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Not wanting to draw attention, Franco applied just enough gas to keep the Range Rover moving. The Perezes’ general store was just ahead on the right. In twenty more meters, he ought to be able to see the store’s side door. He had the sensation of being watched from the windows of every building lining the street but dismissed it as paranoia. No one was around. This town’s collective light switch was flipped off after 1900 hours.

He saw her then — a bluish-white blur at the right edge of his vision. Just after his Range Rover passed the local tavern, she’d dashed from the general store’s side door toward the rear of the building in hopes of not being seen.

Nice try, sweetheart. Franco peeled around the corner into the vacant lot south of the store and spotted her in the gap between the two Conex containers the Perezes used for dry storage. She jerked her head back, but it was too late. Scratching the tires, he accelerated across the vacant lot. He didn’t want to make it too easy, but he didn’t want to lose sight of her either.

He skidded to a stop just short of the containers. In a fluid move he slid out, swung the door closed, and hit the lock button on the remote. The Range Rover chirped in response.

He circled to the far side of the containers just in time to see her hop the chain-link fence and take off in a full sprint toward the river. Oh, no you don’t.

She had a good head start, but she’d never outrun him. Her only hope of evading him would be to reach the cover of the trees and hide in the undergrowth. Her odds weren’t too bad, because the deepening twilight worked to her advantage. Franco never used night vision or thermal imagers for hunts like this. He considered it cheating. Even though she hadn’t eluded him yet, she deserved a fair chance. And she might get away this time — there was always a first time for everything. If she did, he wouldn’t punish her later. Franco had many faults, but fair was fair, and he never blamed others for his own shortcomings.

He allowed her an extra few seconds before beginning his pursuit. The girl was fast — he gave her that, but he was faster. Enjoying the challenge, he watched her drive her legs as she bounded across the knee-high grass. When he caught her, it would be a sweet victory, in more ways than one. Her attempt to escape heightened his desire, and he felt a stirring in his groin. He hoped it wouldn’t be too easy. The last time she’d run away, he’d caught her almost immediately. Easy prey wasn’t nearly as rewarding.

She glanced over her shoulder and changed direction, angling to the right. He guessed she was heading for the dam of rocks that allowed foot traffic to cross. On the opposite side of the pond, she’d probably turn left and try to hide in the thicker foliage. If he guessed wrong about this, she might get away.

Franco changed direction and ran straight toward the dam. If he could reach the trees before she crossed the dam, he’d be able to see what direction she went on the other side. He slowed his approach and crouched behind a rusted car near the top of the bank. He spotted her halfway across the dam, marveling at her balance and agility as she leapt from boulder to boulder. Knowing she’d look back once she reached the far side, Franco remained motionless. What she did next surprised him. Rather than look back or turn left, she stayed on the trail that led to Tobias’s cabin and sprinted up the mountainside into the trees. Three seconds later, he lost sight of her.

Clever girl. But this hunt was far from over. He scrambled down the bank, crossed the dam, and followed her into the trees. He slowed his pace and looked for movement. The girl wasn’t more than twenty seconds ahead of him, but that had given her plenty of time to disappear. Maybe he shouldn’t have given her such a large head start. Not wanting to give up, he continued up the trail. If all else failed, he could lie low and wait for her to reemerge. He had no illusions about it — she knew this forest better than he did. Rather than dwell on his disadvantage, he scanned the trees to his left. It was possible she’d turned east with the intent of crossing the river above the pond where the water wasn’t deep.

Playing a hunch, Franco veered to his left and paralleled the mountain’s contour. If she’d come this way, she’d been stealthy. The crickets and toads hadn’t stopped their singing.


He saw it then, fifty meters away, a flash of white that stood out like a cigarette on a putting green. She must’ve stopped running and gone to ground. He took a step to the right for a clearer line of sight.

Got you!

He could see her white blouse between two smaller trees. Like a predatory cat, he eased from tree to tree, being careful to avoid any sudden movements or noise. His camouflage fatigues blended perfectly into the colors of the forest. Even if she looked his direction, she’d never see him. She would’ve been better off trying to put some distance between them.

He closed to within ten meters and froze.

Something felt wrong. Her blouse didn’t look right, and the forest had gone quiet.

It could only mean one thing.

Franco pulled out his handgun and whipped around.

The skin on his arms tingled at the same moment he knew he’d been tricked.

He heard her before he saw her. With a shrill cry, she flew at him. Dressed only in her bra and shorts, she looked incredibly sexy, but now wasn’t the time to admire things. He jerked his head to dodge her fist coming at his face. He avoided the worst of it, but two knuckles still connected. He pivoted low and swept his leg. Anticipating his move, she jumped and his boot passed harmlessly beneath her. She squared off and assumed a low stance, her fists held in a defensive position. She was feisty but no match for him. Why not toy with her a little?

He lurched forward, deliberately moving more slowly than necessary. She sidestepped and tried to kick him in the groin, but he was ready for her move. He stopped short, and her foot found only air. He smiled when she lost her balance and fell.

The sweet taste of victory at last.

He pounced on her and pinned her hands over her head. She tried to head butt him, but his arms were several inches longer than hers, and he easily avoided contact.

Knowing she’d been beaten, she stopped struggling.

Franco lowered his voice. “You gave it a good effort. You’re definitely getting stronger and faster, but I think you need another… private lesson.”

She laughed and wrapped her legs around his waist. They’d gone through this mock chase many times. He lowered his head and gently kissed her. “Try not to make it so easy next time.”

“Easy? You walked right past me!”

“I’ll reluctantly admit your ruse worked, but I would’ve found you eventually.”

“I’m getting better. I almost nailed you with that left jab.”

“True, but your eyes gave you away. You should’ve looked at my chest, not my face.”

“You can’t see my eyes, it’s too dark.”

They both felt the carnal desire now. Franco removed his shirt and unbuttoned his pants. “I believe it’s time for your lesson to begin.”

They made love without concern for each other’s needs. Franco liked the challenge. The girl’s selfish desires heightened his excitement. Because she was half his age, she had twice his sexual energy — a good combination. Just before she climaxed, she whispered how much she enjoyed being his mistress. He found the comment amusing but didn’t let on. Why ruin her fun?