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ruzon; -a craftiness, wiliness; crafty, cunning

Ryen; —a Rhine n;a

salmon salmon salmur pickling brine salon room, drawing-room saloza salty, briny salso; —il sauce; - spoon salsinil sauce-boat saltel; -i (cook.) saut6; to toss, to fry

salten sudden change of humour salteti to hop, to skip salto; —i Jump; to - saltul; -i ricochet, rebound; to - salubra; -eso salubrious; -Ity salum, —io ; —er pork-meat; drysaltery, pork-butcher’s shop; drysalter, pork-butcher salut; -i greeting; to greet salvo-a; -i safety; safe; to save salvobelt lifebelt salvobuo lifebuoy salvoscaf lifeboat salvyo (bot.)sage sam, —a same a samaja of the same age a samane with, from his own hand samaspa looking likewise a sambel elder-tree samcentra concentric same likewise

sameleste the best he can adv. samelta, — e of the same side; on the — samidean, -ealist со-idealist samiena of the same sort (nature) samklasa of the same class samkolora of the same colour samkoryere by the same mail samlandan countryman, fellow - sam-mode in the same way samnasyona of the same nationality samode in his own way samopini to be of the same opinion samorda of the same order samoriga of same origin sampeza of the same weight samplo sample sampresye at the same price sam rasa of the same race samriliga, -an coreligionist a,n


samsanga; -eso consanguineous; -nity

samsorta of the same sort samspeca of the same nature samtempa; -e of the same time; in

the - - samtipa of the same type samurba, -an of the same city; fellow—

citizen samye in the same place samyes the same time san health (also: Holy. abr. of “santa”) sana; —ala healthy; sanitary sanaparel sanitary object, -instrument

sanaro; sanatoryum sanatorium sanazo recovery sandal (shoe) sandal sandwic sandwich sang (o); -a blood n\a sangado; -i (wed.) blood-letting, bleeding; to bleed sangema; sangoza sanguineous, bloody; sanguinary, bloody sanglot; -1 sob; to - sangofluo bloodshed sangopren blood-taking sangtransfuzo blood-transfusion sangvasel (anat.) blood-vessel sanf to heal; to recover sanigo ; —i; -a convalescence; to convalesce; -ent Sanpatro the Holy Father, the Pope Sansakrament Holy Sacrament Sansid ; -a Holy See; of the - - Sanskribos; -ba Scriptures, Holy

Writ; of the - sanskrit» -a sanskrit, -ic sanso; —i sanction; to - Sanspirto Holy Ghost sansuk leech santa holy

santaro, santuyo sanctuary santin holy woman santo, -eso holy man; holiness santoca smooth hypocrite Sanvek Holy Week Sanvenso Good Friday sap(o); — i knowledge, learning; to know

sapon; -i soap; to - sapor ; -a savour; tasty sapori; —orayo to savour, to enjoy; delicacy, dainty, tit-bit, daintiness saprico! Gosh!, by Jovel sar v present of si, to be sard en sardine sardona sardonic

sargo; -ado coffin; to - (a corpse) sarkasmo; -a sarcasm; -astic sarkli ; —о to hoe, to weed out; weeding n

sarkom (wed.)sarcoma

sarment bine; vine-shoot

sarno ; -a hinge; -ed

sarta; —o, —eso; —i tender; -ness; to

make (to become) tender sarteli, sartoli to fondle, to coddle, to pet

sas one’s pronoun, plur.

sat v been, participle of si, to be


sata; —о; —1 sated; satiety, surfeit, repletion; to sate, to satisfy saten; —a satin; -y satir; -a satire; -ic(al) satiryo satyr

satisfo; -a; —1; —at satisfaction; -factory; to -ify; -ied satura; -eso saturated; -ation saturne in his turn savat; -er shoe; shoemaker savatist bootmaker savole at one’s own free will, spontaneously se oneself (compl.) sebo ; —a tallow; fat, sebaceous secedo secession

sedo; —i; -ila calm; appeasement, to calm, to appease; sedative seduk; -i seduction; to seduce sef; -a; -i thirst; -y; to be -y seglo ; -pan rye; - bread segment segment segnal; -i signal; to -. to notify segnaltrupaso; — i (mot.) signal-over- running ; to overrun a signal segncl badge, mark segnifa significant segno ; -i sign, mark; to mark segnoza noteworthy, resounding sego pail, bucket segrego ; -i segregation; to -ate sek, -a; -i dry; to - sekant secant n seko, -al dryness; drought seklala (eccles.) secular seklo ; -a century; secular, centuries old sekonda; -1 second n; to help, to

support, to back up sekra; —о secret a;n sekragent secret agent sekrel, —azo; -i secretion; to secrete sekrer; -in secretary m\1 sekri to keep secret sekroyo writing-desk, secretaire sekto; —a; —ema sect n;a; sectarian sektor sector

sekur; -i; —er insurance; to -ure;

assurance, to -ure; -er sekurbelt lifebelt, safety belt sekureso security

Sekurpolisyo, -prem Insurance policy; -premium seldo; -i saddle; to - selekto ; -i selection; to select self; -a self pronoun ,a selfamo selfrespect, pride selko pebble selts ; -aqo soda; -water selvaja ; -un wild; a - man sem ; -a always; everlasting semafor semaphore, signal-station sembla; —о resembling, alike; resemblance

seme always, ever, for ever semel (shoe’s) sole semen; — i seed; to sow semenol shoot, scion; offspring semestro; -a half-year; -ly semeterna sempiternal semideo demigod, demigod semifinal; -ist semifinal; -ist 373

semifrat stepbrother semilana half-wool semiligal quarter-binding semimal small harm semimezur half-measure semimondo; -a demi-monde; n;a;

outskirts of the society semimonte half-way up the hill semimorta more dead than alive seminar; —ye; —arist seminary; at,to

the -; -ist semipensyon ; -er half-board, partial

board; -er semiplas half-fare semipresye at half price adv. semiprop joint property semisor stepsister gemita Semite, Semitic semitemp; —a; —e half-time n;a; adv.

semivege half-way adv. semivoke in a subdued voice, in an

undertone semivole willy-nilly semivorte on the uptake; kapi - to

take the hint semol semolina semplorer eternal weeper semtempe always, eternally, for ever

sen; —a without; devoid, unprovided senabriga homeless, roofless senaktiva ; -eso inactive; -ity senalma inanimate, lifeless senarda; —о sluggish; -ness; nonchalant; -ance senarma unarmed senasta; — e; —о hasteless; -ly; -ness senalenso; —a inattention; -tive senato ; —or senate; -or senava unprovided senbarma pitiless senbildaro waste ground senblage no kidding 1; seriously, really seneeremone informally, unceremoniously

sencerebra, sencervela hare-brained,

madcap sencese unceasingly sendanga not dangerous, harmless sendenga having no money a, impecunious

sendenta toothless; edentate sendo; — i sending n\ to send sendola painless sendoma homeless sendormo sleeplessness senduba ; -e unquestionable; no doubt senduldo; -a impatience; -ent sendule without delay seneeun lazy-bones seneduka uneducated senefekta ; —eso ineffective; -ness seneltemo impartiality senempla unemployed, jobless senendo; —a; — e infinite w; infinite; -ly

seneqilibro; —a want of balance;

unbalanced senereda disinherited senerfara inexperienced


senexira ; -xado no exit, no way out a,

dead end senfale certainly, without fail senfleka stainless, immaculate Senflekkoncep Immaculate Conception

senfolgo no true bill,nonsuit, no ground for prosecution senfonda groundless senfrena unbridled, unrestrained senfronta; —о jaunty, cheeky, impudent; effrontery, barefacedness senfruta unfruitful senpruna, -uncla without reason a senide sine die seninteroinpo uninterruption senior senior senkamba unchanged senkeda ; —о unquiet, restless; restlessness

senkeldube without any doubt senkelfale undoubtedly, absolutely

without fail, unfailingly senkelfonda without any ground,

absolutely groundless senkolora colourless senkondisa unconditional senkonfort ; -a uncomfortability; -table

senkonsho; —a unconsciousness; unconscious

senkonsisto ; —a inconsistency, lack of

consistence; lacking in - a senkontrediee unquestionably senkora heartless senkredo; —a unbelief; -ieving a senkulpo ; —a guiltlessness; guiltless senlasa ; —e untiring; -ly senletra illiterate senlimita unlimited senlukra; —oskop nonprofit; - - aim