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“Your pussy is getting soaked Princess.” He hit her harder, her cheeks turning a dark pink as he plummeted her upturned ass with his powerful hand. She began to lower her ass down as he continued to spank her. He swung up from between her legs, hitting her on her sex from behind with a loud splat.

“EGGGH,” she screamed in pain when he hit her sex unexpectedly from behind, her ass rising up high to escape the sharp bite of his palm on her already whipped sex.

“That’s it, keep that ass high up in the air for me Princess.” He loved the way she looked, her legs spread wide, her pussy and asshole open and exposed, her head bowed down submissively, her back and ass arched up high. Four more blows to both cheeks, her ass now a nice pink. “Time for one of my nice toys.” He saw her watch him as he went to the cabinet, her eyes following his hand carefully as he chose the right weapon. “This one should do nicely,” putting it in front of her face.

It was menacing, a thick leather paddle, over six inches wide. The terrifying part was the flattened iron studs that dotted the paddle, over twenty of them. She could already feel them digging into her flesh. She felt him rub the paddle over her ass, the iron studs touching the inflamed skin from the spanking, igniting a sharp pain as he moved it from cheek to cheek.

“Now keep that pretty ass up in the air. If you don’t, you’ll feel the slap of the paddle between your legs. Can you imagine the pain of the iron studs on your unprotected pussy? Now it will be ten on your ass and I want you to count them.”

She could only grip the bed with her hands and grit her teeth, raising up her ass higher, waiting for the first bite of the paddle. She was quickly rewarded, the paddle striking her left cheek with such a force that she almost fell forward. The pain shot to her brain as soon as she felt the thud of the paddle hitting her cheek, the iron studs rasping harshly over her bruised and battered flesh as he pulled it back. “One,” she sobbed, raising her ass up again for the next lash. She didn’t know how she would be able to take ten hits on her ass. Another blow to her other cheek, the iron studs pushing deep into her skin. “Two, she barely managed to get out, sobbing at the pain. She felt him rub the paddle back and forth over the spot he just hit, feeling the pain as he aggravated the already dark red skin.

“Three,” she cried out.

The last blow hit both cheeks simultaneously, the large paddle covering a lot of naked flesh. He rubbed it back and forth over her cheeks, sliding it between her legs until it touched her pussy, her ass rising up instantly at the command. “Higher,” he ordered, the command punctuated with the paddle rubbing her pussy.

“Four,” she sobbed, “five,” the Captain hitting her faster.

The Captain continued paddling her ass, her sobbing getting louder in tune with the darkening of her skin, her ass turning a dark red as he plummeted her ass with the studded paddle.

“Ten,” finally coming to an end, slumping down flat, her hands moving behind her to rub her battered cheeks. She never felt such pain, even when the Captain had beat her pussy. She didn’t think she would ever be able to sit again, but that is what the Captain was counting on. On her back, she would be forced to raise her ass up from the bed, the harsh blankets would aggravate the welts she knew would soon rise. It was meant to give the Captain a nice ride when he fucked her.

“Now back over on the bed. On your stomach this time. I imagine your ass is quite sore. I’ll see what I can do to remedy that situation.”

She got on the bed, lying down on her stomach, knowing she was giving him a good view as she crawled on all fours to get to the center of the bed. She lay down, waiting for the Captain.

“Now, now Princess. You must spread your legs for me. Real wide. To the edge of the bed.” His hands reached down to the tops of her legs, feeling the silky flesh. Maybe a cane on the tender flesh next time she refused one of his perverse demands. She would be very accommodating after ten hits with a bamboo cane.

She obeyed, letting her legs part, feeling the wounds on her ass break open as her skin stretched, her legs aching as they pushed to the sides of the bed, her ass so naked and exposed now. His hands moved over her flesh, sliding up and down the insides of her thighs, moving closer and closer to her pussy, Stefani humiliated, her pussy already getting wet at being subjected to the embarrassing treatment. The sudden smell of peppermint filled her nose, turning to see the Captain with a bottle of clear liquid in his hand, the top off, the smell of peppermint filling the room. “What are you going to do with that?”

“I’m going to rub it on your ass.”

“But wouldn’t that sting something terrible.” She looked into his face, knowing he already knew that.

“Of course. But it will also prevent any infection. It has a bit of Jalapeño pepper sauce in it. I am told that it is very powerful, just a drop goes a long way. It sticks to the skin and produces a terrible burning that takes a while to go away.” He let his hands run over her ass, feeling her flinch each time he hit a welt or red spot, the flattened iron studs leaving tiny indents all over her ass cheeks. “Hands over your head and keep them there.” Her body stretched out in an “X”, her delicious ass cheeks parted, her pussy and anus peeking out from behind. “Very good Princess. Now hold that position for me.”

She felt the sudden cold as the peppermint juice was poured on her cheeks, feeling some of it drip down her crack and slide over her pussy from behind, dripping onto the mattress beneath her. It felt good, the cold liquid seemed to take some of the heat from her ass. She felt him pour more cold juice over her ass, this time his hand following, massaging the oil over her cheeks. It suddenly hit her, the juice began to burn, burn intensely where the skin was broken or in the nooks and crannies of her body, her most intimate nook and crannies.

He felt her squirming, slapping her ass hard. “Hold still.”

“It hurts, hurts bad.” She tried to close her legs but the Captain slapped her ass cheeks, opening up the fresh wounds. She let her legs open again, feeling the juices move into her pussy, dripping between her parted lips. It burned her tender inner flesh, already aching from the whipping, now an even more intense pain. She could only lay there and suffer as his hands began to sensuously rub her ass cheeks, sliding easily over the oil, his finger sliding up and down her crack, one finger stopping at her anus, rubbing the oil over the tender abuse hole.

He saw her anus pucker, straining as she fought the terrible burning on her skin. Even her ass arched up, her anal ring beginning to spasm uncontrollably. He pressed his finger against her anal ring, sliding his other hand beneath her, forcing her to push her ass up to accommodate his large hand that grasped her sex. She arched upward, his finger poised at her hole, feeling her straining to keep it out of her most intimate hole, but unable to stop her own ravishment.

She couldn’t do anything, his hand gripping her sex in his powerful palm, squeezing her labia tightly, forcing her to arch her ass up from the bed. But with his finger poised at her anus, she couldn’t do anything but aid in his impalement of her anus by his finger, slowing pushing up as the finger began to breach her tight hole. Her ass cheeks burned from the oil and now her anus began to burn as his finger spread the fiery fluid in her anus. The finger began a slow insertion into her rectum, feeling strange as the thick digit spread her apart. She had never felt anything entering her anal passage, the thought never even occurring her before the pirates had taken them capture. And now she laid on the bed on her stomach, naked, her legs willingly spread wide for him, his fingers crushing her sex while he forced her asshole to engulf his waiting finger. His hand on her sex felt good, the pleasure of his previous masturbation quickly returning, too quickly. She seemed to be easily overcome with the pleasure that his fingers dragged from her body and that disturbed her. She was a virgin, betrothed to a Prince and her she was getting aroused after being sexually abused and whipped by a scruffy pirate. Even the thought of taking his cock in her mouth again didn’t disgust her, in fact it the thought of him forcing her to suck his cock was what made her aroused.