‘I don’t see you making any calls, son,’ Cafferty said with a growl.
Harry fumbled for his phone and started tapping the screen. Cafferty stretched his arms out along the back of the banquette.
‘I want this place buzzing by ten thirty. Then you can sit down with me and tell me the ins and outs.’
‘Of what?’ Harry glanced up from his screen.
‘Your old boss’s empire. Isn’t that what happens in any good company when there’s a change at the top?’
‘Yes, sir.’
‘And fetch me a bottle of malt — best you can find. Time this place started living up to its name.’
Morris Gerald Cafferty watched the young man sprint back down the stairs, then closed his eyes, allowing himself the luxury of a moment’s relaxation, jaw unclenching, shoulders released of their tension.
It had been a long time coming.
A long time coming.
‘But here I am again,’ he said. ‘And here I stay.’