II venor fra ordim.
Ut se ti bezon-abrige, il skribir un
kuk-libro. II nun exe bosko. Toku olso!
He had words with his brother. He is a man of few words. They started a work-to-rule strike. He worked himself into a rage. He worked off his bad temper on
his wife. We’ll meet in the next world. Not for anything in the world
would I marry him. He has a world-wide knowledge. The busybody worms himself into
everybody’s business. She is dreadfully worried about her mother.
This business is growing worse and worse.
It is not worth a penny.
This book is not worth reading.
He knows how to wring money out
of everything. He writes a good hand. He was not far wrong. He chose the wrong horse. Is something wrong with you ? Year in year out. He yields to nobody in courage. A friend of yours. Zip-fastener.
II vortucir kon sa frat. II un vir pok-vorta. Zi ensir un zelo-strek. II rabijir.
II vodir sa malumor on sa fem.
Nos inkontrucor narmondye. Po nilo mondye mi le spozur.
II ar mondostenda konos. Lo facendon inmixar in tosia ecos.
El terible malkeda pri sa matro.
Et eco malmalar (pizpizar).
No valar un suldo (un pengo). Et libro no valar (no meritar) lekto. II spar kom traki dengo da kelo.
II ar bon skribo. (U il bon skribo). II no sir muy torta. II elgir lo mal ip. Cu ve oxar somo mala ? Bonmalanye.
II infa a nilun pri korago.
Un va amik.
It’s in the bag. There’s nothing doing! No kidding! I am sick of it! And the lot!
He doesn’t worry. - Don’t worry! Well, that’s the limit! (the last
straw) It was grand!
It’s the obvious thing to do. Serves him right for being so
greedy! It’s all the same to me. It doesn’t mean a thing to me. It’s all Greek to me! All the same, it is cheek! He is two-faced. Double talk. He’s a lucky chap! It amounts to the same thing.
That’s not very nice! It’s none of my business. That doesn’t concern me. Do you follow me ? - (Have you
got that ?) And what do you infer from that ? Is everything going all right ?
L’afar nel sak. (Lo pesh nel rish.) Nilo fenda! No blagu! Me trosufe!
E l’bazar! - E l’enta bazar!
11 no bilar. - No bilu!
Ben, eto lo kolmo! (lo last palyo).
Sir splenda! - Sir marva!
Eto klare lo fenda.
Ben meritat, sinde tan edema!
Me tote egala. Me mindar nix. Eto po mi Sanskrit! Kele, eto tup! II bifaca. II falsun. Dipla parlo.
II cansun! - II cansa kerlo!
Sar sama. - Valar same. - Sar
parelya. Eto no muy gentila! Eto no ma eco. (Eto) no me koncernar. Cu vu me folgar ? - Cu vu kapar ?
E ke dedukar vu da eto ? Cu to ben ?
Not a bit of it! (Not a scrap of it!) It’s a nasty business. It was only to be expected. You haven’t a dictionary, by any
chance ? That’s new to me. Don’t believe a word of it! I should be delighted. I should be surprised. I shouldn’t be surprised. And we can do nothing about it. What more do you want ? Let us say no more about it! Don’t ask me any more about it. You look very well.
I am in a great hurry, (tearing
hurry) I don’t care.
It is the last word! (“all the rage”) Tell it to the Marines! What a row! - What a mess! Mum’s the word! In short… Let’s go!
Go to it! - Go on 1 Of course! Dash!
So much the worse!
All the better!
It doesn’t matter!
It doesn’t matter at all!
Pardon, what did you say ?
He’s a real pal!
Just you dare!
I’ll make it my business to find out! I don’t care a rap! That is a dig at me. Much ado about nothing. There’s something in the wind (a
snake in the grass). I could go there with my eyes shut. I am all ears.
I’m beginning to lose my temper.
He can’t bear me.
I answered him like a flash.
That’s the least of my worries.
Don’t you dare do it again!
I don’t give a hoot!
He’s just kidding!
He won’t set the Thames on fire.
He is putting on an act!
Let him go to the devil!
He leads the life of a lord.
He is a spendthrift.
His eyes are bigger than his belly.
I’m telling you once and for all.
He promised me the moon.
Your ears must have burned. He was born with a silver spoon in
his mouth. He is dressed to kill to-day. It’s all up with him! Take a chance! That’s just like him!
Nix! - No kelo!
Sar un lur eco. - Sar un afaraco. Sir ya expektenda. Gu kaze u vu un dixonar ?
Eto me nuva.
No en kredu un vort!
Mi sur ixa. (Mi sur carmat.)
Mi sur surprenat. - Me surprenur.
No me surprenur.
E nos ye par nix.
Ke nok dezar vu ?
Nos no en parlu plu!
Me asku plu nix etpropone.
Vu aspar muy ben. - Vu muy
bonaspa. Mi muy asta (astega).
Mi no zorgar. - No me vikar.
Sar lastmodya. - Sar lo last tico.
Dicu a osunos! - A osunos!
Ka bukan! - Ka petodaro!
Motus! No un vort! - No apru bok!
Nos giu!
Giu! - Ye giu!
Bakus! - Saprico ! Tanpize! Tanmele! No vikar! Vikar nix!
Ко, pli ? - Pardon, ke dicir vu ? II un carma kerlo! Ozu nur!
Sor ma eco skopri! Mi surfishar! Eto igel kontre mi. Mul rum po nix.
Ye serpo sub l’erbo. - Ye somet erye.
Mi pur ye gi kloz-oke. Mi plen-uda. Mi irsensar. II no par me fyuti. Mi rispir a il tanilke. Sar ma minsta zorgo. No ozu reensi! Mi surfishar!
II nur umbar! - II plezantar! II no inventir pulvo. II komedar. II giu al dyablo! II tranadar as Prins. II ar man forat.
La okos granira qam la panco. Mi ve dicar unyes po sem. II me promonir. - II me promir lo lun.
Va orelos certe prurir.
II nasir vestat. - II nasir cap on cef.
II oje manekenat. II liqidat! - Em la endo! Eselu canso! Eto vere il!
I am used to it.
You have no say in the matter. I mustn’t grumble! Take it or leave it I
I told him where he got off! Did he put you wise to it ? (Did he
clue you up ?) He is proud as a peacock. He is as mean as Midas. He is rich as Croesus. He is as poor as a churchmouse. He is as strong as an ox! She is as gay as a lark. He is as dull as ditch water. She chatters like a magpie. He is as quiet as a mouse. He is as nimble as a monkey. He is as deaf as a post. He is as thin as a rake. He is as fat as a barrel. Long as a month of Sundays. He is as honest as the day is long. He is sleeping like a top. It is as old as the hills. They are as like as two peas. It is as clear as daylight.
He is as happy as a sandboy.
It will go swimmingly.
He is as regular as clockwork.
It’s no laughing matter.
There’s nothing to worry about.
There’s no harm in trying.
You have overstepped the mark.
He let the cat out of the bag.
I’m not up to much to-day.
On the leveclass="underline" Honour bright.
They are in a bad way.
And to think I trusted him!
Don’t blame anyone but yourself.
He was pulling your leg, old man.
She didn’t turn up.
They left me in the lurch.
We split the difference.
He is a first class bore.
We are after the same thing.
He has plenty of nerve. - What a
nerve he has! What’s biting you ? I am not in his good books. He was caught red-handed. She gave me the cold shoulder. He killed two birds with one stone. He has the gift of the gab. That sets my teeth on edge. I have pins and needles in my legs. You will be sorry for it. He said it with his tongue in his cheek; take it with a pinch of salt.
He practises what he preaches. Yesterday he was making whoopee. To-day he has a hangover. He is very wideawake.
Mi ja abituat.
Vu ar no vot nel mat.
Mi no par lamenti!