Me montru lo melesta vu ar.
Es vu no ar it stokye, par vu m’it sendi ? m’it prokuri ?
Fra kan or vu it ?
Yu dicar vu sen it ? Vu estingir it ? vu noplue stokar it ?
Kur eto ?
Mi no satisfat kon et artiklo. Par vu it repreni ? it skambi ?
Mi kofir it yo du idos e ni utir it. Miru lo lablo!
Kur no markar vu va merkos in presyos klara ?
Cu eto va last presyo ?
Shar mi versi un akont es mi ordenar ?
Pli fiu un рак.
Mi no pat it kunpreni. Par vu it livri ?
Livru it a et adres.
Van par vi it livri ?
Mi pagor livre.
Mi prifar pagi nun.
Me flu un faktur.
Pli qitansu it.
Par vu it spedi franko ? port debat ?
Sendu it letvite (granvite).
Kan sumar it ?
Mi gar al kaso, es vu var m’akompani.
Aprar vu dominke ?
Ka va klozo-id ?
Kaore klozar vu ?
Restar vu apra lunc-ore ?
Venu kon mi shel librer. Mi var kofi som romansos.
Mi nesar an un bon dixonar. Mi sor glada i va opin. Ко laste parsat ?
Is this book really interesting ? Is it worth reading ?
Have you… ? It is just out.
I don’t know who published it.
Will you find out and try to get it for me ?
I am going to see the new play. Have you the book ?
I should like to take out a subscription to this review. Do you take subscriptions ?
Have it sent to this address.
I am starting on a journey. I should like some light reading for the train.
What do you advise ?
I see you have a fine edition there of …‘s plays. Is it new or secondhand ?
Where could I get that secondhand ?
I want some note-paper. I always take white.
This is not good enough quality. Show me something better.
This is the best you have ?
Give me a larger size.
Have you envelopes to match ?
I have left my fountain-pen behind. Have you any cheap ones ?
Have you any refills for this pencil-case ?
I should like to see some picture postcards of London.
These are really good. They are very clear.
How much are they a piece ? a dozen ?
I don’t like coloured cards.
This pen is not self-filling. I want a filler.
The pen is too fine; too broad.
This one suits me.
If you don’t mind, I will write a few postcards on the corner of this table.
Can you lend me some blotting-paper ?
Fill the pen, too, please.
I might take a bottle of ink as well.
I want to have my hair cut.
Is there a decent hair-dresser about here ?
Will you be disengaged soon ? I haven’t time to wait long.
Is it my turn soon ?
Next, please!
This gentleman is next; he came in before me.
Please give me a haircut and a shave.
Cu et libro vere interesa ? Cu it lekto-vala ?
Ar vu… ? It ju estingat.
Mi no spar ki publikir it.
Var vu informisi e trali me it prokuri ?
Mi ju gor vidi lo nuv pyes. Ar vu lo libro ?
Mi vur aboni a et rivid. Prenar vu abonos ?
Sendu it a et adres.
Mi departar travele. Mi vur i som liv lekto pol tren.
Ke konselar vu ?
Mi vidar vu ar ye un bel edit del pyesos de … Sar it nuva о okazyona ?
Yo pur mi tri eto okazyone ?
Mi nesar som brifpapel. Mi sem prenar alba.
Eto no sufe bonqala. Me montru somo mela.
Cu eto va bonesta ?
Me diu un granira formel.
Ar vu kuna involvelos ?
Mi lir ma stilyo domye. Ar vu som cipas ?
Ar vu minulos po et lapel ?
Mi vur vidi som Londona vid-kartolos.
Etunos vere bona. Zi muy klara.
Kan kostar uno ? isduo ?
Mi no libar kolora kartos.
Et plum no automa. Mi nesar un gocil.
Lo plum tro fina; tro grosa.
Etun me konvenar.
Es vu permar, mi skribor som kartolos ol uk d’et tablo.
Par vu me presti sorben ?
Pli plenu an lo stilyo.
Mi shur preni an un ink-botel.
Mi nesar kaplokot.
Cu un bon kapler iknire ?
Cu vu sun frida ? Mi no ar temp
atendi long. Cu sun maturne ? Folga, pli!
Nun lo turno d’et Siro; il arivir pre mi.
Pli kotu ma kaplos e me razu.
My hair only wants trimming.
Trim my moustache.
Don’t cut my hair too short.
Your razor wants stropping; it scrapes.
I think my hair is still rather long on the sides.
Give me a shampoo next; and a dry shampoo after.
Put a little eau de Cologne on a towel, and wipe my face with it.
Now, just a dash of powder.
Part my hair in the middle ; farther to the left; farther to the right.
Now, just a touch of brilliantine.
I wish to have my hair done.
When can I have an appointment ?
As soon as possible, for I have only broken my journey here.
I want my hair waved.
Begin by cutting my hair; it is rather long.
I prefer an oil-shampoo (a water shampoo).
No, I don’t need my hair bleaching; it will be enough to rinse it.
I only want my hair setting.
My hair stays well in curl.
Wave my hair with the curling-tongs.
Put a little brilliantine on.
Comb my hair back more, I like to have my forehead clear enough.
Dress my hair in small curls.
I should like my eyebrows plucked.
Could you give me a facial ?
Call the manicurist, please. I want her to do my nails.
Don’t cut them too short, please.
Ma kaplos nesar nur ritok. Ritoku ma mustash! No kotu ma kaplos tro kurta. Ya razil nesar eflo; it raskar.
Mi trar ma kaplos nok epe longa nel eltos.
Nun me shampu, e doe un frixyon.
Tiu epe Kolnaqo on un shugil e me
shugu lo vizo. Nun, nur epe pulvel. Me fiu un rigo mede; linkire; dexire.
Nun, un toket de brilantin.
Mi dezar me kaplifi.
Van par mi i un apuntado ? Suneste, den mi ik travelmede.
Mi var un permanel.
Ensu pe un kot; ma kaplos epe tro longa.
Mi prifar un olyo- (aqo-)shampo.
No, mi no nesar dikolorazo; rinso sufar.
Mi nesar nur un plisado.
Ma kaplos servar ben ondul.
Me fiu un fir-ondulazo.
Tiu epe brilantin.
Riru nok ma kaplos ; mi libar i front dipegat.
Me kaplu kon frizelos.
Mi dezur ma surcilos dipilat.
Pur vu me fac-maspi ?
Rufu lo manukurin, pli, el fiu ma unglos.
No ze kotu tro kurta, pli.
abscess abseco alcohol alkol anaemia anemio anaemic ane—
mika ankle kavilyo antipyrin anti—
pirin appendicitis
apendicit appetite apetit appointment
apuntado arm braso asthma asmo asthmatic asma back(noun) dorso band bendo
to bandage ben-di
bed bed to go to bed
bedigi to stay in bed
kushi, bedali belly ventro bicarbonate bikarbonat blind cega boil (noun) furko bowel intestin,
budel brain cerebro to breathe spiri bronchial tubes bronkos
bronchitis bronkit
bruise; to - так; maki burn ; to - brul; -i
cachet kapsul calf (of the leg)
pulpel carbolic acid
fenol castor oil ricinolyo to catch (an illness) kontraki to catch cold
koldi cheek vango
chemist farma—
kist chest pex chicken pox
varikel colic kolik cod-liver oil merlukolyo compress kompres, -al lungs’ congestion pulma kongestyon contipation (costiveness) konstip to consult konsulti
konsull(o) consumption
pexit consumptive
pexita contagion kontago contagious kontaga cotton wool va-to
cough; lo -
tus; -i deaf surda diabetes diabet diabetic diabeta diarrhoea dia-reo
to digest digesti digestion digest digestive di-gestifa, -tibia disease egro drop goc dropper gocil dysentery disenterit dyspepsia maldigest, dispepsio