senlukroskopsocado nonprofit association
sennuba ; — e cloudless a,adv. sennuma innumerable, numberless senodora odourless, inodorous senokup; —a unemployment; jobless,
unemployed senonta shameless, barefaced senpatria stateless (person) senpeka ; —e sinless; -ness; impeccable; -ility
senpekuna unpecunious, without money
senpeiila; —о impenitent; -ence, un—
repentance senplue that is all, without further ado
senposo; —a powerlessness; powerless senprica unprecedented senriflekto thoughtlessness senrevera ; —о irreverent; -ence senrimel blank verse senrisolva ; —о irresolute; -ution senritma; -o, -eso arrhythmic; -mia; rhytbmless
senruma, — e without noise a,adv. sensa sensible, level-headed sensado sensation, impression, feeling sensala not salted
sensap; — e ignorance; unknown to…,
without the knowledge of., sansasyon; —a sensation; -al sensegnila insignificant, unimportant sensensa senseless senshendala without issue (children) sensibla; —eso sensible; -ibility senskopa aimless senso sense
sensopla; -o breathless; -ness; out of breath
senspero; —a hopelessness; hopeless sensuala ; —eso sensual; -ity sent (o); —afeeling n, sentiment; -mental
sentenso decision, sentence sentensyo maxim, apophthegm senti to feel
sentim(o); -a intrepidity; -pid eentreve relentlessly, unceasingly sentriimp no trump (cards) senvala worthless, of no value senverko ; -a joblessness; jobless, out-of-work, unemployed senvika unimportant, of no importance senviva lifeless senvoka voiceless
senzorgo; -a unconcern n; -ed, carefree, thoughtless seo being n Sep ; —a seven; -th sepal sepal
separ; —i separation; to -ate sepek seven hundred sepis seventy sepso; —a septicity; septic Septem (bro); -bra; -bre September; of, in - septicemic (med.) septicaemia sepulkro; —a sepulchre; -al seqestro; -er; -i sequestration;
-ator, assignee; to -ester ser; —a evening n\a serado evening, evening party seraf, —en seraph sere in the evening adv. Serena; —eso cloudless,serene; serenity serenad ; -i serenade; to - serpent sergeant serfo; —ia, —ie series; in -a,adv serio serge, twill
serki; -azo to clench, to shake, to
squeeze; -ing n serlo glasshouse, greenhouse sermon; -i; —ist sermon; to -ize; -izer
serpo serpent, snake
serso ; —a (med.) serosity; serous
serta; -un; -e some, certain; a certain
man; in a certain way sertmomente at a certain moment serum; —a serum n\a servi to preserve, to keep servo conservation, preservation serya; -ye serious; -ly sesyon session [bristle
set set (sport, cards, group)’, (pork’s) sevadi; —ados to rage, to act severely;
maltreatments, atrocities sevyo sap
sex; -a; -eso sex; -ual; -uality
sexapel sex-appeal sexema sexy sextant sextant sexyon section sfer; -a sphere; -ical sfido; -i challenge; to - sfigmografo (med.) sphygmograph sfilal; -i unravelling, fraying n; to unravel, to fray Sfinx; -a Sphinx n\a SGG (Sen Governa Garantio) Without Guarantee of the Government shaba shabby
shaf; -a; -in sheep; (cook.) mutton
n\a\ ewe shafol lamb shafon male sheep, ram shagren; -i grief, affliction; to grieve,
to afflict shak every a
sbakal (zool.) jackal [adv.-, a
shakanyo, -ye; -ya every year n; shakida; —e every day’s; every day adr. shakmatin every morning shakore at any time, at any hour, at
every hour shakosyes every other time shaksaturne in turn, by turns, each
one in his turn shakun everybody shakvek; —a every week; -‘s shakye in every place shakyes every time shal,-i duty; v shall sbalba pale, pallid, faint Sbalup (naut.) launch, sloop sham ; —i swarm; to - Shampanyo; -ya Champagne n;a; -champagne (wine) shampo ; -i shampoo; to - shapron; —i chaperon; to - sharad charade sharpo scarf, stole, sash shat v due (participle of shi, shall) she at
shed; —i shed, penthouse, hangar; to
garage, to put into a hangar or garage she! (cook.) chef shel shell (also: at the) shema; -ado, -eso silly; -ness
(action\nature) shen; —a stage, scene n\a, scenic shenadi; -o; -er to stage; staging;
stage-manager, producer shenal; —i scene, fuss; to make a scene,
to kick up a fuss shenda descending shendal descendant shemlo; —i coming down, descent; to
come down, to descend shenso ; —a science; scientific sheptika ; -ikismo sceptic (al); -icism sheptro sceptre shi v shall
shiatit; -tik (med.) sciatica; (anat.) sciatic nerve shik(a) smart
shiktip a fine chap, a decent -, a good sort
shild (o) sign, - board
shindi ; -o to split; -itting, scission 375
shinyon chignon, bun
ship ; — a ; — e ; — i ship n;a; on by -;
to go by - ship-candler ship-chandler shipel barge, lighter shipol small ferry shipos-pont pontoon-bridge shir v past tense of shi, shall shira; —eso dear, expensive, costly; costliness
shiri; -azo to raise; rise, raising n (of
shirmo ; -i protection; to -ect; shelter; to -
shishit; -a; -i fuss, frills; fussy,
-ing a; to make - shismo ; -a schism; -atic shist(o); -a schist, shale; schistous shok ; -i ; -ifa shock; to -; -ing shol shawl
shorn ; -i ; -er unemployment; to abstain from work, to be unemployed; unemployed worker shop ; -on shop; store shopado; -i shopping, errand; to go,
to run errands shor v future of shi, shall short shorts
shugi; -azo to wipe, to - away, to
mop; wiping n s hug 11, -iman towel, hand - shupi ; —о ; —azo to waste; -ing n shur v conditional of shi, shall si to be sid seat, office
sidado ; —i sitting, session; to take place
Jofa sitting) sid ema ; —о sedentary; -iness sidergi; -at to stupefy; -ied siderurgio; -urga siderurgy; -ic(al) sidi to sit, to seat, to - down sidil; long-chair; lounge -, chaise-longue
sifilit; -a (med.) syphilis; -litic siflo; -i; -il whistling n; to whistle;
whistle sifon siphon sigar; —et cigar; -ette siglo sigla
signi; —о to sign; signature siji to besiege
sijo ; —stando (mil.) siege; martial law regime
sil; —a; -e silence; -ent; -ently silab; -a (silbo; -a) syllable; -abic sildi; -o, -azo to solder, to weld;
solder, -ing, weld, -ing n silex silex silgo ; —i seal; to - silgot sealing wax silica to silicate
silico ; —a (chem.) silica; -ceous silicoso (med.)silicosis silk(o); -a ; -el silk; -en; silkworm silo silence
silot; -i; -azo silo; to -, to ensile; ensilage silur; —i torpedo; to - silurior torpedo-boat sim ; —a ; —in monkey n\a; she-monkey, female monkey
simbol; -a symbol; -ic simetra ; -io symmetrical, -etry simila; -eso similar; -ity, likeness simonyo ; —ya simony; -oniac(al) simpata ;-i ;-io attractive, sympathetic; to -athize; -athy simpla; —eso; —i simple; -icity; to -ify; mere, bare si mul, -azo ; -i simulation; to -ate simultana ; —e; —eso simultaneous;
-ly; -ness sin; —i ash; to burn to ashes sinadi ; -o ; -aro to incinerate; -ation;
crematorium sinap; -i (med.) sinapism; to make,
to put a - sincera ; -e; -eso sincere; -ly; -erity sindik ; -i ; -at; -eyo ; -eya (assignee) syndic-, to -ate; -ated; -ate; -al sindrom (med.) syndrome sinekur sinecure, soft Job sinel (bot.) cineraria sinfonio ; —ona symphony; -ic singa (gramm.) singular singol singleton singula single, unique singulara peculiar, strange, queer sinil ash-tray
sinistra; —о sinister, fatal, ominous; accident, conflagration: disaster sinki to sink
sinkop (med., gramm.) syncope; —a syncopal; —i; —azo (mus.) to syncopate; -p ation
sinkrona; —eso synchronistic; -onism Sinmirko Ash-Wednesday sinod ; -a (eccles.) synod; -al sinonim, —a synonym; -imous sinopsio synoptic board, synopsis,
conspectus sinov; -it (anat.) synovia; (med.)
synovitis sintax; -a syntax; -actic(al) sintezo; -a synthesis; -etic(al) sin torn ; —a symptom; -atic sinua ; —ado, —eso sinuous; -osity sinurno cinerary urn sinus (anat.) sinus; math, sine Sinyor Lord