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-el has no particular meaning; only an indeterminate relation between the word finishing with -el and the corresponding root : flamel (from flam flame) will-o’-the-wisp; fansel (from fanso fancy) gadget

rubema reddish; jalema yellowish; edema greedy; bonema good-natured; karesemo wheedling; sonyemi to day-dream mendenda to be mended; veriflkenda to be verified; lukenda to let; vendenda to sell; videnda worth seeing; bakenda to be sent back; agenda agenda (things to be done) skurensi to darken; klamensi to start screaming; plorensi to start weeping

vender seller; kofer buyer; oprer workman; oprerin workwoman; teniser tennisman; tenis(er)in tennisplayer(woman); kanter singer boneso goodness; beleso beauty; prudenso (contraction of prudenteso) prudence; albeso whiteness; nereso blackness belesta most beautiful; granesta the largest; bonesta the best; malesta the worst boyet little boy; felet little girl; domet small house; promenet stroll, short walk; beveti to sip

omeyo humanity ; yuneyo young people; nobleyo nobility (noble people); Kristeyo Christendom geograf geographer; geograla geographic; geo-gralio geography; biograf biographer; biografa biographical; -flo -aphy

kia whose; nilunia nobody’s; tosia everybody’s; lo povia viv the poor man’s life ibla available; posibla possible; vidibla visible; vendible saleable; lektibla readable; noposibla


Eraklid Heraclidan; Israelid Israelite; latinida of latin origin

kie for what reason, why; etie for this reason; nilie for no reason; kelie for any reason; somle for some reason

dormifa soporific; exitifa exciting; benifa helpful, beneficial; lezifa prejudicial-ig to go bedigi to go to bed; dormigi to go to sleep;

fensigi to go to the window; laborigi to go to work

-ij to become dormiji to fall asleep; oldiji to grow old; vidibliji

to become visible; beliji to grow beautiful -il instrument, kotil knife; kupil scissors ; oril clock, watch;

tool sidil chair; korkil (dikorkil) corkscrew; razil razor; nuxil nutcrackers; domil household apparatus ; sukril sugar tongs ; dentil tooth pick; stiril ironing tool -in feminine doktorin lady doctor; roin queen; venderin

salesgirl; pinterin woman painter; kuderin seamstress; leonin lioness; tigrin tigress —ind having done vidinde having seen ; ricinde having received;

oldijinde having grown old; oldijinda who has grown old

-inil small container sukrinil sugar basin, sugar bowl; salinil saltcellar ; teinil tea-pot; kaflnil coffee-pot; pepinil pepper-pot

-ingo machine lavingo washing-machine; plateningo washing-up machine

-io (pron. i-o) artt kemio chemistry; glifio engraving; medikio trade; a whole, medicine; panio bakery, baker’s shop; industrio a set industry; oldio old people; old things; socio society

-ior means of peskior fishing-boat; delior destroyer; ivior

transport aircraftcarrier; bombior bomber; petrolior


-ir comparative altira taller, higher; granira larger; letira smaller; fortira stronger; klevira more clever; ofira more frequent; oflre more often -is reflexive mirisi to look at oneself; punisi to punish one

self ; permisi to take the liberty; mi permisar ve disturb! I take the liberty of disturbing you -ism, -ist doctriney socalismo socialism; socalist(a) socialist;

partisan paxismo pacifism ; paxist, -a pacifist; idealismo, -ist(a) idealism, -ist; komunismo, -ist(a) communism, -ist

-it illness, diftcrit diphtheria; epit hepatitis ; uremit uraemed. affection mia ; okit ophthalmia -log, -a, -io science, dermolog, -a, -io dermatologist, -ogical, -ogy;

art (pron. : i-o) grafolog, -a, -io graphologist, -ogical, -ogy -ol young animal, ipol colt, foal; bovol calf; dorfol hamlet; domol

diminutive small lodging; bastol small rod, small stick -ond going to; pluvonda it is going to rain; venonda to come;

to come nel mesos venonda in the coming months; lo shipos departonda the ships that are going to depart

-orio (pron. : i-o) bisqitorio biscuit factory; telorio linen manufactory factory ; kordorio rope-making, rope-manufactory, -oyo (pron. : o-yo) skriboyo desk, writing-table; klozoyo cupbord,

furniture wardrobe; frigoyo refrigerator, cooler -oz abundance rikozo great richess ; rikoza very rich ; lumoza

luminous; lumozo effulgence, sheen, glare —uc reciprocity libuci to love each other; libucu! love each other!;

elpuco mutual aid; bon boyos elpucar good boys help one another -ul tiny omul homuncule ; infanul tiny tot; manul tiny

hand; pedul tiny foot; katul kitty (cat) —un individual lo vunun the wounded man; lo vunin the wounded (fem. : -in) woman; malun bad man; malin bad woman; prizun prisoner; prizin woman prisoner

sigaretuyo cigarette-case; okiluyo spectacle-case ; totuyo hold-all, bin; garduyo sentry-box; orduruyo dustbin, garbage-can; adresuyo directory ; trenuyo railway time-table; oruyo time-table; fonuyo call-box, telephone booth; (onadresuyo telephone directory klezye at church, to church ; kinye at the movies, to the movies ; Londonye in London, to London ; IJruxelye at Brussels, to Brussels; skolye at, to school; domye home, at home; toye everywhere ; somye somewhere; nilye nowhere pomyer apple-tree; rozyer rose-tree; frutyer fruit-tree; piceyer peach-tree; pirseyer pear-tree ; fragyer strawberry plant somyes sometimes; mulyes many times; kanyes how many times; duyes twice; ekyes hundred times ; idyes ; one day ; pasidyes some days ago; naridyes one of these coming days.

1) The suffix -ye to be used only for towns and countries (Parisye in, to Paris ; Fransyc in, to France ; Itomye in, to Rome ; Italye in, to Italy) or when speaking of places in generaclass="underline"

Mi gar klezye I am going to church ; mi gar al San Paul klezo I an) going to St. Paul’s Church; el gar skolye she goes to school; el gar al IVormaskol she goes to the Normal School; il sun gor al Ingenerskol he will soon go to the Engineering School; mi Universitye I am at the University; il gor skolye xenye he will go to school abroad; il gor a un xena skol he will go to a foreign school; il gor skolye dorfye he will go to school in the village; il gor al dorfoskol he will go to the village school.


One may OPTIONALLY (never obligatorily), and SO LONG AS THIS DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH EUPHONY AND CLARITY, elide following words :

the article lo before a word beginning with a vowel :

l’arbo, Parbos the tree, the trees

l’eldo, l’eldinos the hero, the heroines

l’aventuros d’Artur Arthur’s adventures

the preposition de and the word ke (pronoun or conjunction), and also the object pronoun, before a word beginning with a vowel :

l’aventur d’et boy this boy’s adventure

Porelos d’un asno an ass’s ears

l’okos d’un fem k’il vidir the eyes of a woman he saw

m’amar tu as mi t’amar ? do you love me as I love you ?

il dicar k’il t’amar he says that he loves you

the two-syllable (one syllable after elision) or at most three-syllable (two syllables after elision) ADJECTIVE, when this PRECEDES the noun to which it relates, NEVER WHEN IT FOLLOWS IT :

et (a) dom this house

yen (a) floros those flowers

nus (a) let (a) kamos nice little rooms

un gran(a) bel(a) klezo a big beautiful church

mi ricir ta gentil(a) brif I received your kind letter

let(a) domos e klezos grana Small houses and large churches

the ending о of the NOUN, but ONLY IN THE SINGULAR. The plural’s designation os MAY NEVER BE ELIDED (see “NOUN”, page 14)

the ending al of the past participle, when used as a noun suffixed with in (feminine) :

Pakuzat; l’akuzin the accused (m; /)

ma libat; ma libin my beloved (m; /)

ma benamat; ma benamin my much beloved (m; /)

the suffix er and other suffixes, to reduce the length of a few feminine nouns (с/. 5) above) :

biblioteker; bibliotekin librarian (m; /)

matematist; matematin mathematician (m; /)