Radkene [The Sallow]—Member of the Tholian Ruling Conclave in 2265. (HAR)
Ravanar IV—Planet on which, in 2263, a landing party from the Starship Constellation collected biosamples that contained the Taurus meta-genome. In 2264, became the location of a Starfleet research outpost, which uncovered the ruins of a Shedai Conduit. Efforts to activate the Conduit drew hostile attention from the Tholians, who were able to sense its emanations after Cervantes Quinn damaged the outpost’s sensor screen while trying to steal it in 2265. The subsequent Tholian attack destroyed the outpost and led to the destruction of the Starship Bombay. (HAR)
Razka, Senior Chief Petty Officer—Newly assigned field scout on the Starship Sagittarius. Saurian male. (RTW)
Reke—Perpetually intoxicated henchman of Orion crime boss Ganz. Vomited on Scotty’s boot after giving him a bottle of the green stuff. (HAR)
Reyes, Commodore Diego—Commanding officer, Starbase 47. Flag officer with authority over Starfleet operations and Federation civilians in the Taurus Reach. Previous postings include command of the U.S.S. Dauntless and junior postings on the U.S.S. Belleau Wood and the U.S.S. Helios, under Captain Matuzas. (HAR)
Ridley, Lieutenant—Security officer, Starbase 47. Was needed to testify in a case of alleged domestic battery. (STT)
Robertson, Ensign Donna—Engineer, U.S.S. Bombay. KIA. (HAR)
Robles, Dr. Gonzalo—Member of the medical staff, Vanguard Hospital, Starbase 47. (RTW)
Rocinante, S.S. —Mancharan starhopper owned and operated by Cervantes Quinn. Beat-up, run-down, but keeps on flyin’. (HAR/STT/RTW)
Rockey, Dr. (Charles F., Jr.)—Chief medical officer, U.S.S. Lovell. (RTW)
Roderick, Ensign—Security officer, U.S.S. Endeavour. Stood with Lieutenant Jeanne La Sala against Shedai sentinel attack on Erilon. (STT)
Rodriguez, Lieutenant Sasha—Helm officer, U.S.S. Lovell. (RTW)
Romano, Matt—Chef-proprietor of Café Romano in Stars Landing, on Starbase 47. Said to make “consistently perfect Hollandaise sauce.” (RTW)
Rymer, Captain—Sponsored Diego Reyes’s application to Starfleet Academy and served as Reyes’s mentor. In 2266, referred to as the “late” Captain Rymer, date of death uncertain. (RTW)
Sadler, Terrance—Former security chief of the Starship Dauntless under the command of Diego Reyes. Retired from Starfleet service to get married and raise a family on colony planet Ingraham B. Dies with his family during the neural parasite attack on that planet in 2265. (STT) Sage—Shedai Serrataal charged with maintaining a “living history” of their species and civilization. Ally of the Maker. (RTW)
Sagittarius, U.S.S. —Archer-class scout ship commanded by Captain Adelard Nassir. (HAR)
Sandesjo, Anna—Klingon female disguised to appear human. Served as senior diplomatic attaché to Ambassador Jetanien on Starbase 47. Real name was Lurqal. Reported to Ambassador Lugok and his aide Turag. Had an affair with Lieutenant Commander T’Prynn, who turned her into a double agent. (HAR) Cover compromised for a disinformation campaign to rescue the U.S.S. Sagittarius from Jinoteur IV. Killed in a bombing attack on the U.S.S. Malacca, the ship intended to smuggle her off of Vanguard. Assassin was Zett Nilric, hired by Klingon Imperial Intelligence. (RTW)
Sarith, Commander—Commanding officer of the Romulan bird-of-prey Bloodied Talon. (STT)
Saylok—Vulcan wine varietal available in Manón’s cabaret in 2266. (RTW)
Schuster, Chief Michael—Transporter operator, U.S.S. Endeavour. (STT)
Scoridians—Reptilian species, members of Federation. (HAR)
Sector 116 Theta—Area of the Taurus Reach mapped by the U.S.S. Bombay. (HAR)
Sector Tango-4119—Location in which a clandestine meeting of Zett Nilric and Klingon Imperial Intelligence agent Qahl took place. (RTW)
Segfrunsdóttir, Captain Friedl—Instructor on Federation law at Starfleet Academy during James T. Kirk’s years as an underclassman. (HAR)
Sek’t Tholis —Tholian warship, led the attack on the Ravanar IV outpost and the U.S.S. Bombay. Destroyed in combat by the Bombay. (HAR)
Selby, Ensign Blaise—Human female, geologist, member of Starfleet search party on Gamma Tauri IV. KIA. (RTW)
Sentinel, Shedai—Vaguely humanoid form composed of malleable obsidian and featuring limbs that end in conical formations. Moves rapidly, churns up whatever is underfoot. Channels tremendous amounts of power. A Shedai Serrataal can manipulate several sentinels at once. Sentinels are highly resistant to phaser fire and can batter their way through force fields. Their chief vulnerability is broad-frequency dampening fields. (STT)
Serrataal —Shedai term meaning “the Enumerated ones.” It refers to an elite caste among the Shedai, those individuals who are given unique names. See also: Nameless, the (RTW)
Sesrene, Ambassador—Tholian diplomat assigned to Starbase 47. (HAR)
sh’Dastisar, Ensign—Officer on the U.S.S. Endeavour who had a minor problem with the food slots. (STT)
Shear, Roger—Mining-consortium executive who went on a dinner date with Anna Sandesjo to Manón’s Cabaret, thereby precipitating a psychological breakdown for Sandesjo’s lover, T’Prynn, who saw them together. (RTW)
Shedai—Ancient species that once reigned supreme over the Taurus Reach, and plans to do so again. Not confined to any particular physical form, they don and shed bodies at will. Divided into two castes: Serrataal, “the Enumerated ones,” the elite; and the Nameless. (HAR/STT/RTW)
Shedai Carrier Wave—Signal emitted by the First Conduit and all Shedai Conduits that answer it. Had a debilitating effect on Starbase 47’s onboard systems until the S.C.E. was able to isolate the frequency and send a reply that canceled it. (STT)
Shedai Sector—Tholian name for the Taurus Reach. (HAR) Sheng, Captain Zhao—Commanding officer, U.S.S. Endeavour. (HAR) Killed by Shedai sentinel on Erilon in 2265. Succeeded in his command by his first officer, Atish Khatami. (STT)
Shepherd, Lieutenant Addison—Human female. Second-in-command of engineering operations on Starbase 47. (DEW)
sh’Neroth, Lieutenant—Member of Starfleet search party on Gamma Tauri IV. Andorian shen. KIA. (RTW)
sh’Ness, Sherivan—Fourth-year medical student in Vanguard Hospital on Starbase 47. Andorian shen. (RTW)
sh’Rassa, Zharran—Andorian religious leader on Starbase 47, representing the station’s eresh’tha. (HAR)
Sihanouk, Brother—Buddhist religious leader on Starbase 47. (HAR)
Sikal, Nurse—Vulcan female, member of medical staff on the U.S.S. Endeavour. (STT)
Singer, Commander Dean—Human male, S.C.E. team leader at the Ravanar IV outpost. KIA. (HAR)
slijm —Domesticated animal that resembles a dog crossed with a walrus. Features include a blubbery body covered in smooth brown hair, spindly legs that propel it with a waddling motion; wide nostrils, puffy cheeks, beady black eyes. Its chief means of self-defense is to rear up its wedge-shaped body and unleash a booming sneeze that propels caustic yellow-green snot in a wide arc, up to a range of several meters. (STT)
Sniffy—Slijm belonging to Zakdorn accountant Sakud Armnoj. (STT)
Sorak, Lieutenant—Vulcan male, 118 years old, Kolinahr master. Head of security and lead field scout, U.S.S. Sagittarius. (RTW)
Soral, Lieutenant—Vulcan male. Engineer, Starbase 47. (DEW)
Sovik—Federation diplomat. Envoy to the Tholian delegation on Starbase 47. (HAR)
Sozlok, Chief Petty Officer—Vaguely simian-looking non-commissioned officer who works the night shift, supervising the public storage facilities on Starbase 47. He seems to hate his job. (HAR)
Spencer, Ensign—Officer from the U.S.S. Endeavour assigned to the study of the Shedai Conduit on Erilon. Worked in the artifact control room. KIA during the first sentinel attack. (STT)
Sret, Proconsul—High-ranking member of the Romulan government in 2265. (STT)
Stano, Lieutenant Katherine—First officer, U.S.S. Endeavour, under the command of Captain Atish Khatami. (RTW)