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We are discussing a question of vital importance.

He always speaks in a loud voice.

Will you speak in a louder voice, please ?

All former decrees about this matter were made void.

El sem kauzir nugos a sa eltros.

II j a ricir extremungo.

Franso prosperir sub Henri Qar. Et mat in exam.

Neo klasat un del bonesta Adlinguos.

Eto depasar ma kompren. Et nosperat cirkonsos pluor na cancos.

Mi kredir nos ir va taca konsent.

Ik tot felos nosofistikat.

II vodela.

II no plenfakolta.

Kur fi eto ? - А ко eto utila ? Mi utir tot mezos po l’elpi. Nos vendar nur uzajat autos. II venir a nos kon mir voda, sofranda

pe shok. Nos for nameleste (na melesta). Nun vu shar qiti (vodi) lo plas. Eto nilvala (senvala). Samplos senvala. Mi dezar i lo val de ma dengo.


Nos par ve sirvi oje primayos kon

va karno. Nos ponu un vyel on et lad evenos.

Oje mi no ar umor po kant. Mi no ozar aventuri exe talvede.

El nir qariso.

II lo vir ke nos nesar. (II na vir

propala.) Mi sem ir libol pol sex debla.

Mi sperar vu no sir vexat pe la dum

vortos (pe la dumados). Eto par ve malplazi, mo sar ma

vidopunt. Ко le dukir atentadi a soself ?

Maopine, eto no lo bon solvo del

problem. Dal pratika vidopunt. Zi ar ferva adoro pol San Virgin.

Un laura yego umir lo kotej.

Lo Publa Sekureyo vizitir lo krim-lok.

Vu no par puni l’infanos pol pekos

del patros. Nos diskutar un qestyon de vik vivala.

II sem parlar laude. (II sem laudar). Var vu pli parli laudire ?

Tot prica dekretos pri et mat sir anulat.

We ‘11 now take the members’ vote.

Could you vouch for the truth of his assertions ?

Of course, his opinion differs from that of the vulgar.

The workmen obtained an important pay-rise.

Breakfast is waiting for you.

He is waiting to the Prince.

Lady in waiting to the Queen.

Let us walk home.

All these old men are walking in procession.

His usual walk is along the river.

I have a new wall-paper in my room.

He is often in want of money.

Do you want anything else ?

There is a general want of bread.

Nowadays one attacks without declaring war.

The doctor had warned him against cold.

The judge issued a search-warrant.

A good lunch washed down with wine.

Don’t waste your time over this chimera.

This girl is wasting away from day to day.

Keep a close watch over this prisoner!

How many feet of water does this ship draw ?

If you go on spending your money madly, you will soon be in low waters.

She fell and had water on the knee.

This country has plenty of water-power.

I don’t want a permanent wave, only a set.

Long, medium, short wave-band.

Will you show me the way out, please ?

Make way for school-children, please.

By the way, do you know my brother-in-law ?

I heard he is in a bad way.

I’m sure he did this in a weak moment.

I never wear woollen clothes in this tropical country.

He wore out his clothes and had no money to buy new ones.

Evening wear is our speciality.

Keep your weather eye open!

Did you hear the weather report ?

What is the weather forecast ?

She wore a wonderful wedding-dress.

Didn’t you receive our wedding-card ?

Receiving his letter, his mother weeped for joy.

Nos nun prenor lo vot del membros. Pur vu garanti lo vero de la asertos ?

Certe, la opin defar da lo del vulgo.

L’opreros obtenir un vik salaryo—

pluo. Dijun ve atendar. II in atenso al Prins. Atensodam del Roin. Nos promenu ver hom. - Nos

promen-domelu. Toet oldunos procesyonar.

La uza promen flum-longala. Mi ar un nuv murpapel in ma kam. II of mankar dengo. (II of dengo,

manka). Dezar vu keloso ? Ye un generala pan-manko. Nunoje so atakar sen guer-deklo.

Lo doktor le avertinda kontre frigo.

Lo juger ordonir perkizo. Un bon lunc arozat kon vin.

No perdu va temp kon et kimer.

Et fel perelar idide.

Survelyu ben et prizun!

Kan pedos et ship tirantar ?

Es vu folgar spezi va dengo fole, vu sun vodela.

El kadir e ir sinov-spanso. Et land ar abonda idro-poso.

Mi no nesar un permanel, nur un

plisado. Long, med, Rurt ondos. Var vu me montri l’exado, pli ?

Diu paso al skoleros, pli!

Propone, cu vu konar ma bofrat ?

Mi udir, il in mal san. Mi certa, il fir eto debla-momente.

Mi ni werar lanvestos in et tropika land.

II azajir sa vestos e no ir dengo po

kofi nuvas. Seradenos na specalayo. Apru ben l’okos! Udir vu lo meteal ? Ka lo vedprevid ? El werir un marva nupsorob. Cu vu no ricir na marlo-konado ?

Ricande la brif, la matro plorir pe joy.

He is now a man of weight.

Do you know all continental weights and measures ?

I welcome this excellent opportunity.

Soldiers welfare centre.



Surprised by a downpour, he came home wet through.

What is the news ?

Happen what may!

Whatever the difficulties, you must solve this problem!

They wheedled him into this dirty business.

I can now see there are wheels within wheels.

Look here : they stole our spare wheel!

That Cathedral has a wonderful rose-window.

Where are you going ?

Where are you now ?

Where are you coming from ?

He whipped out his sword.

The doctor told a white lie to the ill woman.

It was only a white lie to spare you anxiety.

There were “white horses” in the bay.

I thank you whole-heartedly.

The whole of the town was now occupied by the enemy.

There you will find wholesale prices.

The arrow fell wide of the target.

You are driving me wild.

Wildcat strike.

Boys will be boys.

You can not put old heads on young shoulders.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Gone with the wind.

Let us first see which way the wind is blowing.

We have beautiful anemones in our garden.

French window.

We are window-shopping.

Frightened by the children, all birds took wing.

Wipe away your tears!

Barbed wire along the entrenchment.

I received the good news by wire.

I sent off a wire at once.

Wireless telephony (radio).

You are guilty of wishful thinking.

He collected his wits in time.

This must be finished within two weeks.

He will come within half an hour.

To keep the wolf from the door, he wrote a pot-boiler.

He is now out of the wood.

Touch wood!

II nun un (vik) personon.

Cu vu konar tot kontinenta pezos e

mezuros ? Mi benvenar et exela ox. Soldat benven-centro. Puzaqo. Benkonat.

Surprenat pe aqon, il domelir

trubanat. Ко nuva ? - Ka nuvel ? Oxu kelo!

Kela lo dufos, vu shar solvi et

problem! Zi le melmir in et afaraco.

Mi nun vidar ye mul brolbrolos.

Miru, zi furtir na rirot!

Yen Katedral ar un marva rozon.

Qo vu ?

Vo vu nun ?

Unde venar vu ?

II vit diguenir sa spad.

Lo doktor dicir un pia lugo al egrin.

Sir nur up pia lugo ut ve spari anxo.

Ye sir ondonos nel bayo.

Mi ve dankar entakore.

L’ent urbo sir nun okupat pel

nemik. Ye vu or groso-presyos.

Lo flesh kadir dus dal bersal. Vu me irsifar (me irsegifar). Vilda strek. Yuno pasenda.

So no par ti old cefos on yun spalos.

Vo volo, ye poso. - Volo far poso. Flugat kol vent.

Nos vidu prime unde vent soplar.

Nos ar bel anemonos in na garden.

Gardenpordo. Nos vitrinelar.

Afrat pel infanos, tot ezos aladir.

Shugu va larmos! Barbel lungale l’trencen. Mi ricir lo bon nuvel kable. Mi ilke sendir un telgo. Senfila fon (radyo). Vu prenar va dezos po faktos. II rekonshir in temp. Eto endenda inye du vekos.