autonoma ;-mio autonomous; -nomy auioportret self-portrait autorizi; -o to authorize; -ization autosujest, -i self-suggestion, to -est ayani to pant; to toil azima unleavened
babli; -er to babble; -er
babloner chatterer, chatterbox
bagatel trifle, bagatelle
bakon bacon
balad ballad
balast ballast
baldaken baldachin
balenolyo blubber, whale-fat
balet ballet
baliverno balderdash
balustro; -strado baluster; -strade
bambuo bamboo
bandit; -ado, -ismo bandit; -itry banpos (marriage) announcement banjo banjo banyan banian (bot.) barbekuo barbecue barbosukro beet-sugar bardo bard, minstrel bargo ; —i barrage, bar ; to bar barter barber basilik basilica basilko basilisk bason (mus.) bassoon bastarda bastard batakrem whipped cream batalnav battleship batalyon battalion bategi to batter batil stick, bat batiskaf batyscaphe batok black eye batracan batrachian bavil bib
bedbazo bedstead bedelyo beadle, bedel befro belfry begontyo] (bot.) begonia bekvazo laboratory beaker beli to beautify belyer battering-ram benado beneficence bendaio baDdage bendal bandoleer beneflcaryo beneficiary n benela, —eso harmless, benignity benigna, -eso benign, -ignity beril beryl (stone) ber-rumyo bay-rum beryo berry
beter better n (person who bets) betist bookmaker bevaret refreshment-bar bevoni; —er to drink immoderately;
drinker, bibber, tippler bezilet besom bianya biennial bibliofil bilbiophile bibliograf; -io bibliographer; -graphy biceps biceps bid vendo auction biekado bicentenary n biga beige (colour) bigama, — io bigamous, bigamy biplo beagle (dog) bija greyish brown biloza ; -o atrabilious; -ness biltel ballpoint (pen)
bipunlela bicuspid bizo, —a occupation, business,Job;bu6y bizot, —i bevelling n, to bevel blerko (zool.) badger boema ; -o Bohemian; - life, bohemian-ism
Boemyo, -ya Bohemia,-ian bol; -i boiling n, ebullition; to boil bonaugura auspicious, of good omen bonesta, -e best a, adv bonira, —e; —i better a, adv.; to to improve
bonumor, —a good humour, -ed
boraxa boric (chern.)
borgo borough
boryo boron (chem.)
boskel coppice, thicket
bosko small forest, wood
bov-suk beef-tea
brakto (bot.) bract
bran (bot.) bran
brazadi to braise (cook.)
brevi; -azo; -ayo to abridge;
-dgment; abbreviation bukan roar, uproar, racket, hubbub, din bukmeker bookmaker bum boom bumerang boomerang burokrat, -a, -io bureaucrat, -ic,
-cracy bustel corsage, bodice bustil bra, brassifcre butin; —i booty; to plunder, to pilfer butleger bootlegger
capot coping n (of wall) car I say, you say, he says, etc. casta chaste; -eso -ity cesto basket ci to say, to tell ciklamen cyclamen cimpanzeo chimpanzee cips chips (potatoes) cirki, -azo to encircle; -ing n со that pronoun
das-exenta duty free
debel debenture (certificate); debt’s
amount decern! to award decidvot casting-vote delifa destructive, baleful demograf, —a, —io demographist,
-phic, -phy demol» —i demolition, to demolish demoskopio, —skopa demoscopy
(Gallup-poll), -scopic den toco (elephant’s) tusk diagonal, —a diagonal n, a diagram, —a diagram, -ammatic dicapi to take off one’s hat dicefi to decapitate, to behead diefla, -i blunt, to - dinukli, —azo to denuclearize, -ation diosti to bone, to take the bones off
ecaryo charg6 d’affaires, deputy ambassador
ecemo, —a, — i fuss, bustle; bustling a; to bustle about, to fuss disavati, disuti to take off one’s shoes disqami to desquamate diuzo ; —a desuetude; obsolete divesti to undress diweri to take off (a garment) dK, DK (do Krist) A. D. (After Jesus)
dormeli to doze, to drowse duamana, -ayo secondhand adj; — object
dufdicibla difficult to say dufimaginibla difficult to imagine dumdumi to become more and more silly
dumel; —a silly person; silly, foolish dumeluyo booby-trap duoden, —a, —it (anat.) duodenum -denal, -denite durvivi to die hard
editado, -i to redact, -action edital editorial, (newspaper’s) leader edoza gluttonous edrelen eiderdown
entose adv in a quite other way i entveka, —e a, adv during all the week eo, eo ki, eo ke he, he who, - whom eos, cinos those m, / epigram, -a epigram, -mmatic epikura, -ismo epicurean, -ism epistol, -a letter, epistolary epreni to fall in love eqasyon equation ) eqinox, —a equinox, -noctial
eritem, -a erythema, -tous (med.) г erpes, -a herpes, -etic (med.) erotika, -tismo erotic, -ticism eruditio, -iteso erudition eruyo air-hole
esa conditional, questionable, doubtful eselbalon pilot-balloon eselkolp first try esfluo, -ui outflow; to flow out eski to except, to make an exception esmovi to release, to disconnect, to open esofago, -a oesophagus, -phageal espo aspen (tree) estuaryo estuary
etanyo, -ya, -ye this year(‘s) n, a, adv etid, —a, -e n, a, adv this day(‘s) etosa; -un; -in this other one adj; : m; /
euritmo, -io eurhythmies evana, -ado evanescent, -ence evix, -i to evict, -ion ; exal, -i exhalation, to exhale extrema, -e extreme, -ly ez-lin bee-line (distance)
ferplee, ferpleo, (-ei) fair play
fertilifa fertilizing a
fes ; -ado, -adi buttock; spank, to -
fetish, -ismo fetish, -ism
fldenda trustworthy
fiduci to trust one another
Ago flg (fruit)
fileni to unwind
filuyo shuttle [to -; -iation
fllyana, -at; -ani; -anazo affiliate;
finflor first choice
finson, -a ; (-i) hypocrisy; -crite
firava ferriferous
firfil wire
firkurten iron curtain
firmi to make firmer, to strengthen
fizonom,-a,-io physiognomist; -omic
(al); -omy flagal, flagel standard, banner flash, -i flash, to - flash lam p ; flashlum flash lamp; , flashlight flasol vial flat flat, apartment flebit (med.) phlebitis florist, -in florist m, / flugema inconstant, fickle fluoral, -a fluorescent, -escence folaro lunatic asylum folta thick, shaggy, bushy folto thicket : fonado a call, a ring (telephone) [work fondal base, basis, foundation, ground-FONEL-IDENTIBLA
fonel a call, a ring (telephone) fonogena (—eso) phonogenic fonuyo telephone booth, call-box for a, -at holed, pierced foralayo fretwork forca, —at forced, compelled forfolgi to proceed, to go on forner purveyor, supplier, contractor fortifi ; —ifo, -ifazo to fortify ; fortification forton fortress forul (needle’s) eye foser graver, grave-digger fosilyo, -ya fossil n, a foti to photograph fotogena (-eso) photogenic fraanyo within a year fraanyos within some years frames within a month framesos within some months framimit! wait a minute! frangistrek strike-breaker frapok in a short while, soon frasko extravagant act, crank [weeks fravek; —os within a week; - some frepat frigate (ship); -ezo - bird frejo (arch.) frieze; ornament frela frail, slender, fragile fridsirvo self-service
gajet gadget
gadon, —i hilarity, cheer; to cheer
galan, —a gallinaceous
galeryo (ship) galley
galetyo griddle-cake; (naut.) hard-tack
galonko {bird) grouse
galyarda strong, vigorous
gambado, -i stride, to -
gari; -o to park, to garage; parking,
shunting n gastrit (med.) gastritis gastro stomach gazel gazelle
genazo generating n, generation generalkonos general learning, general
knowledge generi to generate
ginestro (bot.) broom [gi to go)
gir turn; transfer; (also: v past tense of giraf giraffe