (naut.) oar, scull; to row,

to scull; rower

rosa reddish-brown, russet, carroty

rosbif, rostbif roast beef

rosko; -a ; roskel; -a fish-bone n;a;

(arch.) rafter n;a rosmarin (bot.) rosemary rospo (zool.) toad rot; —a wheel n;o, -ed rotativ rotary press rotel ball (of string) roten roll, roller, coil, bolt rotet small wheel, caster rotul; —a (anat.) knee-cap, rotula; - a;

- ado, - test, knee-reflex, knee-jerk rotur; —a non-noble condition; commoner, plebeian, non-noble round (sport) round rov back, back side n rova; —e reverse, upside down a,adv. rovado setback, reverse n rovel; -a (coat’s) lapel, revere n\a rov(o) ;—ireverse,back side, wrong side;

to reverse; to turn upside down rox; -olyo (bot.) peanut; -oil roxel peanut

roy; -a; -ado king; royal; kingdom, realm, kingship

royismo; -ista royalism; -ist Royprokurer Public Prosecutor, Procurator fiscal; (US) district attorney roz(o); —a rose n;o, pink rozedo dew

rozel (bot.) wild (dog) rose

rozon; —a rose-window, rosace n;a

rozul rosette, decoration badge

rub ; -a ; -i red; to redden

Rubapyel Redskin

rubarb(o) (bot.) rhubarb

rubel rouge n

rubema reddish

ruben; -a ruby ma

rubeol rubella (med.)

rubit measles

rubkab red cabbage

Rubkapucel Little Red Riding Hood

Rubkruz ; -a Red Cross n;a

rublo rouble

ruboco; —a (med.)acne rosacea rubrik (newspaper’s) heading, item,

section ruca rough, rude, harsh ruda; -e; -eso rude; -ly; -ness;

rough, -ly, -ness rudro; —a ruin; heap of ruins; in ruins ruf; -i call, -ing n; to - rucjo ; -i ; -eso wrinkle; to -; rugosity ruin; -i; -ifa ruin; to -ate; -ous ruii ; —о to roar; -ing n ruk(o); -i cooing; to coo rul, -azo ;-i rolling n; (techn.) bearing; to roll

rulad roulade, trill

ruldo (naut.) rolling

rulot (mot.) caravan, trailer

rulskal moving staircase

rum; -a ; -i noise; -y; to make -

rumado ; -i uproar, din, roar; to shout 371

rumiiii ; —an to ruminate; ruminant ruinon ; -i uproar; to shout rumozo ; —a turbulence; -ent rumumi to divulge, to bruit about,

to blab out rumyo; -a rum n;a runda; -eso; -i round; -ness; to - rundaro circus, roundabout rundel small round slice rundol roll, -er

rundumi to turn round In a circle rupyo rupee

rur; -a, -ala field; rural Rusa; -al; -io Russian; - (lang.Y, Russia [test; - n

ruspi; -o to grumble; -ing n\ to prosa his, her, one’s Sab; —a, —e Saturday n;a,adv. sabir; —e; —i pidgin, jargon; in -; to talk -

sablel (cook.) shortbread

sablit; —a (wed.)gravel; -elly

sablo; -i sand; to -

sabloco (of pebble) gravel

sabordi; -o to scuttle; -ing n

sabot; -i sabotage; to -

sabro; —i sabre, sword; to sabre;

-gluter sword-swallower sacerdot; -a priest; -ly, sacerdotal sadika; -dismo sadist (ic); -diem saelte on his side; on one’s side; from — safir sapphire safran saffron

saga; -o; -i wise; wisdom; to behave wisely

sagusta; -e of his (own) taste a;adv. sagvir; -eyo conciliation board member; conciliation board sak; -et bag, sack; small bag sakajo; -i plundering n; to plunder sakarin saccharin sakflut bagpipe

sakra; —i; —at sacred, holy; to consecrate; -ed sakrado consecration Sakrakor Sacred Heart sakrament sacrament sakrardor ardour, inner - sakraro; —arer; —ariii sacristy; sacristan; sacristine sakri to consecrate sakrif; -i sacrifice; to - sakrilego; -a sacrilege; -ious sal; —a salt; -ed salad ; -uyo salad; - bowl salaqo salted water, sea-water salbo; -i; -a (arch.) projection; to project, to stand out; projecting saldo ; —i remnant, clearance; to sell off saldos remnants sale sail; -iiiil to salt; saltcellar saliv; -a saliva; -ary salko willow salkrauto sauerkraut


rust; -i rust; to - rustlka ; -eso rustic; -ity rut; —a ; —e road; of the -; on the -, by -

rut(a)kod rule of the road rut(a)map road-map ruti to go along, to be on the road rutin; -a routine n;a rutist road-racer, traveller by road rututer road-user, road-traveller ruva rough, rude, harsh ruzo ; —a ruse; artful, cunning, shrewd