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What are you going to do tomorrow morning ?

I hope to go to the movies with my brother.

How is your son going on ?

He studies law at the University and he is working very well.

My mother gives me a book.

Your house pleases me very much.

Would you like to come and see us this evening ?

I would like to, but I cannot; I am not free.

Look at yourself in the mirror; your face is dirty.

It is an ink blot. How did you do it ?

I don’t know; perhaps while I was writing this letter to my mother.

Have you seen the airplane that was flying so fast ?

Where did you put the pencils I gave you ?

I put them here, but now I cannot find them.

Put on your overcoat, we are soon arriving.

I beg your pardon, Madam, did I hurt you ?

Don’t mention it, you did not hurt me.

I had not seen you were here.

I was twice in France.

This is the first time I am here.

How many times did you go to the movies when you were in London ?

I was there several times.

Once I met there your brother(s) and sister(s).

Half of this fortune belongs to you.

What is my (account’s) balance, please ?

At the beginning of the month you had £ 850 ; you drew out £ 316 ; now you have £ 534.

Hundreds (of persons) perish every month in road-accidents.

This great Greek philosopher lived thousands of years ago.


VOCABULARY : sekund second; minut minute ; ого hour; ordim half an hour; orqarim quarter of an hour; ido day; nox night; matin morning; mid noon; ser evening; mi nox midnight; vek week; vekend week-end; mes month; bimes two months; trimes quarter, three months; sitmes half-year; anyo year; seklo century; milanyo thousand years, millenary ; do mid afternoon

nun now; oje today; yer yesterday; preyer the day before yesterday; kras tomorrow; dokras the day after tomorrow; sem always; ni never; of often; rare rarely; yo ago ; fra within; inye within; fru early; tarde late; sun soon; dep since

Domin(ko) Sunday; Lundo Monday; Tud Tuesday; Mirko Wednesday ; Jov Thursday; Venso Friday; Sab Saturday.

Janar January; Febrar February; Mars March; April April; Mey May; Jun(yo) June; Jul July; Agost August; Septem(bro) September; Oktob(ro) October; Novem(bro) November; Decem(bro) December.

Primaver, Lenso Spring; Zom Summer; Erso, Autumn о Autumn; Yem Winter

tempo time; sizo season; period period ; duri to last; pasi to go by, to pass; pas-last; nar£ coming, to come ; dun while.

Ka or? Kaore ?

Kaore venor vu ?

Mi sor ik a qin. Nun tre.

Mi venor fra du oros. Sar tarde, sar ja is. Sar is min qarim. Sar is e qarim. Sar is e dim. Sar is min gin. Sar is min is. Sar non min duis. Sar isun e duisqin. Sar fas isun e dim. Sor sun ot. Sar ja ot min sep. Mi ik dep sit. Mi arivir yo sit oros. Mi ik dep du oros. Kaore depart ?

Lo ship departar a is exakte.

Nos sor ik fra orqarim.

Kan departos ar vu nok inye mes ?

Nok qar departos : du departos veke.

Mi no par qiti pre un bivek.



Zomoro. Yemoro. Tre matine. Qar domide (sere).


Labori ore.



II atendar sa oro.

II pagat treisqin frankos ore.

Suplemtempo pagat sitis frankos ore.

II astir e arivir just ore.

Isqin Jun a treedim domide lo paxtratal signatir.

Narzome nos departor Fransye. Septembre mi sor Italye. Mi libar Juna long idos. Mi sor Londonye nartud a is sere.

Mi sir Swisye pasyeme.

What time is it ? At what time ?

At what time are you going to

come ? I’ll be here at 5 (o’clock). It is now three o’clock. I’ll come within two hours. It is late, it is already ten. It is quarter to ten. It is quarter past ten. It is half past ten. It is five minutes to ten. It is ten minutes to ten. It is twenty minutes to nine. It is 11.25.

It is almost half past eleven. It will soon be eight. It is already seven minutes to eight. I have been here since six o’clock. I arrived six hours ago. I have been here for two hours. At what time is the departure ? The ship leaves exactly at ten. We’ll be here in a quarter of an hour. How many more departures have

you within the month ? Four more departures : two departures a week. I cannot leave before a fortnight. Hour by hour. At any time (of the day). Summer time. Winter time. Three o’clock in the morning. Four o’clock in the afternoon

(p.m.). Every hour (adv.). To work by the hour. By now; by this time. To each his hour. He bides his time. He is paid thirty-five francs an hour.

Overtime is paid sixty francs an hour.

He made haste and arrived at

the right time. On June fifteen, at half past three in the afternoon the treaty of peace was signed. Next summer we’ll leave for France. In September I’ll be in Italy. I love June’s long days. I’ll be in London next Tuesday at 10 p.m.

I was in Switzerland last winter.

Tu капаj a ? - Mi isot. Mi sun isot. - Mi nonok duis.

Ma patro ja qinis. II aspar apene qaris. Qinanya, sitanya, isanya. Qarisanya, qinisanya.

Sitisanya, sepisanya.

Otisanya, nonisanya.




Nasid ; anyid ; namid. Pasanye nos celebrir lo qarekado de Shexpir-naso.

Naranye nos celebror na nodependo

qinisado. Pasanye na granpatro jir ekanya, samanye as ekado del dinastio.

Lo pov nonisanyin kadir e vunisir grave.

Sor l’endo de ta adol, tu sor adulta. Isanyel.

How old are you ? - I am eighteen.

I’ll soon be eighteen. - I am not yet twenty.

My father is already fifty.

He hardly looks forty.

Five, six, ten years old.

Quadragenarian, quinquagenarian (in his forties, in his fifties).

Sexagenarian, septuagenarian (in his 60ies, 70ies).

Octogenarian, nonagenarian (in his 80ies, 90ies).


Centenary (anniversary).

Jubilee (50th birtday), 50th anniversary.

Birthday; anniversary; Saint’s Day.

Last year we celebrated the four-hundredth anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth.

Next year we will celebrate our independence jubilee.

Last year my grandfather became a centenarian, on the centenary year of the dynasty.

The poor ninety years old woman fell and injured herself badly.

It will be the end of your adolescence, you will be an adult.



a (a!) to (1)

ab from, beginning with

akontre contrarily to

ante (ante!) before (space) (2)

apse (apse!) next to

da (dal) from

cis on this side

de (del) of

do (dot) after (time)

dorse rear, back of

dre (drel) behind

dun during, while

eske (eskel) except

exe out, out of

face facing

gre (flrel) in spite of

in (nel) in

ine inside

inloke instead of

infolge following

inte (Intel) between, among

intre (intrel) inside

inye (inyel) within

je (jel) to, in, for, by, near (3)

kauze (kauzel) because of

kon (kol) with

konforme according to

kontre (kontrel) against les according to

longale along, at the side of

mede amidst

meze by means of

nir near

obe above, up

on (ol) on, over

pe (pe) by

po (pol) for

pre (prel) before (time)

pri (pril) about, concerning

pro for, in favor of, per

rektele overleaf

rir behind

rispe in reply to

ritre behind

sen without

she at, to

sub under

sube (subel) under, below sur over, above sure above

terge on the back, overleaf

tra, trans beyond

tru (trul) through

u (ul) at, in possession of (4)

um around

unte (untel) down

us until

ver to, towards

(continues on page 26)