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(propeller’s) boss moter motorcyclist mova moving a

movit, -i fidgets, to have the - mudil mill mugel lily of the valley musezo bat

mutual; -a; -eso mutual n, a; mutuality


naelte on our side, from our side nafto, -talin naphtha; -alene namazo appellation, denomination narerso(—a, —e) next autumn narlenso (-a, -e) next spring nek not, not at all nekno! no!, no, dear! neolooo neologism nervidi to have the blues

obaro garret, lumber, lumber-room obkomando,— i control; to -, to master obit, -a obituary objekismo objectivism obi ema forgetful

oblit, -i obliteration, to -ate; cancelling 7i, to cancel

obnamat above-mentioned, -named obnubili, —azo to obnubilate, -ation obo top

obstetro, —a; —er, —ist obstetrics, -ical; -ician ocidio slaughter

of esta, —e most frequent; most often ofica, -e ex officio a, adv oftalmit ophthalmia oldaspi to look old oldegro old-age disease oldoza very old, ancient ombre! umbrella, parasol omen, —i omen, presage; to presage omera Homeric

padel small pan pafi to swagger

pagal(yo) confusion, muddle, disorder pagalko (naut.) paddle paleta rather pale

panal, —i, —a (cook.) bread crumbs; to cover with —; breaded pasveto! no thoroughfare 1 patent, -i patent, to - pavema timorous, fearful pec pitch, tar; peel dash it! pedkurer chiropodist pedyatrio; -ist, -yatro pediatrics;

-ician, -trist pelsen fur-lined coat, pelisse

neton cleaning n, spring cleaning nimfo nymph nivpaso level crossing noabla unable noadsa, —о absent, -ence nocedibla not transferable, inalienable novika unimportant nupsamarco wedding-march nupsoni to carouse

omitel (print.) caret omna all a, every

omnibus slow train, slow coach service

omome between man and man onco ounce

onomatopea onomatopoeic opalemo opalescence opta optional

ordonel batman (attending soldier) ornul, -i trimming n, to trim oruyo time-table oselte on the other hand osta of the bones, osseous otaryo otary, sealion otrema ; -o excessing, extreme; excess, extremism

otremar(-a) overseas otrevite over speed-limit adv oxcl (yo) (bot.) sorrel oye; oye! nay, even; nay! ozon (chem.) ozone

penish barge, canal-boat

pensema thoughtful, pensive

pentel, —a contrition, contrite

pentola sorry, repentant

pergol pergola, arbour

peripatin peripatetician

periok (wed.) corn

perkizo house search

permado ; -a ; -i (mil.) leave; on - a;

to be on - peron (station’s) platform perspik, —a perspicacity; -cacious perten; —i appurtenance, belonging; to belong; -os belongings peruk wig


pes! to tear, to - to pieces pespese bit by bit pinguen auk (zool.) piroskaf steamboat, steamer pilro buffoon, clown; —a histrionic, clownish

planso, -i, -il (aviat.)gliding, to glide;

glider plantol seedling plasmo, —a plasma, plasmic plast-artos plastic arts pleb, —a pleb, -eian plinto (arc/i.) plinth, base-board, skirting-board plumpezo, -a featherweight те, a Pol Paul pool pool porkaco dirty pig poster postman

pragma ; —ismo ; —isl, —a pragmatic

(al); -tism; -tist precipis precipice precipit, —i precipitation, to -itate predato, — i antedate, to - predispon, -i, -a predisposition; to

predispose; -osed prejjugun recidivist premedit, -i premeditation, to -tate pren catching, capture prenasa antenatal

qak, — i quack, to - qantel portion, ration qantoza; —о copious; abundant, big quantity

rabun; rabin a raging man; a raging woman

radot; -i ; -er drivel; to -; -ller rafol, —i infatuation; to be infatuated (with)

raionel common sense rak (anat.) rachis rakun racoon rasbpan stale bread reabon subscription renewal recidiv, -er recidivism, -ist redico repetition

registro; -i register; to -, to book reglazo regularization rekapli to do up one’s hair again rekontrol, -i countercheck, to - relenso, —i revival, to revive

sablobenko bar (of sand) salar(yo) salary, wages; —un salaried

man; —in - woman sala, salema salty salgusta brackish [potch

salmigon salmagundi, ragoCit, hotch-salonel boudoir salsico sausage sanaspa looking healthy Sansanto the Holy of Holies sarkofago sarcophagus


preni to take prenupsa antenuptial preplan layout [mate

preprelasla last but two, antepenulti-presegno ; —i omen; to betoken presidyo presidium prestodom pawnshop presyel fare

prevarik, —er prevarication, -ator previd, —i prevision, to foresee prezumemo, —a self-importance, -ant pribend(o), —a prebend, -ary prilev,-i (lin.)levy, to -; (med.)sample

(of blood, etc.); to take - primoxe on the first opportunity

(occasion) prior; —ado; —aro prior; -ate;priory projekil searchlight promenel, -i stroll, to - proselit, — i, —smo proselyte; to -tize; -ism publicismo; -isl publicity, advertising те; - agent piiel girl pul pullover

pulmit, -a tuberculosis; -ulous pum cougar pustul (med.)pustule putrovos addled eggs putan, -in prostitute, whore

qasa, —e a, adv nearly; approximate, -ly qerelema quarrelsome, bellicose qodus ? how far ? - up to what distance ?

reyuni ; —azo to grow young again, to

make young again; rejuvenation ridlo, -i riddle, to - riii to rule, to govern riksho rickshaw rirvidil (mot.) diiving-mi’rror ritrax; —i contraction, (med.) retraction, to retract rokal reef, cliff ronso bramble rost roast, - meat rosti to roast rubi to redden; to blush rubkol, rubgorgo (bird) robin rukti, -o to eruct, -ation rumberyo bayberry rutelte (mot.) on the roadside

sedisyon sedition sekreso secrecy sekuril security device sekuremo self-assurance selen selenium selfdefendo selfdefence selfefat self-made selfpleka self-explanatory semantik, -a semantics,-tic semicirko ; -a semicircle; - circular senarta artless, unskilful


senbaza baseless

seni to lack of, to be without…; to be

deprived of… senvika of no importance sepyo; -a cuttlefish; (colour) sepia serlon (agric.) big glasshouse, glasshouse culture sharpel scarf, fichu, bandana shaut, —i din, rag, uproar; to - shendibed bedside-rug shevyot cheviot (fabric) shinshii (zool.) chinchilla shiping, -pio shipping sibla, —e, —eso possible, -y. -ility; sibia! maybe! sigaretil cigarette-holder sigaretuyo cigarette-case sidoyo bench, seat sili to be silent silil (mot.) silencer simboli, —azo to symbolize, -ation skelun stowaway skuza apologetic Slezyo, -ya Silesia, -ian sliping sleeping-car sob, -i sob, to - socapart (Hn.) share sokorsaro first-aid station

taf gadfly

talo such a thing

tamanyon (zool.) anteater

tangible, -eso tangible, -ibility

tardun n backward m, 1

taro tare (of weight)

tartro, —racid tartar (chem.)\ -ic acid

tasteli, -azo to grope, -ing n

tentaklo, -a tentacle, -cular

timus (cook.)sweetbread; (anat.)thymus

timyo (bot.) thyme


solvibla soluble soplil bellows sora sisterly

sorbokoton absorbent cotton sosto, -i pause, to -; respite, to - spiiot saiety-pin; —i to attach with a — strand; —а,—e shore; ashore; —i; to

strand, to ground, to run aground subveo, subpaso subway Sudauror aurora australis Sudanierik, -a South America, -an suden southern wind sudesten south-easter n (wind) sudwesten southwester n (wind) suetago (constr.) basement sufoni to be more than sufficient sulfur sulphur suol soil

supspun, —ayo soup-spoon, - ful surkoka, -at (cook.) overdone surnutri, —о to feed up; overfeeding surplue moreover surpresyel extra-fare surtrump ; —i overtrumping ?г, to overtrump syeda decent, seemly syeka subject to a

tonuva brand-new

topronta willing and ready, quite ready trancil carving-knife trenior train-ferry trunket small trunk trupasi to go through; —il police pass, safe-conduct

trusemenat bespangled, bestrewed,

bestrewn tuki to tow (naut.)


uci to reciprocate uda auditory a udeyo audience (persons) udibla audible uditor auditor (nir.) ukoza angular, stiff ulka funny, comic, quizzical Umbro, —a Umbria, -an umtorno contour unadel coterie