siplo ; -i chisel, graver; to engrave
sir v past tense of si, to be
siringo syringe
Siro (Sr) Mister (Mr.), Sir
sirop; -a syrup; -y
sirvama; -o willing to help, obliging;
willingness (readiness) to help sirvan serf, bondman sirvel service, set (of porcelain, etc.) sirver ; —in servant m\f, maid-servant sirveyo attendance, service staff sirvi to serve
sirvila; -eso servile; -ility sirvin bondwoman sirvo service
sismo; —grafio seism, earthquake;
seismography sistem; -a ; -i system; -atic; to -atize sistol (med.) systole sit; -a six; -th sitek six hundred sitim sixth (fraction)
sitis ; —о sixty; about -, the sixties sitmes; -a half-year; -ly situi ; -uo to situate; -ation Sizo; —a season те;а, -al Skab; -i setback; to fail, to miss, (US) to flunk; to miscarry skabadi to bar, to prevent, to hold in check
skabon; -i; -er chess; to play -; - player
skabro; -a, -oza risk, hazard; -ous;
risky, scabrous skabyo; -a (med.) scabies, mange;
scabby, mangy skad(o); —i date, term, maturity; to
fall due skadro; -on squadron skaf (nawU hull skal stairs, staircase skalel ladder
skalico; -1 (stair’s) round, rung; (fig.)
step; to space out, to spread out skalop (cook.) collop, escalope skalpo ; —i scalp; to - skalyo scale, range skambo ; -i exchange; to - skamot, -azo; -1 juggling; to juggle skampo, -s scamp; -s; -i (it) skandal; -a; -1 scandal; -ous; to -ize skansi to scan skap(o); -1 escape n;v skapla dishevelled skapol; —1 escapade; to make an - skapon ; — i narrow escape; to have a — skapopot (mot.) silencer skapoveo way of escape, safety way skardo splinter
skarfi; —o, —azo to scarify; -ification skarko (med.)slough skarla scarlet
s kar latin (med.) scarlatina, scarlet fever
skarmuco ; -i skirmish; to - skarpo; -al; -a slope; steep slope,
escarpment; steep skarsa; —eso scarce; -ness, -ity skarto; -1 waste material, cast-off -
rubbish, scrap; to discard skateni; -azo to break loose; -ing loose те; to explode, -sion; to unleash skaut; —a; —in scout-boy n;a; girl-guide
skav(o); -i digging, excavation; to dig,
to excavate skec sketch
skedo ; -i ; -uyo file; to -; card-index
box, file-box skeli; -uyo to hide, to conceal; lurking-place, hiding-place skelskel hide-and-seek skelto ; -a skeleton; -etal skermo ; —i fencing; to fence ski, -io; -ii; -ier ski; to -; -ier skir; —azo; —i tear; tearing, rending
те; to tear, to rend, to lacerate skirigorge at the top of one’s voice, screaming adv.
skis(o); -i sketch, outline; to - skivi to shirk, to elude sklavo, -in; -ado, -eso slave m,/; -ery
skleri ; —oso ; —osa (med.) to sclerose; sclerosis; -otic
skoconi; —er to annoy, to bother, to give someone a pain in the neck; a pest, a bore skodel bowl, porringer skol; -ye; -a; -er, -erin school;
at, to - a, scholastic; -boy; -girl skolyoso (med.) scoliosis skomunik, —azo; —i (eccles.) excommunication; to -ate skoncerta; -i; -ifa disconcerted; to -ert; -ing a; bewildered; to -er; -ing a skonlo ; —i discount; to - skop ; -i aim; to - at skopri; —о to discover; -ery skor score
skorbut; —a (med.) scorbutus; scurvy, -utic
skorpyon scorpion skort(o); -i escort; to - skoryo scoria, slag skoso ; -i shake, -ing те; to - skosot; —a; —i bump; -y; to - Skot, -land; -a Scotland; Scottish. Scotch
skoyel squirrel skrac scratch
skrib (o); -a, -e; -i writing n; written;
in -; to write skriber, -ibist writer skroful; -a (med.)scrofula; -ous skrupul; -a; -i scruple; -pulous;
to have -s skruten ; —i; —er ballot, pole, vote; to
-; scrutineer skruti to search, to examine closely skud ; —er ; —erio shield; squire; stable skulti; —о ; —er to sculpture; -; -tor skum; -a froth, -y; foam, -y skuro ; -a darkness; dark skut; -i scooter; to go by - skuzo; -i excuse; to -; pardon; to - slalom slalom slam (cards) slam 81ava Slav, Slavonic slip slips
slit; -i sledge; to - slogan slogan
Sis (senlukroskopsocado) nonprofit association smalt; —i enamel; to - smart (a) smart
smeraldo; -a emerald; - green a smoking dinner-jacket; (US) tuxedo smoklo; -i; -er smuggling те; to -gle; -er
snak, -bar snack; -bar snap; —i snapshot; to -, to snap snela ; —eso nimble; -ness snob, —a snob; -bbish so one pronoun soa one’s poss.
sobra; —eso sober; sobriety; frugality
soca social, associated socado; -i association, society; to associate; to form an -tion socafirmo (society’s) name, trade-name socala social
socalismo; -ist socialism; -ist 377
socalud parlour game
socalparpo public (social) providence
state insurance Socalsekur Contributory insurance scheme
socalsekureso social security socaparl (fin.) share soceyo ; -ya society; social soci; —azo to associate; -iation socio; — ia society; -‘s soco associate, -ed n socolog ; -io sociologist; -logy sod ; -aqo soda; - water sodena, -c sudden; -ly sodyo (chem.) sodium sofa sofa, sofel
sofismo; -ist, —a sophism; ist(ical) sofistiki; -a, -at; -azo to sophisticate; -ed; -ation sofri; -o to suffer; -ing n so frul or scapegoat, whipping-boy, drudge
sofji; -o ; -orio to saw; - n; - mill sofjrena nonsensical sojjorno ; -i stay, sojourn; to - soklo pedestal, footing, bed-plate sokombi; -o to succumb, to yield; -ing n
sokorso; —i help; to -; assistance; to assist
sol (a); —eso alone; solitude, loneliness solagi ; -o to relieve; relief solaryum solarium solaso; -i frolics; to frolic; gambols, to gambol
soldat; -a soldier; -ly a
soldo; -i (soldier’s) pay; to -; to hire,
to bribe solcma ; -o lonely; -iness solena; -ado, -eso solemn; -ity solfejo solfeggio, sol-fa solfjo (fish) sole
solicit!; -(o), -azo to beg. to solicit;
-itation solicitor solicitor solida ; -eso solid; -ity solidara; —eso jointly responsable;
solidarity Soliloqo soliloquy solist; —a soloist; solo a solko (agr.) furrow; (fig.) wake, footsteps, trail solo solo л
solsole privately, with someone alone solstis solstice Solto (animal’s) sole solvable; —eso solvent; -ency sol vat solved, resolved solvayo (med.) solution solvermo taenia, tapeworm solvi; -o to solve; solution solyo; —a sun; solar, sunny solyokad sunset, (US) sundown solyokolpo sunstroke, sunburn n solyolev sunrise solyorad sunray som some a; -e someway somidyes some day or other sommode someway somnambula ; -ist; -ismo somnam-bulant, -list; -lism; sleepwalker, -king
somo something somosa some other a somoso something else somosun somebody else somov ; -er riot; -er somun somebody somvorte in some words somye somewhere somyes sometimes
soil; —a; —i sound; -ing a; to -, to ring sonal; —i ringing n; to ring, -, to jingle sonar (sc.) sonar; (also: v present of
soni, to sound) sonat (mus.) sonata; (also: v sounded) sonatin sonatina
sondo ; —i; —il boring, sounding; (med.) probing; to sound, to take soundings; to test; to probe; drill, borer, lead; probe sonel; -1 sheep-bell, small collar-bell;
to jingle soneso sonority
soni; -il to sound; to ring; ring, handbell, house-bell son-ondo (phys.) sound-wave sonora; —i sonorous; to voice; to add the sound-track effects, to give sonority (to a film) sonta sumptuous, munificent sonul sheep-bell, small bell sonya dream Cs) a
sonyadi; -o to day-dream; -ing n sonye in dream
sonyemi; —a; —о to day-dream; -ing a\n
sonyo ; -nyi dream; to - soplo; —i breath; to breathe, to blow soplon rush, flush; hot flush soplovad (cook.) omelette soufftee sopres; —i suppression; to suppress sor sister (also: v future of si, to be) sorbi ; -o to absorb; -ption sorda, -Ida; sordo, -eso sordid;
sordon skinflint; (US) tighwad
sorgaqo spring-water
sorgo; —a; —ist source n;a; dowser,
water-diviner sor ко ; —a (techn.) spring n\a sorna; -ado; -eso sly; - action; -ness
sorpren ; -i surprise; to -