sorsel sip
sorso gulp
sort; -e sort; so that
sortileflo spell, incantation
SOS, S.O.S. S.O.S.
soself oneself
sospendi; -o to suspend; -ension
sospir ; -i sigh; to -
sost(o); -i halt; little stay, stop; to
halt, to stop sostanso ; -a substance; -tial sostantiv substantive sosten; -i support; to - sotan; —at (eccles.) cassock, soutane n;a sotela; -eso subtle; -ty. acutenese soteleci to subtilize, to pinch sotir ; -1 drawing-off; to get out sotrak; -i subtraction; to subtract soven; —i remembrance; to remember sovran, —a sovereign n;a
sovyet; —a soviet n\a, -ic sozyo double n spad sword
spadrel cord-sole shoe, (US) espadrille
spagetos spaghetti
spago; -orio string, packing string;
string-factory spak; -a; -i swank, (US) splurge;
stunning;, to stun, to flabbergast spal; —ado; —adi shoulder; help; to
give a leg-up spalmo ; —i smearing n; to smear spansa ; spanso ; -ema spreading a,
expansion; expansive spansen; -i effusion; to discharge (a liquid)
spansi; -o to spread; -ing n; to pour
out; -ing out n spar v present of spi, to know spar(o); -i saving n; to save, to spare,
to put by sparkaso savings-bank sparsi; -o to scatter; -ing n sparvel (zool.) sparrow-hawk spasa space a, spatial spasmo ;—a (med.)spasm;-odic, spastic spaso ; -oza space; -ious spat v ppcp of spi, to know spatul spatula
specala ; -e; -i; -eso; -ayo special; -lly; to -ize; -ality (nature; thing) specifi, -fazo to specify; -ification specimen specimen, sample speco kind, sort, species specoza ; —ozo specious; -ness sped(o); -i; -er sending n\ to send; -er
spek; —i mirror; to reflect; to gleam spekadi to reflect spektaklo ; —a spectacle; -ular spekter spectator
spekto; -i sight, vision, spectacle;
to see, to be a spectator of spektro ; —a spectre; -al; ghost; -ly spekul; —i; —er speculation; to -ate; -ator
spel; —i spelling; to spell spena, -t; -i out (light, flre), extinguished; to put out, to blow out sper(o); -i; -enda hope, to -; to be
expected a spersa ; —e frantic; desperately spesa ; -o thick: -ness spex(o); —i competence, speciality; to be under the Juridiction of, to be of the competence of spezo; —i; —ema expense; to spend;
thriftless spezoza expensive spi v to know
spico ; -i ; -ema contempt; to despise;
contemptuous spid; -a (cook.) spit, broach n\a spipo (bot.) ear, spike, cob spik(o), -azo ; -i expiation; to -late spikokapro scapegoat spil; —i pin; to -, to - up spildi to be on the look-out for, to spy upon
spin ; —a thorn; -y spinaso spinach
spindo; —i; —il spinning n; to spin; spindle
spinedo; -a brushwood; bushy spinel (tree) hawthorn; (flower) may spingi; -o to push, to hustle; crush,
pushing. Jostling n spinoco ; —a bramble; -y spinot (zool.) porcupine spion; —i spy; to - spir v past tense of spi, to know spiral; -a; -e spiral; -lly spiro; -i respiration; to breathe spirt-enga shallow-minded spir to ; -a spirit n;a, spiritual spir to!; -a wit; witty spirtopova poor in spirit spizel gingerbread
spizo; -a, -at; -i; —er spice; -ed;
to-; grocer splanko ; -a viscera; -al splen ; -a (anat.) spleen; splenic splendo; -a; -i splendour; -did,
resplendant, gorgeous; to shine splin; —i spleen; to be in low spirits spolvel dust-coat, overalls, dungarees spol; -i; -azo skin, spoils; to spoliate,
to despoil; spoliation spolal corpse, mortal remains spongo; -a sponge; -y spontana; — e spontaneous; -ly spor v, future of spi, to know sporada ; —e sporadic; -ally sport; —a, —ema sport n;a spozi; -o; -in to marry; husband; wife
sprint; —er sprint; -er
sprizi ; -o to spout, to gush out; gush,
spurt, spouting n spron; -i spur; to - spropon ; —i cock-and-bull story; irrelevant (silly) talk; to Jump from one thing to another spropone irrelevantly spun ; -a, -e spoon n\a\adv. spunti to dawn; bot. to peep, to sprout spur v conditional of spi, to know sput(o); -i spitting n, spittle; to spit sqal shark
sqam; -a (med., anat.) squama; -ous sqar square n;a sqizita exquisite Sr (Siro) Mr. (Mister) stabila; -i; -azo stable; to stabilize; -zation
stad(o) stage, period, degree stadyo stadium, arena staf; -a staff n;a stafel messenger, dispatch-rider staflo stirrup
stagnaqo stagnant (standing) water stagno; -a; -i pond, pool; stagnant;
to stagnate stajo ; -er probationary period; probationer
stak; -i sieve, sifter; to bolt, to sift stal; —a; -orio steel n\a\ steel-works staldo seat, stall etalkо standard n stalon stallion, stud-horse stamen (bot.) stamen stampel postage stamp, stamp 378
stampilyo; — yi mark, stamp; stam-piDg n
stampo ; —1 print; stamp; seal; to - elan; -1; -er tin n;a; to tin; tinsmith, tinker
standard, —a standard n:a standing standing stando state, condition stango bar, rod stanka watertight
Stankol watertight compartment, watertight bulkhead Stan so; —el stanza; verse, strophe star (cin.) star; (also: v present of sti,
to stay, to be) stara, — e standing a,adv. staret starlet star! to stand, — up stark(o); -1 starch; to - start (o); -1 start n:v stasadl; -o to park standiDg, parking n staso; —a stasis; static stasyon; -ye station; at, to the -; -aldo stationmaster stat v wpcv of sti, to stay, to be Stata; -1; -azo State’s; to establish -
control; ishment
statlstik, -a statistics; -ical Stato; statvir State; statesman statuo ; -ua ; -uer statue; -ary; sculptor
statut; -a; -ye statute; -tory; in the - stek steak
Stel; —a star; starry, stellar stem escutcheon
sten(o); -a shorthand, stenography; -graphic
Stencil; -1 stencil; to - stenda; —do stretched, outspread, extensive; extension
stendadi to spread, to stretch out, to extend
stendardo banner, standard stendo ; -azo extent; -ension stener, —in stenographer m; steni to take down in shorthand stenin stenographer step; —а,—e step n;a-,adv.,at a walking pace
stepal; —1 approach; to - Step! to go at a walking pace stepstepe step by step sterila; -i; -at; -eso sterile; to -ize; -zed; -ity; arid, -ity; barren sternut; —1 sneeze; to - Steryo (meas.) stere stetoskop stethoscope steward ; -in steward; -ess Sti v to stay, to be sti!; -el boot; ankle - stiflek; -i; -er (boot-) licking; to lick; bootlicker stiomo, -1 stigma; -tic stik stick [-ized
stil; -a; -i; -at style n;a; to -ize; stilyo fountain-pen stim; —i esteem, to - stimadi; -o estimation; to -ate stimul; -azo; -1; -ifa stimulus; -Iation; to -late; -ating
stlnki ; -o to stink; stink stip (tree’s) stump; stock; (comm.) stub, counterfoil stipel stub, counterfoil stiplo steeplechase stipul, -azo ; -i stipulation; to -ate stir v past tense of sti, to stay, to be stiro, -azo ; -adi ; -erin; -il ironing (coats); to press up, to iron up; ironer /; flat-iron stiv(o) (naut.)hold stivuk (naut.) storeroom stof; — 1 stuff; to give fullness, to All out stoika; -ismo stoic (al); -ism stok ; -a ; -ye stock n;a; in - stomak ; -a stomach; -al stomit (med.) stomatitis stompi; -o to dim, to shade off;
shading off stop ; -i stop; to - stoplo; —a tow, oakum; to caulk stopso ; —i darning; to darn stor v future of sti, to stay, to be stor(o) window-blind stordita;— eso, —ado heedless; -ness;
giddy, -iness (nature; action) storko ; — i extortion; to extort storno ; —i refund; to - stosi ; -o to emboss; -ment strad(o); -a ; -ye street; -‘s; in the - stragon; —a (bot.) tarragon n;a strana ; -eso strange; -ness strangi; -er; -o to strangle; -er;
-ing n stras strass
strato; —a, —e stratum, layer, bed n\a\adv.
stratosfer; -a stratosphere; -ic stravago ; -a ; -i extravagance; -ant; -vagate stregi to bewitch
strego; -in; -io wizard, sorcerer;
witch, sorceress; sorcery strek; -er; -i strike; -er; to -; sida - sit-down strike
stren; —1 present, gift; to use (to wear)
for the first time strenga; -o strenuous; -ness stret(o) (geog.) strait strida strident