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'What was her film about?'

'Shetland. The place and its people! 'A documentary?'

'Of a kind, I suppose. She said she wanted to subvert the stereotype. It wouldn't be about the beautiful landscape, the harsh way of life. At least that would provide the backdrop. But she wanted to show that people are the same wherever they live. At least, I think that was it. She did talk about it. I didn't always give her my full attention!

'Did she have a chance to finish the film?'

'I think so. Almost at least. She was editing it in the weeks before Christmas. Sometimes I'd hear her talking in her room and think Sally was in there with her, but it would turn out to be her, doing the voice-over!

'So you'll have that too. Something else to remember her by!

'No! That was what I wanted to tell you. You asked me to look for the camcorder but I couldn't find it. It's , disappeared. But the Shetland disk is missing too. It's been stolen!

'Are you sure?'

'Catherine was an obsessive, Inspector. In the weeks leading up to her death this film was the most important thing in her life. She'd put hundreds of hours of work into it. Nobody was allowed into her bedroom. I explained when you were here before that privacy was very important to her. It was the one room Mrs Jamieson didn't clean, yet it was always tidy. She kept the disks in a rack by her computer. The Shetland film is definitely missing!

'Perhaps it's still on her computer! 'I've checked. It isn't on the hard drive! 'Has the house been broken into?'

'No, but the murderer wouldn't need to break in. If Catherine had her keys on her, the murderer could have taken them. Perhaps that's why they were never found!

'Have you had a sense that anyone has been in the house?'

'Oh, Inspector, I've seen ghosts wherever I've looked. But it's never occurred to me that a real person could have been here!

'Would you show me her room?

‘‘Of course!

The room had been searched the day Catherine's body was discovered, but not by Perez. It looked, he thought, more like an office than a bedroom. It had a pale laminate floor, a work station and PC, a small filing cabinet. The single bed was covered with a black cotton throw. The wardrobes were fitted and matched the computer desk. Everything was clean and uncluttered. There was one picture on the wall, a large framed print of a fifties French movie poster.

Black and white.

'She designed the room herself: Euan said. 'It was where she felt most comfortable. When she was younger she didn't really enjoy human contact. She never liked to be cuddled as most children do. We did wonder, Liz and I, if she might be slightly autistic. I don't think she can have been, or if she was, she managed it very well. But she needed to be alone for long periods before she could go out and face the world again!

'What did she keep in the filing cabinet?'

'School work mostly. Look for yourself!

Perez pulled out one drawer. The files were labelled according to subject. It was very different from his own jumbled desk at work.

'You talked about her reading a voice-over: he said.

'I wondered if there might be a script:

'Of course!' Euan was more animated than he'd been all day. 'The thief might not have thought of that. I'll look, shall I?'

'Shall I help?'

'No, Inspector. If you don't mind this is something

I'd rather take care of alone!

In the hall they stood for a moment. Perez put on his coat and prepared to go out. Euan reached out awkwardly and shook his hand 'Thank you for taking me seriously, Inspector. Since Fran Hunter found her body, I've been searching for an explanation for Catherine's death. The discovery of Catriona's body on the hill provided one of a sort. Not a very satisfactory one. A madman who enjoys inflicting violence on young girls. It's not something I can make sense of. Too random. Too arbitrary. It seems to me that the missing film could provide another explanation. If Catherine had filmed something which the murderer would rather keep hidden, that might provide a motive. But perhaps I'm deluding myself. Perhaps I'm going mad too!

He opened the door and held it wide for Perez to pass through. Walking down the path to his car, Perez remembered a conversation he'd had with Magnus early on in the investigation. Magnus had said Catherine had taken his photo on the day she'd come to tea. The day after the party at the Haa. Perhaps it wasn't a photo. Perhaps she'd wanted Magnus to be in her film.

Chapter Thirty-Two

When Jimmy Perez got to the police station the next day, he saw most of the Inverness boys had gone but Taylor was still there. Perez could hear him as he walked up the stairs. He'd taken over a desk in the Incident Room and was sitting at it, the chair tilted back, his legs outstretched, shouting into the phone. He was the only person in the room, which had an empty, leftover feel about it, like the Northlink ferry once the passengers had disembarked.

There were scraps of rubbish on the floor, used polystyrene cups on the desks. It was mid-morning and outside the sun was trying to get through. 'Two gulls perched on a nearby roof were screaming at each other.

Perez stood, waiting, until Taylor replaced the receiver.

'They want me to sign off the case and go back to Inverness. I can't. I'm not satisfied Tait killed Catherine, certainly not sure we'll get a conviction. There's nothing forensic to link him with her. They weren't even killed in the same way!

'Circumstantial though. 'Two girls murdered in the same place. . !

'I've told them I'm staying. If they push it I'll take a few days' leave! He looked up, grinned. 'I've always wanted to be here for Up Helly Aa!

'It's a show for the tourists,' Perez said. 'An excuse to get drunk:

'It's an excuse not to go south just yet:

Perez wondered again if Taylor had anyone to go home to. Maybe after a couple of beers he'd pluck up the courage to ask. 'There is something else. . : He began explaining about his visit to Euan's house, the missing film and immediately he sensed Taylor’s scepticism. 'It could be a motive,' Perez said, wondering why it mattered to him so much. 'Perhaps the girl filmed something she wasn't supposed to see:

'Is the guy sure it's not there?' Taylor rocked forward so the chair was firm on the ground. 'I mean he must be upset. It'd be easy to overlook:

Perez shrugged. 'He seemed pretty positive. The camcorder's gone too. Magnus said Catherine took a picture of him the day before her body was found. Perhaps he talked to her about Catriona. It might be worth getting her computer south to the experts. See if there's some way of retrieving the deleted materiaclass="underline" There was a silence then Taylor looked up suddenly from his desk. 'What do you think? Do you think Tait killed them both?'

Perez wanted to say it didn't matter what he thought. All that mattered was getting a conviction. But Taylor was still looking at him. 'I don't know,' he said at last. 'Really, I don't know: He could tell he'd disappointed Taylor with his answer and went on, feeling for the right words, 'I think I understand Catherine better now. After talking to her father. She was lonely. She saw life through film. That was how she survived here. That was how she got her pleasure, her kicks:

'A female voyeur?'

'An observer, a commentator! Perez paused, remembering what Duncan had said of her. 'A director!