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She instantly obeyed, her legs spread as if she were a barmaid, anything to avoid the whip again. She even bent her legs up for him, spreading her knees outward until her pussy was obscenely exposed. Anything to avoid the whip again. “EEEEHH,” she moaned softly when his hand spread her legs wider as she tried to accommodate his hand. Even a faint touch on her sex sent a strange thrill through her body, painful, but the thought of him masturbating her again made it more bearable. One finger pushed between her lips, her pussy instantly juicing, Stefani not sure if it were due to the arousal or to aid the touch of her abused flesh.

The Captain felt her juices as he slid his finger up and down her slit, pushing between the swollen lips, her body jumping as he touched her whipped inner lips, tiny gasps from her lips as he began to masturbate her again. “Your pussy is still wet Princess.” He moved his finger up and down, moving closer and closer to her clit, Stefani’s hips rising up each time as if she was searching for the touch. He teased her, stopping before touching her, moving back down her slit as she began to rotate her hips in a circle. He moved lower, down to her vagina, circling the tight hole with his finger. “Raise your ass up higher Princess,” he ordered her, his finger sliding down lower, lower towards her anus.

She shivered in fear as his slick finger moved over her perineum, knowing where it was going. The pirates seemed to have a fascination with a girl’s anus, Gretchen learning quickly the perverted act of sodomy. Stefani feared this the most, the unnatural act of taking a penis up her backside. But she knew the Captain wouldn’t be denied his perverse task, Stefani’s only hope that she would be rescued before the final perverse act would be committed on her body. She obliged his request, raising her ass up off the bed, her legs still spread wide, unable to stop him from taking liberties with her body. Even worse was his arousal of her flesh again, only minutes after subjecting her to the most intense whipping of her sex. How could this happen to her? What was she becoming?

The Captain looked down at her, her ass raised up, offering up her body as his plaything, his finger moving down lower, feeling her tighten her cheeks as he moved towards her anus. “Loosen up your cheeks,” he ordered her, seeing her relent, her muscles relaxed, his finger sliding along her crack, slick with her juices as he let his finger play with her anal ring, the puffy hole clenching tight in response to the rude intrusion of his finger. He let his finger play with her hole, running around the tiny opening, pressing harder as she strained to keep in the position he required of her. His other hand went to the top of her bush, running through the dense hair, moving down until he found the top of her slit, two fingers pushing her open, the hard bud of her clit standing out like a miniature cock. He pressed his fingers on the sides of it, pressing down, pushing the hood aside to expose the red organ. “Put your ass back on the bed Princess, relax and I will make you feel good again.”

She felt his fingers begin to massage her clit, smothering her moans of pleasure as she felt the unmistakable shiver run through her sex, just as Gretchen had done with her tongue. She forgot all about the pussy whipping she had just received, concentrating on the pleasure his finger brought to her swollen clit. Her hips began a gentle fucking back and forth, unable to control her own emotions as she lay naked for him as the Captain masturbated her. She opened her eyes, seeing him kneeling above her, his cock jutting out hard in front, his eyes watching her.

“You like being masturbated, don’t you Princess? You like being manhandled against your will, forced to engage in acts you had never even thought of, never mind experienced. Tomorrow you will learn the fine art of taking a man inside your body and pleasuring him until he fills you with his cum. If you obey and perform well, I will allow you to cum. I know you liked that with Gretchen. It will be better with my cock.”

She lay there, her legs spread wide like a barmaid while the Captain played with her body. He would tug on her nipples until they were swollen with lust, the tips so sensitive from the whipping as he tugged and yanked them painfully. But the pain soon turned to pleasure, his fingers igniting the lust in her loins. Then he would return to between her legs, his fingers yanking her lips back, exposing her inner lips to his eyes and fingers, his calloused fingertips rubbing up and down her slit, her juices letting them glide back and forth while her body shuddered in pleasure. He knew exactly when to stop, Stefani trying to cum so bad, her hips moving back and forth, searching out the fingers that deserted her at the critical time. He would then move to her anus, playing with the tiny hole, Stefani unable to control her own muscles, the anal ring would spasm each time he circled the tiny pad with his wet fingertip. She could feel it trying to enter her, straining to keep it out, a slap on her ass stinging, reminding her that he was the master of her body.

He kept her on the edge for another hour again, her eyes closed in pleasure, moaning as he plucked her swollen clit with his fingertip, snapping at it hard with his nail when she was on the edge, her pleasure quickly turning to pain as his hard nail slapped her blood engorged clit. Her pussy drenched the sheet below her, her inner thighs wet with her juices as she tried so desperately to cum.

“Please, don’t stop, make me feel the pleasure,” she begged him.

“Not yet Princess. I think it is time for your punishment again,” yanking her up from the bed. He pushed her over to the corner of the room, this time placing her on her hands and knees on the small table.

She felt her body being manipulated into the position he desired of her. She felt humiliated as he put her in the doggy position, seeing dogs and animals mating in this manner, never crossing her mind that humans might do the same. She felt his hands between her thighs, pressing outward on her inner thighs until she spread her knees wider and wider until he was pleased.

“Spread those lovely thighs for me Princess,” his hands making her legs spread as he pushed down on her back. “Arch up that nice ass Princess. Show me your treasures.” He liked the way she was presented, offering up her ass and sex for his pleasure, her thighs widely spaced leaving nothing to the imagination. “Naughty girls get spanked, so do Princess’s. Such a nice ass, built for punishment.”

She felt humiliated, spanked, not even as a child was she spanked. Now she had no choice, her butt raised up as if were trying to please him, the wide expanse of her knees leaving her sex so obscenely exposed, even her anus, her cheeks pulled apart, the cool air in the cabin blowing on her exposed hole. She felt the hand running sensuously over her cheeks, her muscles tightening in response. A quick slap, the sharp pain and his order.

“I said relax those cheeks. Your body is mine to do as I please, to pleasure me.” His hand returned, finding her silky cheeks relaxed, his hand running over her crack as she shifted nervously on the table. “Hold still,” another crack on her ass instilling the obedience he required of her. He yanked apart her cheeks with his fingers, watching as her tiny hole spread wider as her cheeks parted. He moved closer, blowing on her hole, seeing her body jerk in the unexpected pleasure his hot breath brought. He wet his finger, placing it on her anal pad, sending a tremor through her body that made her skin fill with goose bumps. He blew on her anus again, seeing the tiny hole clench and unclench. “Such a sensitive little hole Princess. Imagine the Princess letting someone play with her asshole.” He laughed as she hung her head lower in shame.

She felt relief when he began to spank her, anything better then his finger on her anus. He alternated between each cheek, the burning of her flesh after his hand left, the sharp bite of another slap as he spanked her continually. She shivered in fear and pleasure when his hand slid lower, hitting the top of her sensitive thighs, her sex so close, always wondering where the next blow would fall. She couldn’t help herself, her sex juicing up, feeling the juice running down her inner thighs.