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syedokono good manners, knowledge

of —, of the world syeko ; —i subjection; to subdue syen; —e breast, bosom, womb; in the

middle of, in the lap of syerti; —er ; -o, —azo to set (precious

stones); setter; setting n syesto ; —i siesta; to have a - syok ploughshare

syom ; -i pack-saddle; to load, to put a - syor (Sr) Mister (Mr.), Sir syuti to suit, to match

ta your (thy)

tabak; -er tobacco; -nlst tabel board; blackboard tabligi to go to table tablo ; —ol table; small -, stand tabu, -ua taboo; -, -ed taburel stool

taca; —i tacit, unspoken, silent; to be - taconi not to open one’s lips tacu! shut up! taelte at, on, from your side tak; —oni (shoe’s) heel; to spur on, to press hard, to dog

taken, —ado ; —i teasing n; to tease

taklkardio (wed.) tachycardia

taktemo, —a tactfulness; -ful

takto tact

tal, —a such a

talale in conformity

talbi; —о to yoke, to harness; yoke,

harnessing, team, turn-out taldo; -1 show, display; to lay out, to display, to show off tale so; in such a manner talent; -a talent; -ed talko talc

talkonte if so, in that case talmode in such a way talpo; -uyo mole; - hill talpunte so.so far, to such a extent that talsorte in such a way that taltala such (so, just) as he (it) is;

(US) as is talyel waist

talyo ; -yi cutting; to cut talyol thin noodle tam! short!; bluntly; just in time tambur drum tamburon bass drum, big - tameleste the best you can adv. tamode in your own way tampo; -1 inking-pad; to stamp tan so, so much, so many tanet a little

tangi; —e to concern; -ing adv. tango relation (also: tango (dance) tanfm proportional quantity; percentage

of profit tank tank

tanmele! so much the better! tanmine all the less… as tanpize! so much the worse! tanplue all the more… as tansate plenty; ever so much tant aunt

tanvole ad libitum, at will

tanyi; -yazo; -yer, to tan; tanningn;

tanner taopine in your opinion tap ; -1 cork; to -

tapes; —i; —er; —io carpet; to cover (with tapestry); upholsterer; tapestry, upholstery tar tare (of weight); (also: v. present of

ti, to put) tarca thickset, stocky, stubby tarda late; tardy a tarde late adv. tardema tardy, belated tardeste at the latest tardi to be late, to delay tardo; -bombo delay; delayed-action bomb

targo plate n; mot. number-plate tarif; -i; -a tariff; to -; - a tarmak tarmac tarmo moth tarso (anat.) tarsus tartin bread and butter; slice of bread with ham, cheese, etc. tarto; -el tart; tartlet tartuf; -ado, -eso tartufe; -Ism, hypocrisy

taryo; -a, -at blemish, unsoundness, taint; unsound, corrupt tas(o) cup; (also: yours pi pronoun) tasko ; -i task; to accomplish a task tasti to touch, to feel with the fingers,

to finger, to handle tat v participle of ti, to put tatui; -uo to tattoo; - n taturne in your turn tauro bull taverno tavern, inn tax; -i tax; to -

taxal; -er tax; tax-gatherer, publican

taxi to tax; (also: taxi, taxicab) taxon; -azo; -i controlled fixed-price; controlled-prlces fixing n; to fix controlled prices

tayor tailleur, tailor-made costume te you (compl.) (also: tea) tea tro ; —a theater n; a, -ical tego; -orio tile; - works teinil tea-pot

tekno, -a; -er technics, technique; -ical; -ician tel(o) linen, linen cloth telefer telpher telefon telephone telegralo; -io telegraph; -aphy telegram telegram teleguidi ; -o to radio-control; - n telekomando remote control telekomunik telecommunication, radio-report teleskop telescope telespekter televiewer televid television telex telex

telgo ; —i telegram; to wire telgovalto telegraphic money-order telon wire-netting n, woven wire-cloth tern; —a theme; -atic temp el; -e leisure; at - tempest tempest, storm templo temple

temp(o); -a time; -‘s, temporary temporala temporal, secular tempori, —azo to temporize; -ation temprament temperament, constitution

tempratur temperature


tempro, —eso; —a temperance; temperate, sober tempyo; -ya (anat.) temple; temporal temtempe from time to time ten(o) holding, keeping, possession ten! hullo 1

tenado behaviour, attitude, manners tenalyo; -yi pincers; to torture, to torment

tend en; -a (anat.) tendon; tendinous tenebro; —a darkness, gloom; dark, gloomy, mysterious

tenel tenor, terms; percentage, contents tenent lieutenant tener holder, possessor teni to hold, to keep, to possess tenis; —er tennis; -player tenit (med.) retention tenor tenor (singer) tenra (meat) tender tensado tendency tensema; -o tendentious; -ness tenso;—i tension, stretching, stress; to stretch, to strain, to tense tentado; -i temptation; to tempt-tento; -i trial, attempt; to try, to - tenua; —ueso tenuous; tenuity; thin, thinness

tenyo tapeworm teolofl ; -io theologian; -logy teorem theorem teorio; -ora theory; -etic(al) tepa tepid, lukewarm ter; -a earth; -ly, terrestrial terapio; -ара therapy; -peutic terarmeo (land) ground forces teraso terrace terbentin turpentine teredo soil, native soil, teren ground ter eta go ground floor tergo; —a, —e verso, back; of, at the - teribla; -e terrible; -bly terimpost land-tax teritor; —a territory; -orial terkok earthenware terkredit land credit; land bank terma thermic termaro (med.) thermal baths termen;-a term, word; terminological termin; —i terminus; to end, to finish, to terminate

termitlo; -uyo termite, white ant; termitary

termo term, time, delay termometro thermometer termostat thermostat terna; -eso; -i dull, drab, tarnished; dullness, drabness; to tarnish, to dull teroca, -t; -o; -i dismayed; dismay; to -

teror; -a; -i terror; terrible; to -ifу terpom; —purel potato; mashed -oes terpomsaiad potatoes salad terprop estate, real estate tertera prosaic, vulgar tertrem; -i earthquake; to quake, to shake (of the earth) tervermo earthworm tesalon tea-room tesro card, membership-card


test test, examination test(o); -i witness; to bear -, to testify testadi; -o to attest; -ation testament; -a will; (eccl.) Testament; testamentary testamentuco mutual test(ament) testarda stubborn

tetan; -a (med.) tetanus, lockjaw; tetanic

teveo ; -ea; -ei television n;a; to -vise tex, -azo ; -er; -i; -ayo weaving n; -er; to -e; fabric, tissue texa’ weft

texen loom [tim

texto ; -a; -ala text n;a; -ual, verba-tezo thesis, argument, point of view ti to put

tibyo (anat.) tibia, shin-bone tica, -at; -i; -o infatuated with; to become —; -uation tif; —a (med.) typhus n;a tifoid ; -a typhoid; -al tifon typhoon tigo stem, stalk tigro; -in tiger; tigress tik (med.) tic, twitch tikel ticket tikelkontor box-office tilyo (free) lime-tree tim(o); -a fear, dread; -‘s, fearful timbal timbal, cup; kettledrum timbro; — i sound, bell, gong; to sound,

to ring timi to fear

timid a; -eso shy; -ness, timidity;

bashful, -ness timon ; -i; -er rudder; to steer; steerer timpan (all s.) tympanum tintel tint, hue, shade ]-er

tint(o); -i; -er dyeing, dye; to dye; tip; -a; -e type, typical; -lly tipograf; -io typographer; -graphy tipyo ; -yon tip; big tip, premium, key

money tir shooting

tiran; -a; -i tyrant; -annical, -annous; to -nize tirant (naut.) draught [out n

tireli; -azo to stretch; -ing drawing, tiri to draw

tir oid, —a (anat.) thyroid n; a tisan infusion, decoction titan; -a titan; -ic titanyo titanium

titlen alloy, amalgamation, degree titlo; -i title; to entitle; heading л titub(o), -azo; -i staggering n; to stagger

tizo brand, firebrand tizyo; —ya (med.) phthisis, consumption; consumptive to all (things)

toe ; —a imitation, sham, bogus n, a toet all these a

toeto all this, all that pronoun

tofat ready-made

togo toga; gown, robe

toinse all included, all-in

tolena all sorts of, all kinds of

tok, -i touch; to -

tokolora variegated, of all colours


tokontat all told, all things considered tokopetro touchstone tokopunt point of impact tolaze in quite a low voice tolero, -emo; -i; -ema tolerance; to -ate; -ant toleta quite little tolto sheet-iron torn tome, volume tomat tomato