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dyspeptic maldigesta, dis-pepsa diuretic urifa ear orel

ear and throat specialist

orellaringist emetic vomifa ether eter eye ok

eye-wash kolir (yo)

to faint esvani fainting esvan fatigue laso fever febro feeling sensado,

senso sick feeling nau-zo

feeling of faint—

ness malsen-sado flu grip forearm antebraso fool ped fracture; lo -

fraktur; -i gargle; lo -

gargo; -i gauze garso glycerine glicerin groin inguin head cef headache cefalgo health san good health

bonsan in good health

bonsana, -e heart kor heart disease

koregro heaviness cevo liip kox to hurt doli, fi

mal ill egra illness egro indigestion maldigest indisposition egrel, malsen-sado to inflame flogi,

inflami inflammation flogo, inllam influenza in—

lluenso, grip instep ped-kolo intestine intestin jaw maxel kidney ron, nefro knee zun lame klada lanolinc lanolin laudanum lau-dan

laxative laxifa leg gambo to limp kladi loins nefros, ronos; lombos lotion losyon measles rubit,

morbilyo medicine

(science) me-dik medicine (prescription) medikayo menthol mentol milk; - diet lakto; lakta regim morphia, morphine morfin mustard

plaster sinap nail unglo navel omblik neck kolo neuralgia neuralgio

nerve neuro nervous neura,

neurema nose nazo nostril naren oculist okist ointment unguent lo operate operi operation opero operator ope-rer

optician optiker pain dol, algo ; pen

to palpitate pulsi, palpiti palpitation pulso, palpit ‘ phenol fenol plaster plastro pill pilul pneumonia pulmonit pomatum pomad potion posyon powder pulvo prescription ri-cep

purge; to - purge ; -i purgative purgifa rash erupto relapse rekado rest; to - ripozo ; -i rheumatism

reumo rheumatic reu—

ma rib kostel scarlet fever

skarlatin sciatica shiatit sedative sedifa sensitive sensibla

to sneeze ster-nuti

shiver; to -

briv; -i shortsighted

miopa shoulder spal smallpox varyol sick; sickness

egra; egro sleeping

draught dormifa sleeplessness

sendormo sodium sulphate sodsulfato sole (of the foot)

pyanto sore alga sore throat gorgalgo lo sound askoltadi

sounding askoltado sprain; to -

tordel; -i stilcli sutur

(punt) stomach stoma к stomach aclie stomakalgo; ventralgo lo suffer sofri suffering sofro suppository ri-rel

surfeit maldigest lo swell enfi swelling enfo symptom sin-tom

tablet, tabloid

kompresel temperature

tempratur thermometer termometro thigh kosh throat gorgo tincture of iodine iodotin- to

tired lasa; to

tire lasi tiredness laso toe ortel(yo) tongue glos tuberculosis tuberklit tuberculous tuberklita twist; to - tordel ; -i typhoid fever

tifoid wrench; to -

tordal; -i valerian valeryan

vaseline vazlin vomiting vom to vomit vomi

berklit whooping-cough koklush

I haven’t been feeling well for the last few days. I think I want to see the doctor.

Give me the address of yours, please.

What are his consulting days ? and the hours ?

Are there a lot of people ?

I had better ask him for an appointment, then.

I have been feeling rather unwell for the last few days.

I have a feeling of weariness.

I have often a headache and my temperature rises a little nearly every evening.

I don’t cough much.

But I have a feeling of tightness across the chest, and at times I have trouble in breathing.

It doesn’t get so bad as to feel I am stifling, but it is very uncomfortable.

I sleep badly, and often wake up.

Sometimes I shiver.

Will you look at my throat ? It is sore.

I have caught cold, and yesterday I was running a high temperature.

I don’t digest my food well and after meals my stomach feels loaded. I keep close watch on my diet, though, and never eat to excess.

I have always had a weak stomach, and a change of cooking throws it out of order at once.

Will you sound my lungs ? I must have a touch of bronchitis.

I am very highly-strung, and I have often to take a sedative.

Don’t you find my heart rather irregular ?

I have palpitations at times.

I had pneumonia two years ago.

Except for that, my general state is satisfactory ?

I wrenched my ankle this morning and it hurts a lot. I am limping badly.

I had to take a taxi here.

I think I shall have to lie up.

How long shall I have to rest ?

I have had a fall and broken my arm.

Will you set it, please ?

My glasses aren’t strong enough. Can you tell me of an oculist ?

I am shortsighted; long-sighted.

With these glasses, I see things at a distance fairly well, but I can’t read. The letters get blurred.

These glasses suit me.

I see perfectly well.

Dep som idos, mi no sentisar ben. Mi var vidi lo doktor.

Me diu l’adres del vua, pli.

Ka la konsult-idos ? E l’oros ?

Cu ye mul jensos ?

Dan mi prifur aski un apuntado.

Mi sentisar nobene dep som idos.

U mi sento de laso.

U mi of cefalgo e ma tempratur altar epe fas shaksere.

Mi no tusar mul.

Mo mi ar sensado de pex-opres e somyes mi ar spiro-duf.

No gar us fogo-sensado, mo eto a say penifa.

Mi dormar male e velyijar of.

Somyes mi brivar.

Var vu miri ma gorgo ? It algar.

Mi koldijir e yer mi ir alta tempratur.

Mi no digestar ben e dol mensos ma stomak ceva. Mi dok survelyar ben ma regim e edar ni exede.

Mi sem ir stomak debla, e un kuk-kambo turbar it ilke.

Var vu me askoltadi ? U mi probable epe bronkit.

Mi muy neuro-tensa e shar of pren i un sedifa.

Cu vu no trar ma kor epe noregla ?

U mi somyes palpitados.

Mi ir pulmonit yo du anyos.

Eske eto, cu ma generalstando satisfa ?

Mi tordalir ma kavilyo etmatin e il algar asay. Mi kladar forte.

Mi shir preni un taxi po veni.

Mi krar mi shor sti laga.

Kan (long) shar mi ripozi ?

Mi kadir e frakturir ma braso.

Var vu it rebuxi, pli ?

Ma okil no sufe forta. Par vu me indiki un okist ?

Mi miopa; presbita.

Kon et vitros, mi vidar asay ben duse, mo mi no par lekti : letros brolijar.

Et vitros me konvenar.

Mi vidar perfe.

We should like to go to the theatre. Have you a booklet like our This Week in Paris to tell us what is being played ?

I don’t know any of these plays. Can you give me an idea of what they are like ?

I don’t want too serious a play. I prefer something that would make me laugh.

There must not be too many things over my head either.

Something simple enough for me to understand, or perhaps a classical play I might have read.

If you can get me the book of the play, I would read it before I go.

What time does the evening performance begin ?

At six thirty or seven ? It’s dreadfully early!

How can you put in the rest of the evening ? The performance must be over by nine fifteen.

It is too late to go to the Music Hall. But one could finish off the evening in a night club.

Is there a ticket-agent’s office anywhere here ?

If it is in the Strand, I know where it is. I’ll be going past this afternoon, and I’ll step into the box-office myself.

Will you please give me two stalls ? Not too close to the stage, though.

You have no seats left except in the back row ? That doesn’t matter. I’ll take them.

I should have to book a week ahead at least ? Unless I go to the second gallery ?

And in that case I should have to queue up ?

How long has the play been running ?

I’m going to have a look at the bill.

Are the intervals long ?

Is evening-dress compulsory ?

Is there a curtain-raiser before the big play ?

Would you mind asking the box-attendant if she could get me a programme ?

Do you think this play witty ? To my mind, it is rather boring.