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Triun; -a (eccl.) Trinity; -arian trivyala; -eso, -ado vulgar; -ity trizo; —i sorting; to sort tro; —a too much vronoun\a troen (bot.) privet trofeo trophy

troglodit; -a troglodyte; -tic trok ; —i barter, exchange; to - trolebus trolley-bus troley trolley tromben waterspout trombo trumpet

trompi; —a, —era; —о to deceive; -ing a; -er; deceit, cheating trompiok camouflage, trompe-l’ceil;

dummy drawing tromponi to make a gross mistake tron ; —a; -i throne; of the -; to -, to reign

tronso stump, piece, section

tropik; -a tropic; -al

troplen overfull n

troplo (bot.) nasturtium

tror v future of tri, to And

trot; -i; -er trot, trotting n; to -;

-otter trotlo top (toy)

trovayo ; -yaro lost property; —office

trovel lucky find, bargain

trovul foundling

Troya Trojan

troye in too many places

troyes too many times, too often

Troyo Troy, Troad

tru through [to drench

trubana; —i soaked, wet; to soak,

truca cruel, barbarous, monstrous

truf ; -a truffle; stuffed with -s

trufendi to cleave in twain, to run

through, to stab trufuli to shove through the crowd trui, trugi to go through, to pierce, to stab

truk; -i trick, knack; to fake; to

gerrymander, to cheat trui through the trulando cross-country trulerni to learn thoroughly trump ; —i trump; to - trunk (o) trunk, suitcase


trup ; -el troop; (mil.) detachment Iruparli to talk up to, to monopolize the conversation trus ; -el, -eyo bundle, case, dressing-case; bundle; (keys-) bunch; (bride’s) trousseau, (US) hope-chest trust; -eo trust; -ее trut trout

trutrue through and through tsar; -in; —ol tsar; -ina; -evitch tsigan; —in gipsy w; / tu; tua you, thou; your, thy tualet; —i toilet; to have a wash, to dress; (also : lavatory) tub(o); -a pipe, tube n\ a tuberklin (med.) tuberculine tuberklo; -it; -ita tuber, (med.)

tubercle; tuberculosis; -ulous tublin pipe-line tubyo tub. bathing-tub Tud ; -a; —e Tuesday n; a; adv. tuf (geog.) tufa tugur hovel, slum tulpo (fabric.) tulle tuli to take, to take off, to take away tulpo tulip

tumor; -a (med.) tumour; -oral tumul barrow, tumulus tumulto; -a; -i uproar, tumult; -tuous; to kick up a row tun tunny-fish tunel tunnel

tunik (eccl.) tunicle; (mil., med., bot.) tunic

tup ; -i cheek, nerve; to have - tur walk, stroll, tour turado; -a, -e tour; on - a, adv. turba; -o; —i dim, blurred, confused, troubled; trouble, confusion; to trouble, to confuse turbant turban turbin; —a turbine n; a turbojet turbojet turbot (fish) turbot turf racing, turf

turismo; —ist; -a tourism; -ist; -istic

Turkio, Turk (a); -kal Turkey; -kish; -kish (lang.) turkezyo turquoise turne in turn, by turns turno turn

turpaignoble, wicked, vile; -ado, -eso turpitude

turtopie (cook.)

tus; -i; -on cough; to -; (med.) fit tuto; —er tutelage; guardian, tutor tutol (agr.) stake, support, prop tuzi to address s.o. saying “thou” twist; —i (dance) twist; to - tyermo; —a delay, term n; a tyesto carapace, shell


u at, in possession of

ublo (naut.) side-scuttle, air scuttle

uca -e recipocral; -lly

ud (o); -ado; -er; -i hearing n audience; listener, hearer; to hear udaro auditorium


udavida audio-visual udazo audition

uf; -i ; -er horseshoe; to shoe; blacksmith

uk ; —oco corner; nook, recess ukel dog-ear, corner-pleat ill at the, in possession of the ulcer; -i (med.) ulcer; to -ate; (Ho.)

to wound, to embitter uldo; —i homage, respects, regards;

to pay homage, to dedicate ulex (bot.) furze, gorse ulso coal

ultima last, ultimate ultra ultra

ultrason ultra-sound, supersonic wave

ultra virus ultra-virus

ultravyola ultra-violet

ulul(o), -azo; -i ululation; to -ate

um around

umaro surroundings

umbo; -i; -er boast; to -; -er

umel pillow-case, - slip

umer; —a humerus; -eral

umi to surround

umida; -eso wet, damp, humid; humidity

umila; —i; —eso humble; to -, to

humiliate; humbleness, humility umo frame, edging, entourage umor; —kuno humour; - compatibility umur ; —senso humour; sense of - un one; a, an

unadi; -o to join, -ing; to unite,

reuniting n unalma; -eso unanimous; -imity unanya one year’s; one year old unat united unazo junction unbeda kam single room unde from where, where from unedim one and a half unelta unilateral uneso unity

ungel cart-grease, dirty oil unglo ; -a nail n; a A lingo; —i; —ema unction, oiling, anointing n; to anoint; oily, greasy unguent unguent, ointment, liniment Ungro, -io; -a; -al Hungary; -arian; -arian (lang.) uni to unite unida one day’s

uniformo, —a ; —eso uniform n, a; -ity unika; -e sole, -ly; unique, -ly unison unison universo; —a universe; -al universitio; -ita university n; a universitye to, at the university unka; —о churilsh; -ness; surly; -iness unkolora uni coloured, one-coloured unmova, —e with a single movement

a, adv uno (math.) unit

unosa, —un another a; - one pron. unpersona one person’s; - bed single bed

unosyes another time unsensa, -e one-way (street) a, adv. unso; — i hoot, howl; to hoot, to boo unsolida of only a day a


unsolinstanta of only an instant a unte; —a below adv.; a unvoka, —e with one voice unvorte in a word unyes once

unyesanye once a year unyeside once a day unyesmese once a month unyesveke once a week unyesvive once in a life unyon ; -ismo union; -ism up tuft; powderpuflf ur v conditional of г, to have uracid (med.) uric acid uragan hurricane

urbaklinik communal hospital, town’s -; policlinic

urbo, -a; -anismo; -ye town; -‘s;

town- (city-) planning; in, to the - urdo horde uremit (med.) uraemia ureo (med.) urea [urgent

игра; —о; —i urgent; -ency; to be urfcemit (med.) uricaemia urli; -o to howl; - n urno urn

urolog; -io urologist; -logy urpo, -il; -i harpoon; to - urso; -in bear m; 1 urtik ; -it nettle; - rash, urticaria urto; —i shock, bump; to - urton; —i collision; to run into urveyegros urinary-system diseases us till, until

USA United States of America (U.S.A.) USA, -n North-American, of the U.S.A. a, n usende (to) unto the last, to the end ush(o) gate

usher porter, house -, door-keeper

Usio United States of America

uske even if

usnol nightingale

usnun up to now, so far

uspi; -o to hustle; -ing n

usto; —i burn n; to -

usten; —i sunburn; to -

usvan ? how long ?

ut in order to

utel; -i; -azo; -eyo tool; to fit out;

equipment, fitting out n; set of tools utila; -eso; -i useful; -ness; to utilize

litin!, utinam! God grant that ulo; -i; -at use, utilization; to use,

to utilize; used, utilized utomod instructions for иве utopio; -opa Utopia; -pian utra, -un one of them (of both) a,

pronoun. utrel water-skin, leather-bottle uv; —el grapes; raisins, currants uvelkek currant-cake uxo (bot.) holly

uyel case, box; okiluyel (okiluyo) glasses case; juvel - (juveluyo) jewel—


uyo case, box, book, container, email room

uza usual, customary; il no net uza he is out of sorts


uzado use, usage, practice, custom uzajo ; —at wear and tear; worn, secondhand

uzamediker usual doctor, family -,

practising - uze usually

uzi to use, to be accustomed to uzin factory, works, mill uzo custom, practice, use uzufrut usufruct uzur; —er usury; -er uzurpi; -o to usurp; -ation

va your

vacili to vacillate, to falter

vado pace, step, gait

vaelte on, from your side, on your

behalf vaga; —e vague; -ly vagabond, -a; -i vagabond; -age;

to be a -, to wander about vagadi to wander vali ; -o to wail; -, -ing n vak cow

vakanso; —sye vacation, holydays;

on holyday, US on vacation vakanta vacant, unoccupied vaklo (bird) quail