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The Captain bent over, whisking off his hat in mock tribute. “You look ravishing My Princess Stefani, betrothed to Captain James Bonny, Commander of the High Seas.”

“I am not here on my own free will Captain. My betrothed is Lord Diego of Spain and my heart will forever belong to him.” She gave him her haughty look, shivering in fear at his response but giving him no indication of her fear.

“It is not your heart I want to possess M’Lady, but your body that I will take for my own. I intend to forever take the innocence you have so foolishly protected for your future husband. You have already learned how to service my cock with your mouth, now the treasures between your legs will be mine. My men will witness this act. Your handmaiden’s assholes will satisfy their lust while mine is satisfied in your virgin pussy. There is still two days before we make port, more then enough time to teach you the fine line between pleasure and pain. There are many perversities that I will inflict on your youthful body and many pains necessary to make you submit willingly. All of which I will enjoy.”

“You may break my body, but you will never break my spirit Captain James. I will never be trained like one of your whores. I will never willingly give you the pleasure you want, you will have to take it from me.” She hoped she was right, feeling a dampness between her legs that she didn’t understand. His hands reached out for her, Stefani rigid as she waited for his touch on her body again, bracing for the start of her ravishment.

The Captain snuggled up next to her, spinning her around so she was facing the men, his hands already around her slim waist, gazing down at the white proud breasts that brazenly pushed up the front of the white, virginal gown covering her body. He let his hands slide up the front of the gown, slowly moving up until he gently cradled her twin peaks, feeling the firm flesh beneath his fingertips. “Such lovely tits Princess. A bit sore from the attention I paid them. You’ll learn to relish the toys that I have to use on them. Most of them quite painful.”

She felt his hands begin to get rougher, his powerful hands easily able to encircle her proud breasts, his hands grasping them as if they were fruit to be tested for ripeness. Yet she felt the unmistakable hardness in her nipples, feeling the tips begin to grow as his fingers played over them. She closed her eyes and leaned back, her head thrown to one side, almost enjoying the attention his hands were taking with her firm breasts. She felt him nibble on her neck, his teeth lightly biting her tender skin, his fingers fanning out over her breasts to caress them. She bit her lip as she moaned in pleasure, refusing to do anything to show the Captain that he was arousing her. Her body was bent back, her breasts thrust out brazenly, his hands clenching and grasping her breasts harshly. But it was not pain that she was feeling, but pleasure, her panties already damp in her juices, her nipples feeling as if they would burst when his fingers touched them.

She had such firm, lovely tits, his hands unable to get enough of them. He bit on her neck, her breasts arched out as if she were offering them up to him, his hands taken full advantage of the situation. “They are too beautiful to stay covered Princess.” His hand slid to her shoulders, letting the straps slowly slide down her arms. He began to peel the dress down her sides as she clung to him, not making any attempt to stop him from stripping her naked to the waist. He heard the material rip, too eager to work on the clasps in the back, watching as the top of her breasts were bared almost to the nipples. He gave one final tug, the silky material bursting at the seam, the dress sliding to hang uselessly at her waist.

He was rough, his hands not undressing her as a lover would, but as a rapist, tearing the dress as he attempted to pull it down. She felt her breasts bouncing up and down as they were suddenly freed from the tight confines of the dress, Stefani almost embarrassed that her breasts were that big. All of the pirate’s eyes were on her.

Her large, pink tipped breasts were revealed, the Captain yanking her back, forcing her to arch her back and thrust out her naked breasts obscenely. He watched as her naked breasts spilled from between her powerful hands as he cruelly crushed her delicate breasts, igniting the pain from the whipping he inflicted on them last night. His fingers found her tips, swollen in pleasure, pinching them between his powerful fingers, twisting the pink tips as she squirmed her ass against his cock, moaning in pain. He tugged on the twin tips, yanking them unnaturally, stretching them until her breasts began to pull into cones. He could feel them throbbing beneath his fingers, the crushed tips stretched painfully.

She could believe the pain in her breasts, her delicate flesh yanked almost up into the air until it felt as if he was going to tear them from her chest. Already sore from the whipping, his fingers were harsher, igniting a pain that drove straight through her body. He finally released them, Stefani watching as they bounced up and down, the pink nipples now a deep red. She didn’t have time to even think about it any longer, the Captain’s hands sliding under her dress, lifting up the long skirt until he had it high above her waist.

“Tear the dress from her.”

“Make her naked. Show us that virgin pussy.”

The Captain didn’t want to disappoint his men, his hands gripping the edge of the dress, the sound of ripping filling the room. It soon fell into a puddle on the floor in front of her, a small pile of rags the only thing left of her beautiful wedding dress. But he was more concerned with her almost naked body and the needs of his throbbing cock.

Stefani shivered as she was stripped almost naked, her tiny underwear doing little to cover her charms. She could feel them pushed between her lips, knowing that they were drenched in her juices, Stefani unable to comprehend her own body’s betrayal. She looked over to the sound of the scream, seeing Camilla’s head thrown back in pain.

“NOOOO!!!! TTTAKKKKKEEE IT OUT!!” Camilla couldn’t believe the unbelievable pain. The pirate had placed the head of his cock against Camilla’s asshole and began to push, not even attempting to provide any lubrication. It burned as it drove her tiny anus into her body. Suddenly she felt it pop inside her, her anal ring slowly stretched wide over the thick head, painfully burning as his cock breached her backside. He kept pushing, his hand gripping her hair, pulling her head up into the air as her eyes filled with tears of pain. She heard him spit, feeling the hot wetness on her anus, his fingers running over her stretched ring, slick with his spit. She felt his body tense, then his hips shot forward as she screamed again, impaled painfully on the hard cock that sodomized her. She began to sob as he ignored her pain and began to fuck her in her asshole, the painful cramps forcing her muscles to clamp on the rigid cock inside her, hearing his pleasure as her painful spasms brought such pleasure to him. She couldn’t even scream any longer, just loud painful sobbing accompanied by the slapping of his naked stomach on her up raised ass cheeks as he fucked her asshole with powerful strokes.