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sheet-glass vitrema glassy vitri to vitrify

vitrin; —ye shop-window, show -;

at the - vitrio glassware

vitriol; —i vitiiol; to -ize, to throw - at

vitro; —a glass n; a (substance) vitrorio glass-works, - manufactory vituperi; -azo, -o to vituperate; -ation

viv(o); -a life n; a, living a vivadi to revive, to brighten up, to

reawaken vivkadro tableau vivi to live vivlonga lifelong vivrento life annuity vivya; -yeso lively; -iness


vizil visor, peak, eye-shade vizit; -i visit; to -, to pay a - vizo; -a face; facial vizon mink, vison vizyon; -er vision; -ary, seer n vo where voa from where a vod(o), -a; -i void n, a; to empty vodayo void bottles (boxes, etc.), empties

vodeci to confess, to sell the pass vodel; —a ; —e broke n; a; penniless voden; —i non-covered check; to draw

a check without cover vodol (at bridge game) void vodvil; -a vaudeville; -esque; light comedy; farcical voe ? what is the way to ? vogo; —a, —e fashion; -able, -ably; vogue

vok; —a; —e voice; vocal; -lly, by voice vokablo; —ar vocable; -ulary vokal vowel

vol; —a; —c; —i wish, will n; willing; -ly; to wish, to be willing volco; —i rape, violation, to -ate; to rape

volebol volley-ball

volel; -a; —i whim, inclination;

erratic; to have whims volema; -o self-willed, stubborn;

wilful; -ness volenovole willy-nilly volkan; -a volcano; -ic volonter; —ado volunteer; voluntary service

volovan; —el (cook.) vol-au-vent,

puff-pie, pie; small vol-au-vent volt volt

volubla; -eso voluble; -ility volum; -oza volume; -inous volupto; —a delight, pleasure, voluptuousness; -uous volut (arch.) volute voival vicissitude, ups and downs volvamov roundabout n volvaplak turntable, hinge; dig.) crucial point, - date volven merry-go-round, (US) carousel vol vir el weathercock volvo ; -a ; -i turn; -ing a; to turn vom; —i vomiting n; to vomit vomeli to feel sick von; -i divination, guessing n; to guess vonel riddle, puzzle voraca; —eso voracious; voracity vorel good, copious meal vori, —о to eat; -ing m vort; -aco word; vulgar word, coarse - vortik whirlwind vortludi to play on (with) words vortul pun

vortuyo vocabulary (book)

vorvorte word-for-word

vot; -i; -azo vote; to -; voting n

vox; —i vocation; to devote oneself

vozo; —i wish; to wish

vu you

vua your; yours

vula ; —eso dull; -ness; drab; -ness vulga, -ra vulgaT 391

vulgadi; —ado to popularize; -ation;

to vulgarize; -zation vulgo plebs, common people vulkani; —azo to vulcanize; -ation vulp, -o fox vult vault vultur vulture

vun; —i; —at; —un wound, injure; to -; -ed; wounded n


Yungardo, Vununaro Casualty

Ward vyel; -i veil; to - vyol; —i ; —azo rape; to rape, to violate; violation

vyolel; vyola violet n; a vyolenta; -lenso violent; violence vyolon; -ist violin; -ist; fiddle; -er


wagon wag(g)on, truck, car wandaeer; —aeo tramp; -‘s way of life wand о; -a; —i wandering n\ a; to wander

wandol; -a; -i stroll; -ing a; to dawdle

warant; —i warrant; to - wat watt

xal; —a shell, scute, scale; scaly Xen(o); —a; —ye Foreign Countries;

foreign; abroad xena ; — un foreign; -er Xenecado Foreign Office; (US)

Department of State Xenecos Foreign Affairs; (US) Department of State

ya yes

yagen (hunting’s) game yago; -i; -er hunting; to hunt; -er yam; -ol bait; fish-hook yanko skein [hack

yash; —i axe, hatchet; to mangle, to yaza; —i affirmative; to assent, to acquiesce ye; -a there; of that place yedus over there, yonder yef beetle, pile-driver yefon; —i steam-roller; to level a road

with a - yego hedge yeinte, yeine therein yem; -a, -e; -sportos winter; —‘e; in winter time; - sports yen that a yenelte on that side yengo hyena yenid; -a that day; -‘s yenin that one / yenkaze in that case yenko (bot.) reed yenie for that reason yeno that pronoun yenoxe on that occasion yentempe in that time yenun that one m yenyes that time yeobe there over

waterklozet water-closet Wels; -a, -sba Wales; Welsh welter welter weri to wear

Win; -a; Wien; -a Vienna; -ese wiski whisky wist whist WK w.c.

Xenecniinistro Foreign Secretary; Minister (Secretary of State) of Foreign Affairs

Xenlejon Foreign Legion xenofoba; —io xenophobe; -obia xilofon xylophone X-rado, Xerados X-rays

yer; -a; -ser; -matin yesterday; -‘s; - evening; - morning yerarka ; —io hierarchical, -archy yes time; -os -s yevo age (epoch, era) yo ago

yoanyo ; —s a year ago; -s - yobenlong a long time ago yobivek two weeks ago yoga, yogo; -ist yoga, yogi yoinstant an instant ago yolong long ago yomes; -os a month ago; -s - yominut one minute ago yonolong not long ago yor; -a horror, horrible yosomidos some days ago yot; -ing yacht; -ing n yovek; -os a week ago; -s - Yuda Jew, -ish Yul; -a, -e July; of, in - yumi to inhale, to breathe in, to feel a smell yun(a) young

yundelikteso juvenile delinquency yunel; —in young man; girl yuni; —fa to rejuvenate; -ation yunin girl

yuno ; —eyo ; —eso youth (age; young people; condition) yuvo; —i profit, advantage; to -


za their

zampo paw

zaoplne in their opinion

zap; -uyo {techn.) tenon; mortise

zas theirs

ze them

zehro zebra

zefir zephyr all s

zel they /

zelo zeal

zela their /

zen; —i constraint; to constrain; to

oneself zep spade, shovel zero zero, naught zey them / zezel; —i lisp; to - zi they

ziel they (m and /)

zigzag; —a; —e zigzag n; a; adv.

zim ferment

zinko; —a zink n; a

zirkon zircon



zirkonyo (chem.) zirconia zo thus, that is why zobel (zool., fur.) sable zodicande, zodlce so to speak zok sabot

zom; —a, -e summer; -*s; in - zon zone

zonyo (med.) zona, shingles zoo zoo

zoo log ; —io zoologist; -logy zorgo ; —i bother; to -; worry; to - - zorgol, —i attentions, waiting, to wait on someone hand and foot zu to them

zuk; -et (bot.) gourd; small - zum; —i buzz, hum(-ing); to - zun; —a, — c; — i knee; -‘s; kneeling

a, adv.-, to kneel zunil knee-pad, knee-guard zura smoked, smoke-dried zurel kipper, red herring zut! dash it! zuy to them /


abax abacus (arch.) abdomen, -a abdomen, -minal ablut ablution abond-korno cornucopia aborigena aboriginal abrupta abrupt

absint absinth [bitterness

acerba; -eso sour, bitter; acerbity, aceta ; -lalo acetic; -etate aduJ, -azo; -i; -er adulation; to

-late; -lator adulteryo; -ya adultery; -rous; -eryin adulteress afaroner fuss-pot afina; -eso similar, affined; affinity afril scarecrow ak(aqo) water

aklimati, -lazo to acclimatize;-zation

akustik, -a acoustics; -ic

alegi, -o to allege, -gation

alen awl

alimentoco cud

aluv, —a alluvion, -ial

alven accession

amant lover

amena; -eso pleasant; amenity

anakoret anchorite

analga analgesic

analos annals

anemon anemone

anfor amphora

anfrakta; -o, -eso anfractuous, -osity

anod (electr.) anode

antalga (med.) antalgic

antifloga antiphlogistic

antigripa antiflu

antikorp antibody

antikrist antichrist

antolet small apron, pinafore

antonim, —a, -io antonym, -ous,

-ymy; converse n, a aparte aside ap-lin bee-line apofis (med.) apophysis aprilun April fool apuyo beehive

aqarel; -ist aquarelle; -ist

aqoduk aqueduct

arbalet arbalest

arbitremo, -a arbitrary, -iness

aren arena

arida; -eso arid; -ity ark(o) arc; arch arker archer arlo area armistis armistice arpejo arpeggio artezya artesian

Artik Arctic Ocean; artika arctic a artilyer ; -io artilleryman, artillery artrit, -a arthritis, -itic aryo aria asbest asbestos asfodel (bot.) asphodel asimetra asymmetrical asker appliant aspik (cook.) aspic aspra, -eso harsh, -ness astrel aster (bot.) astringifa astringend Aten, —a Athens; -enian atendaro waiting-room atende waiting, awaiting adv atlant atlas (of maps) atlas atlas (anat.) augur omen, presage; wish augusta august a auta, —e in, by motorcar, a, adv autarca self-sufficient autenla; -o, —eso authentic; -icity autografo autograph n autokritik self-criticism autolerna self-educated; —о self-instruction