val; —a; — i value, worth; valid; to be worth
valadi; -o to exploit, to improve,
to develop; -ation, -ment, -ment valanko avalanche valeryan (bot.) valerian valesale at your mercy valida; -eso valid; -ity valiz(o) suitcase, bag, valise valor; —a valour, valiant; gallant, brave valso; -i waltz; to - valto; —e money-order; by - valut currency
valvo; -el valve; valve, safety - valyet small vailey valyo valley valyol vale, dale, glen vameleste adv. the best you can vamode in your way, in your own - vamp vamp
vampir; -a vampire; -ic van when
vana; -e; -o, -eso vain; -ly; vanity
vanagi to try as one can, to make
efforts vanco sluice-gate
vandal; -a ; -ismo vandal n; a; -ism
vanema; -o conceited; -ness
vango (anat.) cheek
vanilyo vanilla
vanko ; —a osier, wicker n; a
vanto; —i; —er boast; -ing n; to
praise; to boast; boaster vaopine in your opinion vap, -or steam vapel; -a mist; -y vapor steam; (naut.) -er vaporil vaporizer, atomizer var v present of vi, to wish, to want varfo embankment, quay, wharf varik ; —a (med.) varix; varicose varikulcer (med.) varicose ulcer variske at your own risk varki; -o, —azo to pass, to cross; -ing varma warm, hot
varmaji; -o to heat; -ing; (med.)
to chafe; -ing n varmal; —a; —e warmth; warm; -ly varmaqo hot water varmel cauldron varmi to heat, to warm varmil hot-water bottle varmo heat, warmth varp, — i wharp, to - varya ; -eso varied; variety varyel variety, sort varyi to vary
varyol (med.) smallpox, variola vas yours pronoun plur. vasal; -ado vassal; -age; bondage vasel all s vessel vasko basin
vaspeze at your own expense (- charge) vasta ; —aro vast, huge; wide world vat v ppcp of vi, to wish, to want vato ; —a, —al; -i cotton-wool, padding n; padded; to pad, to wad vaturne in your turn vax ; —a ; —at; — i wax; -en; -ed; to - vaxen ; —i (med.) vaccine; to -ate vaxil floor-polisher, waxer vaxol wax-vesta vaxon (eccl.) taper, candle vaxot, vaxlel oilcloth vazen pot, terrine vazlin vaseline vazo vase; (eccl.) vessel ve you (compl.), to you ved weather
vedaco bad weather, dirty - vedberik weather forecast (bulletin) vedi to be (of the weather)-, kom vedar oje? how is the weather to-day? veg(o) way, path, track veg ! go away I
vegadi; -o to direct, to start, to dispatch; -ing n [as a -
vegan; .—i tramp, (US) hobo; to live vege on the way
veger; —in roadman, roadmender; road-woman
vegetal, -a plant; vegetable a vegetal! to vegetate; -alema vegetating a
vegetarist vegetarian
vegil fingerpost, signpost
veiklo ; -i vehicle; to carry, to transport
vek ; —a ; —e week; -ly a, adv.
vekadi to adjourn for a week
vekeco weekly job
vekend ; —a week-end n; a
vekid weekday
vel; -a ; -e; -ior (naut.)sailw; a; adv.\
boat, -ing boat velinyo wove paper velkel, velko (bot.) violet n
velo; -motor bike, cycle; light
motorcycle, moped veloxa; -eso swift, fast; velocity, speed
velvo; -en velvet; velveteen velya awake
velyado sitting up, night-attendance;
wake, watching n velyala wideawake velyel nightlight
velyi to stay awake; to watch, to
sit up velyil alarm clock velyo keeping awake, staying - n velyon Christmas or New Year’s Eve
party, r6veillon vementa; -menso vehement; -ence ven; —i coming n\ to come vendo; —i; -er; -aro sale; to sell;
seller; market venen; -a; -i venom, poison; venomous; to envenom, to embitter veneri; —azo to venerate; -ation venerya (med.) venereal Venelo; —a Veneto; -ian Venezyo; -ya Venice; Venetian vengi; —о; -ema to revenge; to - ones.; vengeance; vindictive Venso; -a ; -e Friday; of, on - vent; -i wind; to blow, to be windy ventil ventilator
ventro; -a; -algo; -il belly, abdomen; ventral; stomach-ache; abdominal sling ventrul ventricle ventur chance, good luck Venus Venus veo way, street, road ver towards vera ; -e true; truly veradi to prove, to verify verando veranda
verbala ; -len verbal; minutes, record;
policeman’s record verbo; -a verb; -al verda; -eyo green; - vegetation,
space verdal orchard
verdice as a matter of fact, in point of fact
verdik; »4 verdict; to return a - verdo; -ur green n, - field, - space vereda; -eso veracious; veracity vergo rod
verifik, -azo; —i verification; to -ify verkal; —a labour,hard work; laborious verko; -i; -er labour; to work;
worker, labourer verkoni; —er cramming, slogging n\
to cram, to slog, to work hard verkovir day-labourer vermelyo; -ya vermeil, silver gilt
n; a vermen vermin vermicel (cook.) vermicelli vermilyo, -ya (colour) vermilion n; a verm о; -a; -at worm; worm-eaten
vermut vermouth verno ; —i varnish; to - vero truth verobe upwards
versadi— -o to upset, to knock down;
upsetting, throwing down n versala fickle
versant (geog.) versant, slope vers!; -o to pour; (fin.) to pay, to pay in; pouring n; payment versyon ; -i version; to translate vertebro; -a (anat.) vertebra; -al vertex vertex, summit vertigo ; -i giddiness, dizziness; to feel dizzy (giddy)
vertikala; -e vertical; -Ily veruk (med.) wart, verruca verunte downwards vervo; -a; -i verve, zest, animation;
animated; to be lively, animated vesko; -ado bishop; -ric vesp(o) (zool.) wasp, hornet vespro ; —a ; -os evening n; a, vespertine; (eccl.) vespers
vest; -aro coat; garment; dress; cloakroom, coat-room vestel jacket vesti to dress, to clothe vestibul vestibule, lobby vestol undershirt, singlet veston jacket, coat veta, -t; -frut forbidden; - fruit veteran veteran
veteriner, -nio vet, veterinarian n\
veterinary practice veti to forbid, to prohibit vetismo prohibitionism veto prohibition, interdiction, veto vetur coach, car vetusta decayed, decrepit veva, —un; —о; —in widowed a; widower; widowhood, widower hood; widow vevin widow
vexi to vex, to annoy, to bother vey! alas! veyo way, road
veza, -un; -o neighbour a, n; -hood vi v to wish, to want via via
viaduk viaduct
vibri; -o to vibrate; -ation
vid ; -a sight n\ a, visual
vidagi to face, to envisage
vid at v seen vpcp of vidi, to see
vide by sight
viden (cin., theat.) star
videnadi to come to the front
vidi to see
vidibla; -eso visible; -ibility vid ini, -azo; -i certification, witnessing; to certify, to verify vidior (naut.) vedette-boat, patrol-boat; police-launch vidoperde as far as one can see vignet label, sign, mark, vignette vigo; -a, -anda validity; valid vigor; -a vigour; -ous vik(o); -a; -i importance; -ant;
to be -ant, to be of importance viktim victim, sufferer
vila; —ado, —eso vile, coward; cowardly act, cowardice vilajo; —a; —er; —in village n; a; -er
m, 1 vilda wild
vili; -fi; -azo to behave cowardly;
to debase; -ment vilyo; -yado; —adi villa, cottage;
country-stay; to stay in the country vim; -a osier, wicker n; a vin wine
vinagro; -et vinegar; vinaigrette,
vinegar sauce vinko; -i; -a; -er victory; to vanquish; victorious; victor vint; -i; -er vintage; to -; -er vinyo (plant) vine; (ground) vineyard violenta ; —enso violent; -ence viper; -a viper; -ine vir; -a; -eso man; virile, manly;
virility virgo; -a virgin /; a virgul; -el comma; quotation mark,
inverted comma virso (poet.) verse virtuo; —ua virtue; -uous virtuoza; -ozo virtuoso; -osity virus ; -a virus n; a vis(o); —a vice; vicious visiter; —a (anat.) internal organ; visceral
visko; —a birdlime; limy, sticking viskunt; -in viscount; -ess vislo; -i; -il screw; to -; - driver visoli; —ado, —azo to spoil; -ing n visto ; —i visa, vis6; to - vit(o); -a, -e quickness; quick; -ly;
speed vitamin vitamin vitazo acceleration viteste as quickly as possible, the quickest possible adv.. at full speed viti to accelerate, to speed vitil accelerator vitlimit speed-limit vitobux, vitbux (mot.) gear-box, gearshift
vitofrid no speed-limit vitometro speedometer vitra of glass, made of glass vitrei window-pane, window-glass,