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El shir gi she un neurolog. Kofel-borsel; providuyo. Ka nuvel ? - Ко nuva ?

News film. (Topicalities.) It was very nice of him to send

these flowers. Last night. Night’s lodging.

Non-fulfilment. - Non-accomplishment.

He always pokes his nose in other

people’s business. To have a good nose. This is certainly noteworthy. Nothing doing. It comes to nothing. Nothing else matters. Unter further notice. I am reading the note of your new book.

What is your telephone number ? It seems to me you are swelling

the number. Nuts!


He is dead nuts for cakes. He broke his oaths. With this object.

He is obsessed by the thought of

death. On another occasion. Should the occasion arise. Should this occur again. Odd jobs. Odd-numbered. Odd size ; out size. Odds are against me. To perform the last offices (for). Fuel, fuel oil, crude oil. To pour oil on the flames. (Add

fuel to …) Old boy. Old maid. To grow old. To be an old hand. Once a week; once a year. Twice a week; twice a month. Once upon a time there was a king. They all replied with one voice. In the open. In the open (fig.) Let us leave the matter open. Open to all weather. In my opinion.

It is a matter of opinion, that’s all. To set in order (to arrange). To order (command). He ordered two dozen ties of all shades.

Made to order (bespoke tailoring). He took Holy Orders. Some day or other. - One of these days.

For quite other reasons.

You ought to do something for her.

To go out.

To go on the tiles (fig.). To dine out.

Some day the truth will out!


Sir muy gentila laelte sendi et

floros. Pasnox. Noxlojo. Nokumpo.

II sem fikar sa nazo in osia ecos.

bon fyuto. - I bon nazo. Eto certe notenda (notvala). Nix fenda.

Butar a nix. Niloso vikar.

Us пока notis. (Us nuv ordon.) Mi lektar lo koment pri va nuv

libro. Ka va fon-num ? Me parar vu gonfar lo num.

Manyana! - Nux! Nuxil.

fola po pastenos. II parjurir. Etintente.

II obsedat pel penso de mort. Osoxe.

Oxe (oxande). Es eto reoxur. Brikol. Noparda. Extra puntur. Cansos kontre mi. Fi lo last uldos (a). Fuel, mazut.

Versi olyo ol flamos. (Adi fuel a …).

Oldboy, celibun. Oldfel, celibin. Oldi, oldiji.

Si del mest. - Si mestolda.

Unyesveke; unyesanye.

Bisveke; bismese.

Sir priske un roy.

Zi tos rispir unvoke.


Apre, sensekre.

Nos liu et mat apra.

Exponat kelvede.


Eto un (qestyon d’opin, sen plu.

Ordi aranji).


II ordenir du isduos tokolora

kravatos. Fat pe orden. II entrir nel San Ordos. Somidyes. - Naridyes.

Po ent-osa grunos. Vu shur fi somo po el. Exi.

Fi lo kat on dak. - Fi as kat on dak.

Pransi exe.

Idyes vero parsor!

I heard him out before throwing him out.

All over the world men long for peace.

Overpopulation means hunger sooner or later.

To overexert oneself.

He overtaxes his energies.

Oversewn hem.

I cannot accept this for reasons of my own.

At a walking pace ; at a quick pace.

They are a happy pair.

In that country you can get anything by greasing the official’s palm.

He sent in his papers; he resigned.

Parcel post.

He always takes the side of the poor.

She is doing half-time (part-time) work.

Spare parts.

The old man passed away without suffering.

Under torture, he sold the pass.

Just past that house, there’s a small shop.

He is not a patch on his brother.

Pattern yourself on your father!

He pays court to his teacher’s daughter.

He is a square peg in a round hole.


I once used fountain-pens; now I

always use ballpoints. She earned an honest living. He looks twice at every penny. Permanent wave. This is my pet subject. This baby is a real pet. He always picks his words carefully. It is obvious that he is picking a

quarrel with you. He has a bone to pick with the

police. All in one piece. When it comes to the pinch. Pipe-line.

From place to place.

The right man in the right place.

In plain clothes.

Plain truth.

This upsets my plans.

Don’t play with words!

He plays for money (for love).

Pleasure trip.

It gave a great deal of pleasure to

my father. This is a land of plenty!

Mi le udir usende pre le pordexi. Entmondye omos bramar pax. Surpoplo sun о tarde genar ongo. Surmeni, -si.

II surmenar. - II surmenisar. - II

surenergar. Orlo trufora.

Mi no par axepti eto po prop grunos.

Promenstepe ;rapid-stepe,astastepe. Zi (Ziel) un ixa koplo. Yenlande vu par obteni kelo tipyonande lo funser.

II demisyonir. Post-pak.

II sem partedar po povunos. El laborar semitempe. Ripyesos.

L’oldun mortir sen sofro.

Torturat, il vodecir.

Ju do yen dom, ye un shopet.

II no atangar lo zun de sa frat. - II apene un mosket kompare sa frat. Ve modelu les va patro! II kortalar lo filin de sa maestro.

II un runda klod in un katra for. - (II sube tal labor; eto sure la mezos.) Bilyel.

Mi priske utir stilyos; nun mi sem

utar bilyelos. El ganir sa viv oneste. II mirar shak suldo duyes. Permanel.

Eto ma prifa okup (ma marot). Et beb vere adoribla. II sem elgar sa vortos kure. II evide kirar qereli kon vu.

II despelenda kol polis.


Van venar lo nop.



Vir propala in plas propala. -

Plas-propalun. Burgola, -e; civilvesta, -e. Nuda vero.

Eto roversar ma pianos. No vort-ludu! II ludar po dengo (po glor). Plazotravel (plazojit). Fir gran plazo a ma patro.

Sar un kokanyoland! Ik abondo-land!

They have plenty of money. (Money

in plenty.) Thirty-six francs point fifty. In point of fact. That is not my strong point.

He made it a point of pride never to

complain. Pop (water). Pawnbroker. Pop-shop.

We are not in a position to do as

you ask. He took the letter to the post. Post Office Savings-bank. We’ll do all in our power to pull

him round. All present agreed with him. Rotary press (litho). Press-campain. She died in her prime. The progress of events. By way of proof. In proper time. In the nick of time. To do the proper thing. To pull different ways. To be at loggerheads. You are pulling my leg; you are

making a fool of me. For this purpose (to this end). When it comes to the push. Put a stop to this silly game! She puts him out of patience. Chinese puzzle. A kilo and a quarter. Fighting at close quarters. To ask (to put) a question. That is the question. Out of all question. There is no question about his

sincerity. All is quiet on the Western Front. To race against time. Rack-railway. Racked by remorse. She has not a rag to put on the back. To run off the rails. I raise my glass to your beautiful eyes.

This wine raises my spirits. At random (blindly); (haphazardly). He gave free range to his imagination.

People of all ranks. I believe somebody rapped at

the door. To grow rare. At any rate.

I would ratherstay.- I would rather not.

This boy looks rather clever. Raw materials. Raw spirits.

My daughter already reaches my shoulder.

Zi dengoplena. (Zi dengoza. - Zi

ar mul dengo.) Treissit frankos qinis. Fakte; verdice.

Eto no ma forto (Eto ma debla punt).

II putir un fyero-punt ni lamenti.




Nos no in stando fi lo ke vu askar.

II postir lo brif. Post-sparkaso.

Nos for nameleste le realmi.

Tot adsunos akordir kon il.



El mortir floraje.


As prov.



Fi lo propala. - Fi lo justa kozo.

