Elaine Scarry, from On Beauty and
Being Just, 279-85 Vandana Shiva, from Soil, Not Oil, 374-80
Joseph Stiglitz, Rent Seeking and the Making of an Unequal Society, 598-605
Rabindranath Tagore, To Teachers, 40-45 argument
checklist, 706
claim distinguished from an, 649 turning a claim into an, see supporting ideas Aristotle, 177-83 Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 483-86 audience, considering your, 625 Augustine, 184-188 authorities, supporting ideas with, 651
"Babie I" (Yuskavage), 286-88 bandwagoning, 661
Basho, Matsuo, 300-307
"Beauty: When the Other Dancer Is the
Self" (Walker), 271-78 belonging, appeal to desire for, 663 Benedict, Ruth, 112-22 bibliographic citations
American Psychological Association (APA)
style, 696-97 Modern Language Association (MLA) style, 693-94 Blake, William, 262-64 block quotes, 686-87 Boethius, 242-47 Boolean operators, 683 Booth, Wayne, 198-204 Bosse, Abraham, 414-16 brackets, use with quotations, 687-88 brainstorming, 627-28 Burke, Edmund, 256-61
Carr, Nicholas, 123-33
Carson, Rachel, 328-35
cause/effect organizational pattern, 613
checklist, revising and editing, 706-7
chronological order, 612
CiteSeerX, 683
argument distinguished from, 649 assignments to construct and support, 623 qualifying, to anticipate
counterarguments, 666-67 supportable, only making, 665-66 support organizational strategy, 613-14 classical rhetoric, model for synthesizing
ideas from, 678-80 classifying, 612 readings
Boethius, from Of Music, 242-47 cliches, avoiding
in introductions, 641 when generating ideas, 630 clustering, 626-27
common knowledge, documenting facts
not considered, 691 Commoner, Barry, 344-55 comparing/contrasting, 614, 623, 670-72 focusing on relevant issues, 671
obvious, avoiding stating the, 671 readings
Daniel Kahneman, from Thinking, Fast
and Slow, 134-44 Martha Nussbaum, Education for Profit,
Education for Democracy, 61-70 "Two Pictures of the Brain," 104-7 Zeynep Tufekci, Networked Politics from Tahrir to Taksim, 225-32 single point for comparison, choosing a, 670-71
the underlying assumption, 672 compositional elements in visual texts, 616 conclusions, 646-48, 704
demonstrating the implications of your
argument, 647-48 quotation, closing with a, 648 referring back to the introduction, 647 contextualizing example, introducing an
essay with a, 640-41 contrasting, see comparing/contrasting correctness checklist, 707 counterarguments, anticipating, 666-67 credibility as writer, establishing your, 664 critical reading, 618-20
author's perspective, understanding the,
619 defining, 618
determining how the argument works, 619
underlying assumptions, thinking
about, 619-20 your own perspective, thinking about, 618
Cruz, Sor Juana Ines de la, 189-97
Darwin, Charles, 314-27 database aggregators, 682 databases, 682-83
"Day of the Dead, The" (Paz), 579-85 deadwood, 704
debatable position, constructing a, 630-31 deductive reasoning, 652-55 defining readings
Wayne Booth, The Rhetorical Stance, 198-204
Edmund Burke, from The Sublime and Beautiful, 256-61 definitions, introductions built on key, 639 Delacroix, Eugene, 498-500 De Rerum Natura (Lucretius), 292-99 describing, 623 readings
Marevasei Kachere, War Memoir, 518-24
Wangari Maathai, Foresters without Diplomas, 363-73 dialogue readings
Aeschylus, The Eumenides, 148-57 dictionary, reading with a, 609 dicto simpliciter, 660 digital archives, 684 documenting sources, 651, 690-701
APA format, see American Psychological
Association (APA) style approaches or organizational strategies
borrowed from a source, 691 crediting anyone who has helped
develop your ideas, 691 facts not considered common knowledge, 691
ideas summarized or paraphrased from a
source, 690 MLA format, see Modern Language
Association (MLA) style plagiarism, 690 Douglass, Frederick, 24-30 DPLA portal, 684 drafts
responses to, getting, 624, 703 rethinking and rewriting, 703-5
"Economic and Moral Progress" (Gandhi),
564-71 editing, 705
checking documented sources, 705 checklist for, 706-7 grammar and usage questions, 705 reading aloud, 705 "Education for Profit, Education for
Democracy" (Nussbaum), 61-70 ellipses, use with quotations, 687-88
emotional appeals in visual texts, 615 readings
William Blake, The Tyger, 262-64
Abraham Bosse, Frontispiece of Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan, 414-16
"Women of World War II Monument," 525-27
Lisa Yuskavage, Babie I, 286-88 "Encouraging Learning" (Hsun Tzu), 5-12 Epictetus, 540-44 "Equality" (Weil), 575-78 Erasmus, Desiderius, 492-97 "Essay on the Principle of Population, An"
(Malthus), 556-63 ethos: the writer's appeal, see supporting
ideas, ethos: the writer's appeal evaluating sources, 684-85 cross-checking facts, 685 never relying on one source, 684 reading carefully, 685 researching the source of your
information, 685 starting with materials already evaluated, 684-85
"Eumenides, The" (Aeschylus), 148-57 evidence, supporting ideas with, see
supporting ideas, with evidence examples, illustrating with, 651 readings
Virginia Woolf, Shakespeare's Sister exclusion, generalization and fallacy of, 657 expectations of instructor, considering, 621-24
agreeing/disagreeing assignments, 622 analyzing assignments, 622 applying assignments, 622-23 audience and purpose, considering
your, 625 claim and support assignments, 623 comparing/contrasting assignments, 623 describing assignments, 623 getting responses to your topic and early
drafts, 624 responding assignments, 624 summarizing/paraphrasing assignments, 624
understanding the assignment, 622-24
"Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump, An"
(Wright), 308-10 experts, supporting ideas with evidence
from, 651 explaining a principle readings
Epictetus, To Those Who Fear Want, 540-44
Lucretius, from De Rerum Natura, 292-99
Karl Popper, from Science as Falsification, 336-43
Lady Murasaki Shikibu, On the Art of the Novel, 248-52
Leo Tolstoy, from What Is Art?, 265-70
Simone Weil, Equality, 575-78 exploring your topic, 625-28 brainstorming, 627-28 clustering, 626-27 freewriting, 625-26
facts, 651
cross-checking, 685 documenting facts not considered common knowledge, 691 false analogy, 658
false dilemma, or false dichotomy, 661 fear, appeals to, 662 Feynman, Richard, 53-60 first ideas about a topic, going beyond, 629 "Fitness of Human Nature, The" (Wilson), 356-62
"Flower Market, The" (Po-Chu-i), 549-51 "Foresters without Diplomas" (Maathai), 363-73
"Four Laws of Ecology, The" (Commoner), 344-55
"Frontispiece of Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan" (Bosse), 414-16 "Funeral Oration, The" (Pericles), 158-65
Gandhi, Mohandas K., 564-71 generalizing, 656-57 general search engines, 683
generating ideas, 621-32 analogy, 657-58 expectations, considering, see
expectations of instructor, considering exploring your topic, 625-28 brainstorming, 627-28 clustering, 626-27 freewriting, 625-26 subtlety, achieving, see subtlety, achieving "Gin Lane" (Hogarth), 552-55 Google News, 683 Google Scholar, 683 Gorgias, (Plato), 166-76 government websites, 683 grammatical errors, proofreading to