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Vu me farsar. - Vu me burlar. - Vu

me volvumar. - Etintente.

Kruzalmomente. - Van venar lo nop.

Fermu et duma lud.

El le diduldar.

Rompicef. - Cina rompicef.

Uneqarim kilo.

Korpokorpa fex.

Aski un qestyon. - (Fi un qestyon). Em lo qestyon. Exe qestyon.

La sincereso senduba (nodubenda).

Westfronte to kalma. Kursi orile. (kontre oril). Dentelyon-firveo. Rodat pe rimordo. El ar nilo weribla. Diralyi.

Mi levar ma glas a va bel okos.

Et vin melar ma moral.

Cegele; raminge.

II dir frid alado a sa imagin.

Toranga jensos. Mi krar somun klopir.


Tokaze; tomode ; kele. Mi prifur resti. - Mi prifur no.

Et boy aspar pluye (asay) kleva.


Liqaco; liqoraco.

Ma filin ja atangar ma spal.

Your letter reached me yesterday. I can read him as a book.

Real Estate.

Real Estate Register (Am.). For that very reason. I have reason to believe that he is right.

Tell me your name again, please. I acknowledge receipt of your last

week’s registered letter. Receiver. - (of stolen goods = fence) Reckoning from yesterday. We then became reconciled. There is no record of it in history. Public record office. World distance record. At record speed. To recover consciousness. Red with anger. She raves about furs. To run past (to go through) a red light. It’s like a red rag to a bull. He never refers to their past

quarrels. Out of regard for her mother. My best regards to your parents. We gave rein to our fancy. It bears no relation to the facts. A relative of mine fell sick in France. This is easily remembered. Remember me to your mother. Within the remembrance of man. She rendered her mother happy. I render thanks to God. He renewed his subscription to the review.

The dictator repudiated the treaty. The plumber had his repair outfit

and all his kit and caboodle. Weather report. - Weather forecast. Here are Friday’s Stock-Exchange

closing prices. The policeman booked the driver

for missing the signal. Proportional representation. We have all we require. Tourists are always welcome; they get their residence permit immediately. Labour permit is difficult to obtain

in that country. In some respects. With respect to the admission of

new members… Respect your parents and in general

all old people. You have to restore the house in its former condition (more or less). He was put under restraint (in house

arrest). To return good for evil. Board of Trade Returns. Return match. - Return ticket. Reverse gear; to put, to go into reverse.

Va brif me parvenir yer.

Mi le konar fonde. - Mi par lekti

le as libro. Nomoblas; terenos, propos. Kadastro. Ju dete.

Mi ar grun po kredi il raga.

Pli me ramemu va nam. Mi ricavizar va pasveka bukbrif.

Destinaryo. - (Risler.) Ab yer.

Nos dan rekonsilir.

Nil mensyon d’eto in istor (istorye).

Publa arkivos.

Monda dusrekord.




El rafolar po pelsos.

Trupasi rublum.

Sar as rub cif po tauro.

II ni aludar a za pas-qerelos.

Pe rigardo ver sa matro.

Ma uldos a va eltros.

Nos lashir brid a na fanso.

Ar nil rilo kol faktos.

Un ma parent egrijir Fransye.

Eto izememibla.

Me ramemu a va matro.


El ixifir sa matro.

Mi dicar dank a Deo.

II reabonir al rivid.

Lo diktator abdicir lo tratal. Lo plombist ir sa trus e sa fruskio.

Meteal. - Vedprevidos. Em vensa Burso-klozopresyos.

Lo poliser verbalenir lo driver

po segnaltrupaso. Proporsa raprezento. Nos ar to nesa.

Turistos sem benvenat; zi obtenar rezid-permo ilke.

Labor-permo dufobtenibla yen—

la ndye. Some ; serte ; sertmode. Tange admit de nuv membros…

Respektu va eltros e generale tot oldunos.

Vu shar restori lo dom jel priska

stando (plumine). II sir internat.

Rendi ben po mal. Tred-ministrada statistikos. Rimac. - (Go)reventikel. Ririgo. - Ririgi.

Blue ribbon. - Cordon bleu (cuisine). To grow rich. - That shop made

him rich. It’s only a short ride by car. Let things ride some more days. Wait and see.

What is the right time, please ? I was on the right side of sixty. You are right, he is wrong. Right against the wall. With his back to the wall. You came at the right time. He has no right to enter. It is my right, I’ll not give in. He sat on my right. Did you ring for the lift ? They sat round in a ring. That gave rise to many claims. River-borne. - River-port. To call the roll.

They struck him off the roll (register). Room and board. What rotten luck! You must take the rough with

the smooth. Rough guess. - Rough average. Make a rough draft of your article! I was caught up in routine work at

the office. Taken all round (all in all) I am

not dissatisfied. Road-map. There is the rub! Don’t talk rubbish! Work-to-rules (action). Prices are rising (soaring). Britannia ruled the waves - once. Ordinary run of things (run of

the mill). He ran his sword through his

adversary. They were out of breath with running.

This picture has had a long run. There was a rush on the banks. 1 They rushed down the staircase. Safe-conduct.

The gangster is now safely behind bars.

He draws a fixed salary.

Both (individuals) were one and

the same person. You are building on sand. We now need a sand pump. Flying saucers are nothing but

figments of the imagination. He saved her at the risk of his own life.

God save the Queen! To say the least, this boy is a wonder. That goes without saying. This argument turns the scale. On a large scale.

These old women talk scandal all day long.


Rikiji. - Yen shop le rikifir.

Sar nur un kurta tur косе.

Liu kursi nok som idos.

Atend’ e vidu.

Ka l’or justa, pli ?

Mi sir pre ma sitiso.

Yu raga, il torta.

Apsel mur; apsemure.

Dorso murye.

Yu venir justempe.

II ar nil rek entri.

Eto ma rek, mi no cedor.

II sidir madexe.

Cu vu sonir pol lift ?

Zi sidir ronae.

Yeno kauzir mul riklamos.

Flumportat. - Flum-puerto.


Zi le kansir dal list (dal buk).

Loj e fud.

Ka pec!

Yu shar preni lo ceva kol liva.

Proxele. - Grosso modo. Fiu un brolen de va artiklo! Mi sir fengat pe rutin-labor kon-torye.

Tokontat, mi no malkontenta. Rut-map.

Em lo nop! - Ye lo nop! - Ik lo nop! No dicu sensensos! (dumados!) Zel-strek.

Presyos montar (montegar). Brit regnir ol ondos - priske. Trantran; rutin ; uzakorso.

II truspadir sa adverser.

Zi disoplir kursande.

Et film restar long aflshye. Ye sir rush al bankos. Zi shendegir lo skal. Salvaduk.

Lo gangster nun firma drel bargelos.

II ar fixa salary о.

Ambas (amb individuos) sir lo sam

person. Vu bildar on sablo. Nos nun nesar un disablingo. Flugadiskos nur imaginayos.

II ley salvir riske sa viv.

Deo salvu Г Roin!

Minste dicat, et boy un marvo.

Evidar; benkomprene.

Et argument klinar lo pezil.


Et old femos kankanar entide.


We ought to know what goes on

behind the scenes. To scheme for a job. He is an apt scholar. What are your children’s school fees ? Lower school. Secondary school. Upper school.

Two pairs of scissors. - One pair of

scissors. I need a coal scuttle. The gangsters have made a haul. Please, the score! What is the score ? We scored no tricks. Scout ship, research ship. Scrap-iron, scrap-metal. He escaped by the skin of his teeth. After the war, they started from scratch.

They owed a big amount for screen

rights. To show on the screen. Worm screw (drive). You must give another turn of

the screw. About three thousand feet above

sea-level. We saw no sea-marks. Seasickness. - She is seasick. They are in search of gold. Please be seated! A second class ticket, please. They had only secondhand information. As far as I can see. Do as you see fit. He is now a shadow of his former self.