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eliminate, 705, 707 "Guernica" (Picasso), 501-3

Hardin, Garrett, 586-97 hasty generalization, 657 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 678 Hegelian dialectic, 678-80 historical context, introductions providing, 639

Hobbes, Thomas, 94-99

Hogarth, William, 552-55

"How to Tame a Wild Tongue" (Anzaldua),

205-16 Hsun Tzu, 5-12, 84-93


checklist, 706

generating, see generating ideas identifying patterns, see patterns,

identifying incorporating, see incorporating ideas structuring, see structuring ideas supporting, see supporting ideas synthesizing, see synthesizing ideas illustrating with examples, see examples,

illustrating with implausible inductive leaps, 656 implications of an argument, considering the, 631 incorporating ideas, 681-701

documenting sources, see documenting

sources finding sources, 682-84

library-based sources, 682-83 online, researching, 683-84 quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing, 685-90

"Individual and the Pattern of Culture, The"

(Benedict), 112-22 inductive leap, 656 inductive reasoning, 652, 655-59 analogy, 657-58 generalization, 656-57 statistical inference, 658-59 "In Quest of Democracy" (Suu Kyi), 442-49 interlibrary loan, 682 Internet, see World Wide Web Internet portals, 684 in-text documentation

American Psychological Association (APA)

style, 695-96 Modern Language Association (MLA) style, 692-93 introductions, 638-41, 704

the introductory paragraph, 638 strategies for beginning, 638-41 cliches, avoiding, 641 contextualizing example, giving a, 640-41

historical context, providing, 639 key definition, building around, 639 question or quote, 640 thesis statement, leading directly into, 639-40 irony, visual, 616 "La Respuesta" (Cruz), 189-97 Lange, Dorothea, 572-74 Lao Tzu, 384-96

learning something from the writing

assignment, 632 "Learning to Read" (Douglass), 24-30 "Letter from Birmingham Jail" (King),

425-41 Leviathan (Hobbes), 94-99 "Liber Ethicorum des Henricus de

Alemania" (Voltolina), 21-23 "Liberty Leading the People" (Delacroix), 498-500

librarians, Web sources evaluated by,

684-85 library catalogues, 682 Library of Congress, 684 "Lifeboat Ethics: The Case against Helping the Poor" (Hardin), 586-97

listing readings

Barry Commoner, The Four Laws of Ecology, 344-55 Locke, John, 100-103 logical fallacies, 659-61 ad hominem, 659-60 bandwagoning, 661 dicto simpliciter, 660 false dilemma, or false dichotomy, 661 post hoc ergo propter hoc, 659 straw man, 660 logic and reason, appeals to, 652-61 Lucretius, 292-99

Luke, Chapter 16 (New Testament), 545-48



Jung, Carl, 108-11

Kachere, Marevasei, 518-24 Kahneman, Daniel, 134-44 Karman, Tawakkol, 528-36 King, Martin Luther, Jr., 425-41 "Knowledge Its Own End" (Newman), 31-39

Maathai, Wangari, 363-73

Machiavelli, Niccolo, 405-13

Madison, James, 417-24

magazines, 684

Malthus, Thomas, 556-63

"Man's Nature is Evil" (Hsun Tzu), 84-93

"Man's Nature Is Good" (Mencius), 78-83

Mead, Margaret, 504-11

"Memorial and Remonstrance Against

Religious Assessments" (Madison), 417-24

Mencius, 78-83

"Migrant Mother" (Lange), 572-74 Modern Language Association (MLA) style bibliographic citations, 693-94 block quotes, 687 disciplines using, 692 in-text documentation, 692-93 origination of, 692 overview, 692 "More Perfect Union, A" (Obama), 460-71 Morrison, Toni, 217-24 motifs in visual texts, 616 Mo Tzu, 236-241, 480-82

narrating, 614 readings

Matsuo Basho, The Narrow Road to

the Interior, 300-307 Po-Chu-I, The Flower Market, 549-51 Alice Walker, Beauty: When the Other Dancer Is the Self, 271-78 "Narrow Road to the Interior, The" (Basho), 300-307

Natural Selection; or, Survival of the Fittest

(Darwin), 314-27 Natural Theology (Paley), 311-13 "Networked Politics from Tahrir to Taksim: Is There a Social Media-Fueled Protest Style?" (Tufekci), 225-32 Newman, John Henry, 31-39 newspapers, 684

New Testament, Luke, Chapter 16, 545-48 "Nobel Lecture" (Karman), 528-36 "Nobel Lecture" (Morrison), 217-24 "Nuremberg or National Amnesia:

A Third Way" (Tutu), 450-59 Nussbaum, Martha, 61-70

"O Americano Outra Vez" (Feynman),

53-60 Obama, Barack, 460-71 "Obligation to Endure, The" (Carson),

328-35 "Of Ideas" (Locke), 100-103 "Of Music" (Boethius), 242-47

"On Beauty and Being Just" (Scarry), 279-85

On Christian Doctrine (Augustine), 184-88 "On Liberal and Vocational Studies"

(Seneca), 13-20 "On the Art of the Novel" (Shikibu), 248-52 organizational patterns, identifying, see

patterns, identifying Orwell, George, 512-17 outlines, thesis statements distinguished

from, 634-35 oversimplification, 660

"Pacifism and the War" (Orwell), 512-17 Paley, William, 311-13 paraphrasing, 624, 688-89, 690; see also documenting sources enclosing in quotation marks wording

that isn't your own, 689 indicating the source, 688 introducing the context for a citation, 686 using your own words and sentence structure, 688-89 passive reading, 605 pathos, see supporting ideas, pathos:

appeals to emotion patterns, identifying, 612-14; see also themes and patterns, finding cause/effect, 613 claim/support, 613 classification, 612 comparison/contrast, 614 narrative, 614 problem/solution, 613 spatial order, 612 statement/response, 613 Paz, Octavio, 579-85 peer tutors, 624 Pericles, 158-65

philosophy, model for synthesizing ideas

from, 678-80 Picasso, Pablo, 501-3 Pizan, Christine de, 397-404 plagiarism, 690, 705 Plato, 74-77, 166-76 plausibility of a generalization, 656

Po-Chu-I, 549-51

points of view of others, respecting,

664-65 Popper, Karl, 336-43 portals, Internet, 684 post hoc ergo propter hoc, 659 prereading, 606-9 key questions author, 607

cultural factors influencing the

author, 607 larger conversation of the text, 608 original purpose of the work, 607 practicing, 608-9 skimming a text, 606 pride/vanity, appeals to, 663 Prince, The (Machiavelli), 405-13 problem/solution organizational

pattern, 613 process, writing, 702 proofreading, 666 punctuation errors, proofreading to

eliminate, 666 purpose, considering your, 625

questions, introducing an essay with, 640 quoting, 685-88; see also documenting sources block quotes, 686-87 brackets, use of, 687-88 concluding with a quotation, 648 context for quotation, introducing, 686 ellipses, use of, 687-88 introducing an essay with a quotation, 640

introducing the context for a citation, 686

maintaining control of verb tense and

sentence structure, 686 selecting quotes carefully, 686

reading, 605-20

active, strategies for, 605-20 careful, for evaluation of sources, 685 passive, 605


deductive, 652-55 inductive, 652, 655-59 Red Book, The (Jung), 108-11 reference works, 683 "Rent Seeking and the Making of an Unequal Society" (Stiglitz), 598-605

responding to another text or specific

argument, 624 rethinking, 703-4

allowing plenty of time to complete

assignment, 703 asking for feedback, 703 identify thesis and support, 703 making sure to follow the assignment, 703

throwing out ideas that don't work, 703-4 revising, 702-7 rethinking, 703-4 rewriting, 704-5 rewriting, 704-5