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Sam felt his stomach turn. He moved away from the corpses and crept gingerly amongst the wreckage. In the smashed shell of the plane, some of the bodies were still strapped in their seats. Most had been burnt beyond recognition. Any thoughts of finding food were dashed. Feeling nauseous, he backed out and rejoined Gabriel who had moved closer to the plane.

“Perhaps this is a good time to have a break,” said Gabriel.

Sam nodded in agreement. “But not …”

“Here. Yes, I know. We’ll move further away.”

“We should bury the bodies,” he said.

Gabriel shook her head. “We haven’t got time. There are two hundred and sixty seven bodies here. Do you know how long that would take?”

Sam shook his head, wondering how Gabriel knew exactly how many bodies there were.

She led him away from the crash site. They found a smaller clearing nearby and Sam set his pack down with an audible sigh. He took his sneakers off and began to massage his feet.

“You must be hungry,” said Gabriel.

“I was,” replied Sam. “My appetite just disappeared.”

“You have to eat,” said Gabriel. “We’ve still got a long way to go and you’ll need the energy.” She picked up his pack and began rummaging around, pulling out some tins and his cooking gear.

Sam sat down on a rock and put his sneakers back on. He watched as Gabriel prepared his lunch. Despite himself, he watched fascinated at the ease of her movements. She moved like a dancer — no, not a dancer. Something infinitely more graceful and smoother and somehow more animal like. She was very efficient too, almost like she had done this before.

“Where did you learn to use a gas cooker?” he asked, surprising himself with his bluntness. “And couldn’t you just, you know, use magic or something?” He wriggled his fingers dramatically.

Gabriel smiled and shrugged without taking her eyes off what she was doing. “I’ve been around for a long, long time. Thousands of years, in fact. Don’t you think I would’ve spent at least some of that time here on earth amongst you humans? And as for magic, as you call it — I could use it but doing it this way makes me feel more in touch.”

Sam couldn’t argue with the logic.

Gabriel handed him a tin of beans and a spoon. “Careful,” she said. “It’s hot.”

It was indeed hot — hot enough to burn his fingers, but he didn’t much mind. Heat had very little effect on him. He started eating and realized that his appetite had returned with a fury. As he began to shovel the beans into his mouth, Gabriel looked on, her mouth crooked into a tiny lop-sided smile.

“Aren’t you hungry?” he managed to ask in between mouthfuls.

Gabriel shook her head. “I don’t eat.”

Sam shrugged and continued eating.

“What was it like?” he asked when his mouth was no longer full. “I mean, long ago.”

“Not too different to now,” she said. “I watched when Noah loaded up the Ark. I watched what became of those who were left behind. The misery, the anger, the terror. Some things don’t change. Take these times for instance. Humans knew He would return at some point — in fact, some of you even tried to predict his return — and yet most did nothing about it. Carried on living their lives, murdering, stealing, cheating. Fighting wars, killing innocents. He tried to warn you. Think about the amount of natural disasters that have occurred in the last few years. Earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, flooding, plague and pestilence. Animals mysteriously dying in their thousands. No-one paid any attention, and now look what’s happened to them.”

Sam set his empty tin of beans down carefully beside him. “Yes, but many of these people,” he said, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the plane wreckage, “were innocent. Did they really deserve this?”

“Why is it that I always end up having these conversations?” Gabriel sighed. “The answer is yes and no. Yes, they deserved it because they didn’t believe in Our Lord. And no, they didn’t because they were innocent of sin. They made their choice, however. God has a plan for all of us — including the innocent. Don’t worry unduly about them. Their souls are safe.”

“And what about that family at the airport? Did they deserve to get taken by those demons?”He stormed to his feet, suddenly feeling angry and a little helpless. Despite his efforts, Sam still felt like he hadn’t done enough to save them.

Gabriel looked him squarely in the eye. “Yes, they did. None of them were innocents. They were guilty of many sins.”

“Even the children?” Sam cried.

Gabriel nodded. “Yes, even the children. You talk of things of which you have no knowledge.”

“At least I care,” he shouted back. “Which is more than I can say for you!”

With that, he stalked off. Part of him realized he was being childish, but he didn’t care. He walked for a while through the silent ash, kicking at it and watching the flurries slowly drift and subside.

The annoying thing was that Gabriel was probably right. How would he know who was innocent and who wasn’t? It just seemed a little unfair. Like his situation. How unfair was it that he had been left behind while Hikari and Aimi got to go to paradise? Was it his fault that his mother had been seduced by a demon? He realized then that he wasn’t angry with Gabriel. How could he be angry with an Archangel, a being that had been around for thousands of years and had seen the best and worst that humanity could offer? A being that knew far more about everything than he did.

He felt his anger subside. Eventually he made his way back to the clearing to find Gabriel waiting for him. His pack was on her shoulder.

“Sorry,” he said meekly, unable to meet her eyes.

“Apology accepted. Everyone makes mistakes. You are part-human after all.” Smiling, she handed him his pack. “You should get going. You’ve got a long way to go before nightfall.”

“What? You’re not coming with me?”

Gabriel shook her head. Despite the gloom, Sam noticed the way her hair seemed to glow as she moved her head side to side, as if it was absorbing and reflecting what light there was in the sky.

“No. Do you think you’re the only one I have to help while I’m here? Satan has many plans afoot and you are a part of only one of them.”

When she saw his face fall, she patted his shoulder reassuringly. “Don’t worry. You’ll see me again.”

“When?” he asked, embarrassed to find that his voice was quavering.

“Soon,” she replied mysteriously. “Now, you need to do something for me.”

“What?” he replied, convinced that he was starting to sound like a moron.

“Are you familiar with Black Ridge?”When he nodded, she continued. “In case you get lost or your memory fails you, it’s in that direction,” she said, pointing to the west. “There’s a large group of humans holed up in some canyons around there. They’ve managed to hold off the demons until now but that won’t last much longer. I need you to help them.”

“Why?” he asked. “I thought you didn’t want to help non-believers.”

“While that’s true, there are a large number of innocents amongst them. They do not deserve to be taken to Hell, because that is where they will go if they are captured. He will not allow that. You are His instrument here and my job was merely to point you in the right direction. You need to get there before they do. I know it won’t be easy — they are unlikely to trust you but you must do your best. I know you will.” She winked at him and spread her wings. It was like the sun had just come out. The glow bathed him in warmth and made him feel stronger. Suddenly his feet didn’t ache any more.

Gabriel bent her knees slightly and launched herself gracefully into the air.

“What about the Antichrist?” he yelled after her.

Her voice floated back at him. “All in good time.”

Sam watched her go until she was just a tiny speck in the sky, feeling vaguely jealous that he didn’t have wings. It would make life a lot easier. Putting his pack around his shoulders, he set off in the direction of Black Ridge. According to his calculations, it was still thirty miles away and there was only about four hours left of daylight. He would have to hurry.