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Right of self-determination. Self service.

They are sending me mad. We sent him packing about his

business. The five senses. Common sense. She lost her senses. Judicial (bed and board) separation. Serial writer. He is a civil servant. Servant-girl, maid. Public service (local or central). I took him into my service. Service included; service not included.

Military (compulsory) service =

Conscription. Service-Station.

The government has set a price on

his head. To set up a business. They set out new laws every month. He suffered a setback. He paid that amount in full settlement of his debts.

Kankaner; kankanin. (m; /) Nos shur spi ко epsar drel shen.

Brigi un job. II un exela alev.

Ka lo skolayos de va infanos ? Skol primala. Primalskol. Skol duala. Dualskol. Supra skol.

Du kupilos. - Un kupil.

Mi nesar un karbosekyo.

Lo gangsteros riusir un kolpo.

Pli, lo skor!

Ka lo skor ?

Nos markir nil trik.



II skaponir (exetir) pel igelfor. Dol guer, zi startir da nix.

Zi debir un gran montant kinrekos.

Projeki (un film). Movovislo.

Vu shar fi nok un vislado.

С (cir) tremil ped(os) sure marniv.

Nos vidir nil vegal.

Maregro. - El maregra.

Zi in kir d’auro. - Zi kirar gold.

Pli sidu!

Un duaklas-tikel, pli. Zi ir nur duaman-informos.

Asdus mi par vidi.

Fiu as vu jugar.

II nun l’ombro de sa priska seo.



Zi me folifar!

Nos le sendir promeni.

Lo qin sensos.


El perdir konsho.

Korpo e propsepar.


II un funser.

Ancelin, sirverin.

Publa admen. (Centra о Loka).

Mi le prenir in ma sirvo.

Sirvo insa. - Sirvo noinsa.

Obliga militarsirvo = Konskribo.


Lo governo tir un presyo po la cef. Establi un afar.

Zi proklamar nuv legos shakmes. II ir un rovado.

II pagir yen montant pol enta qitanso de sa debos.

People of every shade and hue. I would gladly shake hands with him.

He shakes down apples from the tree.

This man seems to be very shallow-minded. He is now in good shape. They took the lion’s share. Shareholder.

He looks very sharp-sighted (quickwitted).

I am going to buy a shaving-brush, shaving soap and razor-blades. He was as white as a sheet. Sheet-iron. - Sheet-glass. We were at our last shift (end of

resources). Rain or shine, we will come (turn up). My shoes need a shine. Hospital ship. The Ship of State. Ship-chandler.

In your shoes, I wouldn’t do so. That’s where the shoe pinches.

Shortsighted, -ness. Shoulder-blade. To shout down. To shove through the crowd. He showed himself in his true colours.

Now and then the sun showed

through the clouds. She shrieked for help. He shuts his eyes to the truth. Shut up I On both sides.

This is the other side of the picture.

From all sides; on all sides. Side-track (railway’s); (fig.). I know him by sight. He translates Latin at sight. There is a silver-lining (a ray of hope).

Simple-minded; -ness.

Single room.

Single bed.

In the singular.

The ship sank like a stone.

He sank into a deep sleep.

Sink or swim! (come what may!)

Please sit down!

She sat on the jury.

Sit-down strike.

This is not my size.

Poor woman, she is a living skeleton!

She is only skin and bones.

He saved his skin.

She praises him to the skies.


My feet have gone to sleep. Please slow down, I can’t stand

this speed. Will you have a slice of melon ?

Tokolora e tospeca jensos. Mi glade le manadur.

II skosuntar pomos dal arbo.

Et vir parar muy spirt-enga.

II nun in bon formo.

Zi prenir lo part del leon.


II aspar muy sagasa (spirt-prezenta.)

Mi gar kofi un razo-bros, razo-sapon

e razil-lamos. II sir pala as linjo. Tolto. - Vitrei. Nos tokir na last risorgos.

Kelvede nos venor.

Ma sutos nesar vaxazo.

Ospital-ship. - Ospitalior.

Lo Statocar.


Vaplase, mi no fur eto.

Ik (ye) lo sut serkar. - Em vo lo

syom vunar. Miopa; -io. Omoplat. Hui. - Unsi.

Trupasi lo ful. - Trufuli. II montrisir in sa vera kolor.

Temtempe solyo parsir trul nubos.

El gridegir po elpo. II klozar okos a vero, Tacu! Ambelte.

Eto lo rov del medal, (lo rov del kadro).

Da tot eltos; totelte, toelte, toye. Garveo; (qestyon duala). Mi le konar vide. II tradukar latin primvide. Ye un spero-rad.

Naiva, -eso; spirtopova, -o. Kam unbeda. Bed unpersona. Singe.

Lo ship sinkir pixe. (sinkir as petro.)

II dormijir profonde.

Oxu kelo!

Pli sidu!

El sir nel jurio.

Sida strek.

Eto no ma puntur.

Povin, el un vera skelto!

El nur pyel e ostos.

II salvir sa pyel.

El le lodar us cel.


Ma pedos gorda.

Pli lentu, mi no suportar et vit. Var vu i un tranco melon ?

You would better skale over this subject.

I’ll slip along to the butcher and come back.

It seems to me, he is rather slow in doing things.

In small numbers.

It is small of him to bargain so long.

These people behave very small-townish.

The old building fell with a smash (a crash).

These police-dogs often smell out fugitives.

He snatches off anything he can.

It is not to be sneezed at!

You look as if you had the sniffles.

This is the socalled “Cdte d’Azur”.

Socalled honest people sometimes behave like rogues.

He is looking for a soft job.

He is going soft.

Some day we will perhaps go and see you.

Some way or other.

There were some eighty students singing and dancing on the square.

I’ll go and see him as soon as I can.

The sooner the better.

No sooner said than done.

He is a good sort.

This morning he is out of sorts.

I don’t like the sound of this meeting.

He will come for a short while.


In his spare time he wrote short poems.

They had an excellent spare room for me.

They spared no trouble to please me.

We spoke words of comfort to the poor widow.

Special delivery letter.

To deliver (make) a speech.

He lost the power of speech.

Please make speed to answer me.

God speed you!

Speed demon. - Speed-indicator. - Speed-limit.

These children are learning to spell.

I was simply spellbound.

She was spent with fatigue.

The driver speeded along until the car span round.

He was looking for some kindred spirit.

Don’t let your spirits go down!

Do you know what “public spirit” means ?

Keep up your spirits!

Let’s split the difference.

Twice during the last five years these shares were split.

Everybody wished to have his share of the spoils.

Vu mele transglitur et subjek. Mi vit al karner e bakar. Me parar, il pluye lenta fande kozos. Letnume.

II meskina presyecande tan long. Et jensos kondukar muy leturbeme.

L’old bilding krolir fragore.

Et polis-kanyos of fyutexar fugeros.

II racar kelo il par.

Eto no spicenda!

Vu parar koldensi.

Eto lo zonamat “Cdte d’Azur”.

Pseuda onesta personos somyes

kondukar as friponos. II kirar un sinekur. II molonar ; il dumijar ; il folemijar. Idyes nos forse gor ve vidi.

Some о ose. - Kele.

Ye un otiso studentos kantir e

dansir plasye. Mi gor le vidi suneste (des mi par). Sunesta bonesta. Dicat ilke fat. II un bon kerlo (un bon tip). Etmatin il no nel uza. Mi no libar lo ton d’et riun. II venor po brev moment. Spas-travel; kosma travel. Tempele il skribir poemetos.