girvolvo (mot.) roundabout glabra hairless, beardless, glabrous glan; —azo ; —i ; —er handful, small
sheath; gleaning n; to glean; -er glicerin glycerine glikoso glucose
gomosto, —a (anat.) cubitus, -bital
gong, -i gong, to -
gonoza angular, stiff
gorga guttural
goril(yo) gorilla
goyav (bot.) guava
Iberya Iberian Ida la, —e, up-to-date idecer, ider daily worker; iderindaily help, charwoman frigsang sangfroid frigved cool weather frikident dentifrice frim winter, frost, cold weather fringa dashing, brisk frish fallow frok (priest’s) frock frugala, -eso frugal, -ity fruira, -e earlier fucel rocket, missile fuf!, fufi fy!; not to bother; to despise, not to care fugot leak (of gas, etc.) fulko (zool.) coot fumkarno smoked meat fumjiambon smoked ham fumsalmon smoked salmon funiklo funicular railway funist undertaker’s assistant funkel {mot.) sparking-plug funmarco death march, funeral march funpompaler undertaker, {Am.) mortician
furlo {zool.) hornet furnot tea-biscuits, petits fours furoco; -i (zool.) ferret; to - furteli, -er to steal; thief futila, -eso futile, -ity fyok {zool.) seal; sealskin
gracila, -eso gracile, -ility grafit graphite grakel (bird) jay
graneloqo, —a grandiloquence, -nt grant, —ji to grow up, to increase granmam grandma granpaa grandpa granskalye on a large scale Granursin Great Bear (constellation) granvala of high value granvit, -a, -e high speed n, a, adv grasodor burnt-fat smell graviti, —azo to gravitate, -ation greso sandstone, gritstone grevo (phvs.) gravity, weight grib, -i scribble, to - grondo, —i scolding n, to scold [-ing gropali, —at to squat, -tting; to crouch, grosist wholesale dealer wholesaler groso, —a, —e wholesale n, a, adv gruco, —i crutch, to walk with -es grul (zool.) cricket gram groom guereso belligerence guerprizun prisoner of war guf (zool.) owl gulfol bay, cove
gumava rubber-producing a, containing rubber [tyre)
gumkrep, —i (mot.) puncture; to - (a gushinil egg-cup gustoza savoury a
idel to have an idea, to conceive, to Imagine
id ent i, -azo to identify, -iflcation identibla identifiable
imped, -i hindrance; to hinder, to prevent
impeto, -a impetus,impetuous imposlaryo tax-payer imprek; -i imprecation; to curse impront print, imprint; fing-fingerprint
inal, -i inhalation, to inhale inana, -eso inane, -ity incenso, -i incense, to - incivismo; -ist, incivika incivism, -ivic(al)
indent, -io gear, -ing n independa, —о independent, -ence indoni to give (a medicine, a punishment)
injek, -i to inject, -tion iperbol, -a hyperbole, -ic iperborea, ipernorda hyperboreal ipersona hypersonic ipokamp sea-horse lpokrat, -a; — serment Hippocrates, -atic; - oath ipotenus hypotenuse ipoterma hypothermic iro walk, pace
irta; -eso stiff, steep; steepness isocela isosceles isotop, -a isotope, -pic ixil amulet, mascot, lucky charm
I joy-fok bonfire I jugaro court, - house
karbonato carbonate
karboxid carbon monoxide
kar bur il carburettor
karex sedge (bot.)
karit, karital, karitemo charity
karitema charitable
Karlo Charles
karnaval carnival
karnosuk meat-juice, beef-tea
karta, — e к la carte a, adj
kartezya Cartesian (of Descartes)
kar toco show-card, placard
Kashmir Cashmere (country: fabric)
kastor beaver
kastri, -azo to castrate, -ation
Katalan, -a Catalan n, a
katalis, -a,-i catalysis, -lytic; to -lyze
Katalunyo Catalonia
kateki, -ismo to catechize, catechism
kauboy cowboy
keloso, -osun, -osye anything else;
anybody else; anywhere - keruben, -a cherub, -ic kida, -i, -o free, quit, discharged; to
discharge; acquittal, discharge kirmando search-warrant klineso declivity kloak cloaca klorur chloride klozum paddock, corral komodel chest of drawers, commode kompani, —ist, -azo to accompany, -ist, -iment
konstitua, -ue constitutional. -Ily kontil, kon ting о adding-machine. calculating-machine [-ortionist
kontordi, -o, -1st to contort, -ortion, kontrekontrol, -i countercheck, to - kontrepezo, —i counterbalance, to - kontresigno, -i countersignature, to -sign
kontreven, —i contravention, to -vene
kontrit, —a contrition, contrite
kontrot counterfoil
kormoran cormorant
kornifli, -er to cadge, to scrounge; -er
kornon cornet (mus.)
korolaryo corollary
korpusklo, -a corpuscule, -ar
Korsik, -a Corsica, -an
kortal; —i courtship, court; to court
korvet(yo) corvette
kosmetik, —a cobmetic n, a
kostelal corduroy (fabric)
kotej cottage
kotilio cutlery
kotilon cutlass
kozos things, belongings
krash, -1 crash, to -
laboroni to toil, to grub, to work hard ladyo lad
laguyo lair, den, cave, cavern lamode in his way lamp, -yon lamp, lampion leki, -er to lick; -er, bootlicker lepraro leprosery, -osarium lesiv, —i washing, household -; to wash lesta, -e, -eso light, agile, nimble;
quickly, nimbly; agility, nimbleness letin little girl
letslam (bridge game) little slam Let-Ursin Little Bear (astron.) lezyon lesion lib(a) dear libin beloved /
libol sympathy, infatuation; -i to be
kretina; -eso idiot, cretine; idiocy krib (zooi.) crayfish Kribstel (astron.)Cancer (star) kristal, -1 crystal, to -llize krogo crucible kros crossword ku (political)coup, putch kukoyo cooking stove, range kunopini to be of the same opinion kupon coupon
kuprocef copperhead (snake) kurfo curfew kur why; -no? why not? kursader corsair, pirate kursoti to gallivant kuryoza; -eso; -ayo curious; -ity kusen pillow kushuyo berth kusuci to kiss one another kustod, -1, -io (-azo) guardian; to guard; custody kut, —a skin, cutaneous kutro cutter (ship) kutul cuticle
KV (kavalvap) HP (horse-power) kyok coke
soft on, to sweet upon, to have a crush on libun beloved m lid lied; leading n\ -i to lead likoli to leak, to seep liqi, liqazo to liquefy, -faction liqorecer bootlegger, alcohol-smuggler liril plectrum
lizo, lizyel selvage (of cloth) lodegi to belaud
lokol small place, small village, small little town
Ion, -1 loan, to lend; borrowing, to borrow lumjekil searchlight lunema lunatic; —aro lunatic asylum lupulyo lucerne (bot.) lurpel booby-trap
mabula, —eso mad, -ness maestreso mastership malaugura ominous, of ill omen maligna, —eso malignant, -ignity malintenta, -e ill-meaning, -ly maltolerema, —о intolerant, -ance mam ode in my own way manelpo, -i some help; to lend a hand manganezo manganese manivel (techn.) crank mankon shortage, dearth, famine manot, -i handcuff, to - mansardo (constr.) attic manual manual (book) marabla seaworthy marasmo depression, dejection marbordo sea-shore marezo seabird
marinad, -i (cook.) marinade, to - markiz; —in marquis, marquess;
marchioness marlibla, marlenda marriageable marlorob wedding-dress marpuerto seaport marraf tidal wave maskabal, maskobal masked ball mastri to master, to submit masyo bludgeon matlo, —i checkmate, to - matrak (matrax) cudgel matrocid, —er; —a; —i matricide (action, person); -idal; to commit - melazo bettering n melenzan (bot.) egg-plant, aubergine menagerin housewife ment-adso presence of mind menopauzo climacteric, menopause mensel collation, light meal, snack 399
mercenar, -a mercenary n, a
merendo; -i tea, -time; to have -
merktren goods- (freight-) train
metil methyl
minijjup miniskirt
minmine less and less
minutal time-switch (electr.)
miraco, -i scowl, to -
mireti to have a look
mirmuyo ant-hill
mirtil myrtle; black-currant
miruci to look at each other
miryo myrrh
mislo (bot.) mistletoe
mistifik, -i mystification, to mystify
misyon, -er mission, -ary mixcl hotchpotch, jumble moblior pantechnicon, moving-van moca overripe, soft (fruit) mogan mahogany (wood; colour) moslo (techn.) nave, hub; (aviation)