tomatbrolovos scrambled eggs with tomatoes
tomatovad omelette with tomatoes tomatsalad tomato salad tomomente at every moment ton; —a; —axent tone; -al; stress tonco ; -i rough-cast n;a tondo ; -i shearing n; to shear tonika (all e.) tonic tonir, —e close to, near tonyo (weight) ton top top
topografio ; -afa topography; -ic toposa; -o omnipotent, almighty;
omnipotence Toposa (Io) The Almighty topresye at any price toprime first of all toqala of all qualities tor tower (also: v future of ti, to put) toranga of all ranks torasa of all races torax; —a (anat.) thorax; -acic torco torch
tordal; —i (med.) sprain, wrench; to - tordel; -i sprain; dig.) stretching n:
to twist, to stretch tordema; -o tortuous; -ity tordikol (med.) torticollis, crick in the
neck, stiff neck, wryneck tordo; -i; -a, -at twisting n: to
twist; -ed torefi; —azo to torrefy; -ication; to roast; -ing n
torent; -a torrent; -ial tor id a torrid
torlo winch, windlass, bollard torment; -i torment; to - tornado turn, course, direction tornel;—i detour, deviation; to make a - tornen, -azo; -i (mot.) steering m;
to steer torneo tournament torni to turn tornikel turnstile tornil lathe torno turn, revolution tornot; —i (mot.) corner, turn, bend;
to take a - torpedo; -i torpedo; to - torpo ; —a ; —i torpor; torpid; to numb, to dull
torsado twisted fringe, - cord; (arch.)
rope-moulding torso (anat.) torso, trunk, chest tort(o); -a; -e; -i wrong n;a; -ly; to be -
tortur; -i; -ist torture; to -; -er. executioner torva grim, scowling, forbidding (glance, appearance)
toryon nougat, almond paste tos all (people)
Tosantos (eccl.) All Saints’ Day tosia all people’s, everyone’s (pose.) tosimple simply, purely tosola lonely, quite alone tosorta all sorts of a tospeca of all sorts, of all breeds tostel toast (bread) tot all a
total; -a; —ismo total n :a; -itarianism
tote quite, altogether
totelte on, from all sides
totempe always
toteos all those pronoun
totosa all other a
totoso all other things
totosunos all other people, all other ones
totosye everywhere else
totosyes all other times
totoxe in all circumstances
tox ; —i poison; to -
toxa, toxifa toxic, poisonous
toye everywhere
toyes every time
tozo ; —i measuring apparatus; to measure
tra beyond
tracadi to retrace; to recall traco; -i track, trail, trace; to trace out, to outline, to draw tradis ; -a tradition; -al traduk; -i; -er translation; to -ate; -tor
trafik; -i; -er traffic; to -; -icker trafix (street, railway, etc.) traffic traga, —eda; -o, —edio tragic, -al; tragedy
trajek ; -i journey, crossing n; to cross traiektor trajectory trak(o); -azo; -i extract; -ion; to - trakaso ; -i bother, worry; to - trakeo; -eit (anat.) trachea; (med.) tracheitis
trakom (med.) trachoma trakt(o) tract tral beyond the tralo ; -i attempt; to -, to try tram; -a; -e; -i tram(way); -‘s; by -; to go by - tram bo ; -i woof; to weave tramfermo tramway-stop tramont; —i sunset; to set; to decline trampo ; -an stilt; (zool.) wader tranal; -i; -er loitering n; to loiter, to dawdle; -er tranco ; —i slice; to - tranema loiterer trani to drag, to haul, to carry tranqil(o), -eso; -a tranquillity; still, tranquil trans beyond
transakto ; -i transaction; settlement; to transact; to settle transala transitive transbord; -i transfer, ferrying n; tranship (transship),to ferry, to transfer transept (o) transept transfer; -i transfer; to - transfiguri; -azo to transfigure -ation 385
transformi; -о, -azo to transform; -ation
transfriga chilled to the bone transfuzl; -o to transfuse; -ion transgredi; -o to transgress; -ion transi to cross, to go across transigi to compound, to compromise, to settle transfl police pass transiro; -a transition; -itory transistor transistor trasit; -i transit; to to send in - transkrib; —i transcription; to transcribe
translok, -azo; -i removal; to -ove,
to move transluca translucent transmiti; -o to forward; -ing n; to transmit; -ission transo; -mast crossing n; driving-shaft, propeller shaft transpara; —o, -eso transparent; -ency
transpir; —i to perspire; -ation transplant; —i transplantation; to transplant
transport; —i transport; to -, to convey transvazi to decant transversa transversal tranxo trance; fear, dread, anxiety trap; —il; —el trap, - door, hatchway;
(ship’s)hatchway [in -
Iraplo; -i trap; to -, to set a -, to catch trar v present of tri, to And trashenda; —о transcendent; -ence, -ency
traso; -i {comm.) bill, draft; to draw
tratado treatment
tratal treaty, agreement
tratali to negociate, to treat, to discuss
tratayo treatise
tratel contract, transaction, bargain traten; —i treat, feast, banquet; to
entertain, to regale Irati; —o, —azo to treat; -ment traumo ; —a (med.) traumatism; -atic trav ; —ek beam; joist travel; -i; -er travel; to -; -eller travelcek travellers check traversel bolster traverso ; —i crossing n; to cross travest(o), —azo ; —i disguise; to - travet small beam, girder [- n
travolvi; —о to overthrow, to upset; travon ; -i prop; to - trax(o); —il, —ingo traction; to draw, to pull; tractor
trazi; -o; -er to betray; -yal; -er, traitor
tre; -a three; third treanya three years’; — old tred (o); -i; -er trade; to -; -er tredaflot merchant service, mercantile marine
tredaius commercial law tredakod commercial code tred>akord commercial agreement, - treaty
treek three hundred treflo (bot.) clover, trefoil; (cards) clubs
treis ; -o thirty; a group of thirty trel, -azo ; -i warping, hauling; to haul, to tow
trelyo ; -silk climbing vine; vine-juice, wine
trem(o); -i trembling n; to tremble tremigi; -o to shiver, to tremble; -ing n
tremoli to totter trempo ; -i temper; to - tren ; -e; -i train; by -; to go by - trenc(o); —i trench; to entrench trengo implements, outfit trenon ; —i living in style; to live — treo trio, a group of three trepan!; —azo (med.) to trepan; -anning n
trepidi; -azo to vibrate, -ing; to quiver, -ing, to shudder, -ing tres; —i tress, braid; to - tresor; -i; —ist treasure; to hoard; treasurer trespo stage; trestle trev(o); —i truce; to make a - tri to find
triavel great-great-grandfather trib(o); -a tribe; -al tribord ; -a (naut.) starboard n;a tribul; -i tribulation; to afflict, to pain tribun tribune tribunal tribunal tribunist popular orator, - leader tribut; -er duty, tax; - payer; tributary, dependant triciklo tiicycle trident trident triglo(/is/i) red mullet, gurnard trigon; -a triangle; -gular trigonometrio; -etra trigonometry; -ic (al)
trik ; -i (cards) trick; to take a - trikin(wed.) trichina trikorno, —a tricorn; three-cornered trildo; -i wire-drawing; to wire-draw trilingua trilingual trilyon trillion (1018) trim; -i a third Uract.); to divide by three
trimbali; -azo to drag (to lug, to
cart) about
trimes; —a quarter, three months; quarterly
trinki to clink (to chink) glasses, to
have a drink trio trio
trionfo; -i; -er triumph; to -; -ing, -er, victor trip (cook.) tripe triparta tripartite triped tripod triplex triplex
triplo, -a triple, treble, threefold n.a triportil carrier-tricycle tripot, -azo; -i; -er mess, messing (pottering) about; to mess about; meddler
triptik triptych trir v past tense of tri, to find trisanye thrice a year trish; —i; -er cheating n; to cheat; - (player)
triside three times a day trismese three times a month (risore three times an hour trista ; —eso ; —i sad; -ness; to sadden tristol; -i sorrow, grief; to grieve, to afflict
trisveke three times a week trit(o); —azo; -i; -el crushing, to
crush; hashing, to hash; minced meat tritil; trilol chopping-knife; (cook.)
meat-ball triton triton
Triun; -a (eccl.) Trinity; -arian trivyala; -eso, -ado vulgar; -ity trizo; —i sorting; to sort tro; —a too much vronoun\a troen (bot.) privet trofeo trophy
troglodit; -a troglodyte; -tic trok ; —i barter, exchange; to - trolebus trolley-bus troley trolley tromben waterspout trombo trumpet
trompi; —a, —era; —о to deceive; -ing a; -er; deceit, cheating trompiok camouflage, trompe-l’ceil;
dummy drawing tromponi to make a gross mistake tron ; —a; -i throne; of the -; to -, to reign
tronso stump, piece, section
tropik; -a tropic; -al
troplen overfull n
troplo (bot.) nasturtium
tror v future of tri, to And
trot; -i; -er trot, trotting n; to -;
-otter trotlo top (toy)
trovayo ; -yaro lost property; —office
trovel lucky find, bargain
trovul foundling
Troya Trojan
troye in too many places
troyes too many times, too often
Troyo Troy, Troad
tru through [to drench
trubana; —i soaked, wet; to soak,
truca cruel, barbarous, monstrous
truf ; -a truffle; stuffed with -s
trufendi to cleave in twain, to run
through, to stab trufuli to shove through the crowd trui, trugi to go through, to pierce, to stab
truk; -i trick, knack; to fake; to
gerrymander, to cheat trui through the trulando cross-country trulerni to learn thoroughly trump ; —i trump; to - trunk (o) trunk, suitcase
trup ; -el troop; (mil.) detachment Iruparli to talk up to, to monopolize the conversation trus ; -el, -eyo bundle, case, dressing-case; bundle; (keys-) bunch; (bride’s) trousseau, (US) hope-chest trust; -eo trust; -ее trut trout
trutrue through and through tsar; -in; —ol tsar; -ina; -evitch tsigan; —in gipsy w; / tu; tua you, thou; your, thy tualet; —i toilet; to have a wash, to dress; (also : lavatory) tub(o); -a pipe, tube n\ a tuberklin (med.) tuberculine tuberklo; -it; -ita tuber, (med.)
tubercle; tuberculosis; -ulous tublin pipe-line tubyo tub. bathing-tub Tud ; -a; —e Tuesday n; a; adv. tuf (geog.) tufa tugur hovel, slum tulpo (fabric.) tulle tuli to take, to take off, to take away tulpo tulip
tumor; -a (med.) tumour; -oral tumul barrow, tumulus tumulto; -a; -i uproar, tumult; -tuous; to kick up a row tun tunny-fish tunel tunnel
tunik (eccl.) tunicle; (mil., med., bot.) tunic
tup ; -i cheek, nerve; to have - tur walk, stroll, tour turado; -a, -e tour; on - a, adv. turba; -o; —i dim, blurred, confused, troubled; trouble, confusion; to trouble, to confuse turbant turban turbin; —a turbine n; a turbojet turbojet turbot (fish) turbot turf racing, turf
turismo; —ist; -a tourism; -ist; -istic
Turkio, Turk (a); -kal Turkey; -kish; -kish (lang.) turkezyo turquoise turne in turn, by turns turno turn
turpaignoble, wicked, vile; -ado, -eso turpitude
turtopie (cook.)
tus; -i; -on cough; to -; (med.) fit tuto; —er tutelage; guardian, tutor tutol (agr.) stake, support, prop tuzi to address s.o. saying “thou” twist; —i (dance) twist; to - tyermo; —a delay, term n; a tyesto carapace, shell