“Yeah, when we’re on the ground,” said Danny. He leaned back, resting against some of the stolen laser parts.
“Sure will feel good to be home.”
JED SIPPED FROM HIS COLA, LISTENING WHILE THE TRANSlator the Turks had supplied repeated the stock questions about the prisoner’s unit and deployment. The prisoner glared. His attitude seemed infinitely more hostile toward the Turk than toward Jed—though the results were exactly the same.
Two CIA agents had seen the man. They thought but could not confirm that he wasn’t a native Iraqi. What significance that had, if any, wasn’t clear.
Jed watched the Turk’s frustration grow. Outside, the interrogator had assured Jed that he had conducted many interviews; Jed suspected torture was among his regular techniques, and he made it clear he would not be permit-ted to employ them.
After a few more minutes of questions met only by stares, the Turk slammed his hands on the table. He said something that sounded like a threat involving the prisoner’s mother and sisters—Jed’s Arabic still wasn’t fast enough to decipher it all—then made a show of leaving in a huff, probably thinking he was setting Jed up as the
“good cop” in the old interrogation routine.
Jed took another sip from his soda. The Turk would go down the hall and watch the surveillance feed from the wide-angle pinhead video cam in the top corner of the room. He was as much a spy as a translator, but Clearwater had already made that argument to the State Department, which insisted that he be allowed to meet the prisoner.
“So when you were in America,” said Jed after a few minutes of silence, “where did you go to school?”
“RPI,” said the prisoner—in English.
“That’s in upstate New York?” said Jed, trying to act as if he’d expected the man to answer his question.
“Troy. An ugly city.”
“Never been there,” said Jed. He scratched the back of his neck, slid his elbow on the table—he could be talking to a guy sitting next to him in a bar after work, except that he never went to bars after work. “That near Albany?”
“Very close.”
“What did you think of New York City?”
“A wondrous place,” said the Iraqi. “But a place of temptation.”
“I’ve been in the Empire State Building three times,”
said Jed.
The Iraqi didn’t reply.
“Why did you decide to join the army?” asked Jed, trying to keep the rapport up.
“But you’re not from Iraq, right? You come from—
Jed waited for an answer. He was still waiting when an aide came to tell him the general wanted to talk to him.
He felt a twinge at being left alone—he suspected the Turk would now return and begin to threaten him.
He told himself he must be strong. He must remember that he was doing his duty. He would persevere. He would be rewarded.
The wealth and power of America seemed overwhelming, but it was corrupt power, the reward of the devil for a man’s soul. Millions and millions of souls.
He would not surrender his.
The door to the small room opened. He pulled himself 366
upright, braced himself for the assault. But it wasn’t the Turk; it was Barclay, the American.
“I’ve got good news for you,” he said. “You’re going home. The Red Cross has arranged an exchange.”
A trick.
“You can stay if you choose, you know. Stay with us,”
said the American.
Tahir smiled. Protect me, God, he thought.
Aboard Raven , over Iran 1918
He was playing football, wide receiver, like high school. Zen ran down the field, looking back toward the quarterback—Kevin Fentress. The kid had faded back under the heavy rush of Zen’s cousin Jed Barclay and a few of his other old friends.
Zen was wide open. “Throw me the ball!” he yelled.
“Throw me the ball!”
The brown pigskin darted upward just as Fentress was swamped. The ball sailed high, but it wasn’t far enough to reach him. Zen began running back toward the line of scrimmage.
Running. It felt so damn good. He knew it was a dream.
What he didn’t know was where he was having it. He thought he was in bed, pushed to feel Breanna snuggled beneath the covers next to him.
A cold hiss of air shot into his face. Something wet dropped down the side of his temple. He shook his head, felt pain shooting up the side of his neck.
“Zen! Zen!”
“Fentress?” Zen pushed to the right, felt his arm fly in front of him.
Raven. They were in Raven. His helmet was off.
The Flighthawk! She was nearly out of fuel.
“We have to refuel!” said Zen. He went to grab the control stick. His hand seemed to move in slow motion for a second, then caught up so quickly he couldn’t keep it from smashing into the bottom of the console. He cursed with the pain then stared at his limp hand.
His hand wasn’t what hurt him. It was his legs.
His legs? He hadn’t felt them for more than a year and a half.
But they hurt like hell. He must still be dreaming.
Aboard Quicksilver , approaching Iran 1925
EVEN THE SOPHISTICATED GEAR IN QUICKSILVER HAD TROUble sorting everything out. Iraq had launched helicopters and MiGs against Kurdish positions north of Kirkuk; two F-16s had moved to engage them. Farther east two Iraqi helicopters were flying either a supply or an attack mission on a vector almost exactly due north. Beyond that, the Iranians had at least a dozen aircraft in the sky over or at the border with Iraq. Raven, struck but not disabled by an Iranian missile, was just coming over the border now.
Whiplash Hind was flying so low not even Quicksilver could see her, but she was somewhere ahead of Raven.
“Border in ten minutes,” Chris Ferris told Breanna.
“What are we doing?”
“We’ll escort anyone who needs escorting,” she said.
“Hang on,” said Ferris. “F-15s are engaging the Iraqi helicopter.”
“Which one? Tell them to stop,” she said without waiting for an answer. “That’s ours. That’s ours!”
Aboard Raven , over Iran 1930
back into his seat, taking the Flighthawk from C3 just as it finished refueling. He dropped down and began scouting ahead. The Iranian MiGs began to retreat as a flight of F-15s approached.
They’d lost contact with Whiplash Hind, though by now it would be between twenty and thirty miles ahead, undoubtedly skimming the snowcapped mountains. Fentress popped the Flighthawk’s nose skyward, accelerating to find the helicopter.
Those guys had kicked ass on this, big-time, he thought. Gonna be a full round of beers and attaboys to last a lifetime, or at least a week and a half.
Some for him too. He’d done okay. He was doing okay.
He hoped Zen was okay. Blood had curled from his ear. One of his straps seemed to have broken; his head had probably slammed against the panel, and Fentress guessed he had a concussion. But he was breathing, at least.
The U/MF picked up the powerful radars of a pair of F-15s, screaming over from Turkey.
“Eagle Flight, this is Dreamland Hawk One,” he said.
“Hawk, we need radio silence. We are engaging an enemy aircraft,” replied one of the planes.