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“GGGGHHH,” she yelled out in pain as he struck her on her sex, his hand smashing her delicate flesh. She couldn’t believe how he could do such a thing. To hit a girl on her sex, the most delicate part of her body. She felt his hand smash her on her pubes, her body with no place to go, only able to absorb the blow. It wasn’t that hard, the Captain still holding back, but it was enough to make tears well up in her eyes.

The Captain grabbed her labia in his powerful hands, squeezing her lips together, then yanking them out. He released them only to yank again, hearing her yelp in pain as he carelessly ripped out a patch of pubic hairs. His open palm slapped against her sex again, smashing down until his hand hit her pubic bone with a loud thud.

“AAGGHH,” she yelled as he slapped her pussy again, her muscles straining as she fought the bondage that kept her open and spread, the pain shooting through her sex racing to her brain. His hand returned again, manhandling her naked sex so casually, hardly the way a Princess should be treated. But even as he mistreated her, she could feel the wetness returning. She felt him pull his hand away, and braced for the inevitable slap.

He enjoyed the sound of the slap on her pussy, his hand hitting her wet sex with a sickening sound. Her body trembled each time he hit her, her legs fought the leather straps that kept her spread wide. Her hips moved up each time he rubbed her pussy, feeling the heat of her sex, feeling the juices flow from her sex. Five more times he spanked her pussy, each time harder, each time her screams louder.

He looked down at her, smiling. “You took your pussy spanking well Princess. Did you like the nice spread of your sweet thighs so I could punish your pussy? You’re nice and pink now. Ready for something new. New and more severe.” He saw the look of fear on her face as he went to the cabinet, searching until he found what he was looking for. He took it from the case, turning towards her until he saw the shocked look on her face when she saw it.

“NO! NOT THAT! I CAN’T TAKE THAT BETWEEN MY LEGS!” She jerked up and down, straining to close her thighs.

“You’ll be surprised at what you can endure Princess. Not that you have much choice, strung up like a piece of meat for my pleasure.” He showed her the new whip. “It’s called a viper tongue slapper. You’ll notice the twin leather tongues, similar to a snake’s tongue. They can bring you much pleasure when stroked lightly up and down your slit. Or they can bring so much intense pain when they slap hard along your slit, sliding inside, the thick hard leather touching tender places inside you, slapping harshly your inner pussy.” He moved closer to her, letting the end of the slapper lightly touch her pussy, starting with her bush, stimulating the heavy, dense hair.

She felt it touching her bush, rubbing back and forth, vibrating the hairs down to her sensitive sex, still tender from the pussy spanking. It felt strange, perhaps even good, but Stefani knew that soon it would beat her virgin pussy. She didn’t know how she would be able to stand the pain, sure that her screams would bring pleasure to the Captain. He applied more pressure on the whip, letting it move lower, down until it hit her slit, pushing harder as he pushed her labia apart, the dry leather rubbing harshly between her puffy labia.

The Captain could see the twin strands of the slapper getting wet as he pushed it between her lips. She might protest the treatment, but her pussy seemed to relish the attention, harsh or tender. She was beginning to enjoy it too much; it was time to move on. He squeezed her labia around the slapper and began the slow, gradual withdrawal of it, watching as the irregular shape of the slapper between her inner lips dragged painfully along her most tender flesh. She gasped as he pulled it free from her pussy, the black leather straps soaked in her juices. “The Princess seems to like the feel of leather on her pussy. Let’s see how much you like it now.” He pulled back his arm, her eyes wide open in terror as he let it slap her sex, the twin viper tongues slapping her labia, each puffy lip receiving the brutal slap of the hard leather. “SSSPPLLLAAAT.”

Her body shook and she bit her lips as she tried to bear the pain, unable to contain her cry. “EEEGGHH,” she cried out. “That hurts bad!” Another sharp bite of the tongues, this time on her perineum, so close to her sex and her anus, knowing that he was just teasing her, making her fear where the next blow would land. It worked as she trembled in fear, her body braced for the pain.

The Captain slashed her inner thigh, so close to her pussy without quite touching it, her legs trembling as she fought the bondage that kept her so open for the slapper. Her silky thighs were already turning red, the next blow aimed directly on her sex, smashing into her hairy bush to lash her tender labia. She screamed louder this time, his hand moving down, hitting her lower down on her slit, unprotected by the dense clump of hair, the twin tongues biting into the white flesh.

She couldn’t believe the pain, her sex ablaze as the Captain worked the viper slapper back and forth over her spread pussy. He continued to hit her, blow after blow, moving up and down her slit as she shook in her bondage, screaming as he beat her unprotected sex. She could barely breathe, her throat hoarse as the Captain finally paused, between her legs aching in pain. “NNOOOO!” His fingers peeled back her labia, his eyes stared at her tender inner pussy, the slapper in his hand.

“Yes Princess. Now to get your pussy nice and tender for tomorrow. I want you to bounce around nicely and give me a nice fuck on our honeymoon. Your sore pussy will bring such joy to my cock, squeezing it tightly as I reignite the pain from the whipping. So pink and tender.” He swung the slapper up from the floor, one hand peeling her labia back, his aim accurate and deadly. He hit her directly between her pulled apart lips, slapping hard against her tender inner flesh, slapping against her vagina with one of the tongues. The scream from her lips was priceless, his cock almost cumming in joy.

It felt like he was slicing her pussy with a knife, the hard leather slapper hitting her with the force that drove the edge of the leather against her vagina, tearing at the virgin opening. “YYYYEEEEHHH,” she screamed in pain, sure that she was ruined for life, sure that she would no longer be able to give birth. She was sure that she was bleeding, the pain so immense. Tears fell from her eyes as she begged him not to hit her again, his fingers yanking back her labia again, this time the other side spread, Stefani huffing and puffing as she waited the strike of the slapper again. She didn’t have to wait long, his arm hidden from her view as he swung the slapper up from the floor to impact her on her tender pussy, twin tongues hitting her inner lips, the pain twice as bad. Another scream was torn from her lips. Five more times he hit her, making her count each one.

“GGGGGODDDD,” she screamed in pain. “One.”

“EEEEGGGH,’ another blow between her legs. “Two. Please no more.”

“Three,” her voice hoarse in pain as her battered pussy ached.

“Five,” finally the last one, her body exhausted by the whipping, his hand moving the twin tongues gently over her lips again.

Her pussy was a dark red now, tiny specks of blood on the slapper, her lips twice the size, swollen from the whipping. He squeezed her lips, eliciting a groan of pain as he touched her abused flesh. He untied her, the Princess unable to move once she was free, rolling over into a ball, her luscious ass so exposed to him. If she only realized the thoughts that ran through his mind as he stared at the lovely white cheeks, the gentle part of her cheeks, exposing her tiny anus to his view. Soon her ass would be punished, her anus not exempt from the lash.

He placed her on the bed, Stefani trying to curl up.

“On your back. It is time for some pleasure Princess. Legs spread wide or I’ll beat them open,” he ordered her.