strlgo; -a; -i stripe; -ed; to -
stria, to striate strika skimpy, narrow stril; -i shriek, scream; to - string!; -o to embrace; - n; to hug; - n
strip; -in, -erin strip-tease; -er / strof(o) strophe stroso ostrich
stud; -1; -ema; -ent study; to -; -ious; -ent
stuf; —a, —at; —i (cook.)stove; -ed; to—
stuk ; —a (arch.) stucco n;a
stup (o); -or stupor
stupal narcotic, drug
stupi; -o to amaze; -ment; to stupefy
stuplda; -eso, -ado stupid; -ity
(nature, action) stupifa stupefying, amazing, astounding stusel, -azo ; -i; -ema tickling n; to tickle; -ish
su ; —a under, below ртер,а suadi; —о to persuade; -uasion suagent; -up sub-agent; -cy sualdo deputy chief clerk (waiter,
stationmaster); assistant, - manager sualimenti; -azo to underfeed; malnutrition Suat subordinate, -d suava; -eso suave; -ity suazo subordination sub; —a under prep\a suban dependant, underling n subderker; -in deputy-director; -
directress, - manageress subdevolva; -o under-developed; -pment
Subdivid; -i subdivision; to -vide
Sube below, beneath; —el undershirt
subema; -o passive; -ity
subfolga subsequent
Subi to suffer, to submit to, to undergo
Subin dependant /
subita; -e sudden; -ly
subjek; —a; —e subject; -ive; -ively
subjogi ; -o, -azo to subjugate; -ation
subkonsho, —a subconsciousness; -ious
sublima sublime, lofty
sublimal (chem.) sublimate
sublini to underline
subluk ; -i subletting; to sublet
submara; —ior submarine o;n
submindi; —о to understand, to imply;
innuendo, implication submit!; -o ; -eso to submit; submission, submissiveness Subo underwear; the side below Subol saucer
Suborn!; —о to suborn; -ation subret maid, soubrette subrog-tuter surrogate guardian subsid ; -i subsidy; to -ize subsist(o); —i subsistence; to subsist substanso ; -a substance; -antial substantiv substantive, noun substitu! ; -uo to substitute; -ution subtaso saucer subtenent second-lieutenant subtenso low blood-pressure Subtera, -aro underground a; n subterfugo subterfuge, shift subtitlo; -i sub-title; to - suburbo ; —a suburb; -an subven ; —i subvention; to subsidize subvert!; —о to subvert; -ersion subvest underwear, undergarment Sud ; —a; —e South n\a\adv. southern suelper sub-assistant, deputy assistant suertadi, -o to draw lots; lots-drawing suerto ; —a, —e lot, fate, destiny, hazard,
chance n;a;adv suevalui; —uo to underestimate; -ation suf! enough!
sufema; -o conceited, self sufficient; self-conceit, - sufficiency sufo; -a; -e sufficiency; -lent; -tly,
enough sufix suffix sul№ (cook.) воиАйё
sufon; -i big quantity, more than
enough; to be more than sufficient sufrago suffrage, vote
sugo ; -a cork n,a (substance) sui to subordinate suicid ; -i suicide; to commit - sui el; -i suggestion; to suggest sugest; -i suggestion; to influence (by -)
suk; —a. -oza juice; -y sukra sugared, sweet sukrel barley sugar sukren ; -i (pastry) candy; to - sukro ; -il; -ol sugar; -tongs; lump of sugar
sukron brown sugar sukulenta ; -enso succulent; -ence sulfo ; -ato sulphur; sulphate sulki; -o to soil, to dirty; dirt, stain,
spot; (fig.) blemish sulto balance payment; fraudulent
balance (premium) sulyo (animal’s) hoof sum ; —i ; —eyo sum; to - up; summary sun; —a; -este soon adv.\a\ as - ae possible
sunesta bonesta the sooner the better
sung!; -o (birds’) warbling; to warble sunto, -a; -i epitome, compendium;
abstract, epitome a; to epitomize suoficer non-commissioned officer suol; -e ground, earth; on the ground suordan subordinate, dependant n sup soup
super, -a extra, - fine adv.,a superba superb; proud superflua superfluous superi to exceed, to go beyond, to surpass
superko fraud, deceit superponi to superimpose supers lis; -a superstition; -ious Superyor; —in Superior (eccles.) m\f supil soup-ladle, ladle supla; —eso supple, soft; -ness suplanti; —azo to supplant; -ing n supledi; -o to replace, to supply, to complete; substitution; functions of (deputy) substitute suplik; —i request, petition; to beg,
to supplicate, to beseech suplis; —i; —er torture; to -; -er,
executioner suport; —i; —er support; to -; -er supozi ; —о to suppose; -ition supra extra, superior a Supran (eccles.) Superior supre superlatively supretekt; -ado sub-prefect; -ure suprema ; -ado supreme; -macy supremel (cook.) supreme supreso superiority supri to outmatch, to surpass Suprin (eccles.) Superior /; Mother
superior supro superiority suproduk; —azo under-production suprun superior man suput; —i calculation, estimation; to calculate, to estimate supuyo tureen; soup - sur over prep. sur— prefix for “over” 381
sura over a
surajja; —i over age a; to be - suralimenti; -azo to feed up; overfeeding, feeding up n suralti to heighten suranya antiquated, superannuated surbasi (arch.) to depress, to surbase; (mot.) to undersling; -a, -at depressed, surbased
surbid ; —i outbidding n; to outbid surbum; -i big youth-party; to organize a - surcefe more than enough surcil; —adi eyebrow; to frown surd a ; -eso ; —i deaf; -ness; to -en surdamuta deaf-and-dumb a; deaf-mute n
surden; -i; -e, -a mute; to talk, to
sound on the sly; muted adv.,a surd eta hard of hearing surd ifa deafening surdril overtraining n sure over, above adv. surelgo first quality, first choice, first selection
surexit; -i overexcitement; to -ite surfaco; -a, —ema surface n\a\
superficial surfina superfine
surgi; —о to rise, to appear; upheaval,
rising n, rise surgraten top, upper selection surkargo; —i overloading n\ to -load surklasi to outclass surkolma jam-full surkontro ; -i (bridge game) redouble; to -
surkot; -i overtrumping; to -trump surmen; —i overwork; to -; to overexert oneself surmerkade on top of that, besides all
that, into the bargain surmonti to surmount surnagi to float on the surface surnam ; —el nickname; sobriquet surnefra (anat.) suprarenal surnum ; —a ; —e exceeding number; supernumerary a\adv. surom ; —a superman; superhuman surozo ; —i rashness; to act rashly surpasi to surpass surpezo ; —i overweight; to -weigh surplena jam-full surpluo excess, surplus surpopla, —at; -o overpopulated; -ation
surpren ; -i surprise; to - surpresyadi to overestimate surpresyi to overcharge (prices) surproduki; —azo to over-produce; -uction
surprovi to pass an examination (a test)
surreal ismo ; -ist (a) surrealism; -ist
surrona (anat.) suprarenal Surs ; -a U.S.S.R.; of the Soviet Union, of U.S.S.R.
sursalto; —i jump; to -, to give a - (a start)
sursel; —i postponement, stay of proceedings, of execution; to postpone, to stay [-ness
sursensibla; —eso supersensitive; sursona supersonic sursube topsyturvy, upside down sursut overshoe
surtax; —i surtax, supertax; to - surte above all
surtenso hypertension, high blood-pressure
survarma ; —i superheated; to -heat survelyo; —yi supervising, control;
to supervise, to control, to watch over surviv; -i survival; to survive survodel overhang susheptibla ; -eso susceptible; -ility susliiti to arouse, to create, to stir up suskrib(o); -i subscription; to subscribe
susol subsoil
suspek; —i; —ema suspicion; to suspect; suspicious
suspendi; -o to interrupt; -tion suspens(o) suspense n sustenti; -o to sustain; -ing n susur; —i susurration; to whisper sut; —i shoe; to -, to provide with -s,
to put on -s sutaso saucer
sutel dancing sandal; bootee, children’s slipper
sutur ; —i (med.) suture; to - suv(o); -i sweat; to - suxed ; -i succession; to succeed suxedal succession, transmission; -
taxos death-duties suxes ; —i success; to be -ful Svedo; -a; -al; -el Sweden; -dish; -dish lang; sufcde (leather) svelta ; -eso slim; -ness Swis ; -a Switzerland; Swiss syedi; -o to be decent, correct; - a; decency