Starbase 47—Watchtower-class Federation starbase located inside the Taurus Reach. Serves as the base of operations for Starfleet vessels in that sector and as an anchor for Federation colonization efforts. (HAR)
Stars Landing—Civilian residential and commercial cluster located in the Terrestrial Enclosure aboard Starbase 47. (HAR)
Steinberg, Dr.—Member of the Vanguard Hospital medical staff on Starbase 47. (RTW)
Sten—Former fiancé of T’Prynn. Refused to release her when she asked to be excused from the marriage contract in 2212. Fought T’Prynn in the Koon-ut-kal-if-fee. As she broke his neck and killed him, he forced his katra (living spirit) into her mind telepathically. His katra has lived on in her mind ever since, assaulting her psychically, tormenting her, for 53 years. (HAR)
Stotsky, Adam—Communications supervisor in the Federation Embassy on Starbase 47, under the supervision of Ambassador Jetanien. (HAR)
Sturka, Chancellor—Leader of the Klingon Empire in 2265; closely allied with Councillors Gorkon and Indizar. (HAR)
Stutzman, Lieutenant Commander (Walter)—Starfleet officer who had been “hitching a ride” to a rendezvous with the Starship Endeavour on the Starship Bombay when the Bombay was ambushed and destroyed at Ravanar. (HAR)
Sulok, Ensign—Vulcan male, engineer, U.S.S. Lovell. (STT)
Talagos Prime—Federation colony planet in the Taurus Reach. (HAR)
Tamaros III—Site of the Nemite Revolution in 147 B.C.E. (HAR)
Tamishiro, Ensign—Female human, Asian ancestry. Engineer, Starbase 47. (DEW)
Tan Bao, Ensign Nguyen—Human male, Vietnamese, medical technician, U.S.S. Sagittarius. Tarascans—Bipedal amphibian species with bulbous eyes, bulky bodies, and tapirlike snouts that waggle when they speak. Their blood is viscous and black. (HAR)
Tarcoh, Dr.—Deltan theoretical physicist in his late sixties, works in the Vault. (RTW)
Tarmelites—Large, muscular bipeds. Known for bad tempers and phenomenal physical strength. Morikmol, a Tarmelite enforcer for Ganz, was once described by Cervantes Quinn as a “walking life-support system for a pair of fists.” (HAR)
Tarris—Waifish young Elasian woman with caramel-colored skin, large, almond-shaped eyes, and snow-white hair. Member of Ganz’s extended criminal organization. (RTW)
Tashrene—Diplomatic attaché to Tholian Ambassador Sesrene on Starbase 47. (HAR)
Tas’v Tholis —Tholian warship, destroyed during its ambush of the Ravanar IV outpost and attack on the Starship Bombay. It was destroyed by being pulled with a tractor beam into a collision with its sister ship, the Kil’j Tholis. (HAR)
Taurus Key—Information sequence found in the Taurus meta-genome and the Shedai Carrier Wave. It is the Rosetta Stone for unlocking the secrets of the Shedai information string encoded in the meta-genome. (HAR/STT/RTW/DEW)
Taurus meta-genome—Mind-bogglingly complex engineered DNA string that contains millions of chromosomes. Only a tiny fraction of its chemical data is used to create living organisms; the rest is raw information, about whose purpose little is yet known. The discovery of the meta-genome in 2263 by the crew of the Starship Constellation initiated Operation Vanguard. (HAR)
Taurus Reach—A vast region of unexplored and unclaimed space beyond the Federation’s borders and between the territories of the Klingon Empire and the Tholian Assembly. (HAR)
Telinaruul —Shedai term for humanoid species that were not loyal subjects of their interstellar hegemony. Sometimes synonymous with “criminals” or “savages.” (STT, RTW)
Terath, Dr.—Klingon scientist who studied the Shedai artifacts on Palgrenax. KIA. (STT)
Terra Courser, S.S.—Federation colony transport ship that carried Jeanne Vinueza from Mars to Starbase 47, and from there to Gamma Tauri IV. During its departure from Starbase 47, the vessel also provided valuable cover for the Starship Sagittarius, which traveled in the transport’s warp shadow to evade Klingon notice as it departed on a covert mission to the Jinoteur system. (RTW)
Terrell, Commander Clark—First officer, U.S.S. Sagittarius. (HAR/RTW)
T’Hana, Ensign—Vulcan female, engineer assigned to the S.C.E. team on Ravanar IV, under the command of Commander Dean Singer. Worked directly with the Shedai Conduit. KIA. (HAR)
Thaumaturge—Shedai Serrataal of tremendous age and power. Close ally of the Apostate. (RTW)
Thelex, Dr.—Andorian chan, chief of dentistry at Vanguard Hospital, Starbase 47. Wears distinctive octagonal-frame eyeglasses. (HAR)
Theriault, Ensign Vanessa—Science officer, U.S.S. Sagittarius. (HAR) Made official first contact with the Shedai. (RTW)
Thorsen, Lieutenant—Tactical officer, U.S.S. Endeavour. (RTW)
thoughtwave—Frequency used by Tholians to establish telepathic links into the Lattice from interstellar distances; the technology resembles a minaturized version of a Shedai Conduit. (RTW)
Threx, Petty Officer 1st Class Salagho—Denobulan male, engineer, U.S.S. Sagittarius. (RTW)
throg —Tellarite holy person, a “sin eater.” (HAR)
th’Shendileth, Ensign—Andorian thaan, officer on the Starship Endeavour who had a minor problem with a food slot. (STT)
Tik’r Tholis —Tholian warship, destroyed by the self-destruct ordnance of the U.S.S. Bombay, which had snared it with a tractor beam and used it as a shield during combat. (HAR)
T’Laen, Lieutenant—Vulcan female, S.C.E. computer specialist, U.S.S. Lovell. (STT/DEW/RTW)
TMG—See: “Taurus meta-genome”
Tolrene, Ambassador—Tholian ambassador to Qo’noS. Had a seizure at the same time that similar episodes afflicted Tholian representatives on Starbase 47 and on Earth. (HAR)
Tom Walker’s—Civilian-run drinking establishment in Stars Landing, on Starbase 47 (HAR); offers a “Starfleet discount.” (RTW)
Tonar, Lieutenant—Weapons officer, I.K.S. Zin’za. (STT)
Toqel, Vice-proconsul—High-ranking member of the Romulan Senate in 2265. Mother of Commander Sarith, commanding officer of the bird-of-prey Bloodied Talon, which was lost in the Taurus Reach. (STT)
Torr, Councillor—Member of the Klingon High Council in 2265. (HAR)
Torvin, Crewman—Tiburonian male, engineer, U.S.S. Sagittarius. (RTW)
Tozskene [The Gold]—Crewmember of the Tholian warship
Lanz’t Tholis who is imprisoned by the Shedai Wanderer in the First Conduit on Jinoteur IV. (RTW)
T’Pes, Lieutenant—Vulcan female, junior science officer, U.S.S. Endeavour, considered by Captain Atish Khatami as a possible candidate for the first officer position. (STT)
T’Prynn, Lieutenant Commander—Vulcan female, born 2191, daughter of Sivok and L’Nel. Starfleet Intelligence liaison to Starbase 47. (HAR)
Trinay III—Site of a Starfleet outpost that was awaiting a power generator which had been misplaced on Starbase 47. (HAR)
tu’HomIraH —Klingon expletive. (STT)
tuQloS pills—Dietary supplement used by Klingons to extract nourishment from food that has been cooked; used by Lurqal (aka Anna Sandesjo) to pass as a human. (HAR)
Turag—Klingon Imperial Intelligence agent and bodyguard to Klingon Ambassador Lugok on Starbase 47. Serves as the primary handler for Lurqal, aka Anna Sandesjo. (HAR)
type-V life reading—Operation Vanguard code for detection of the Taurus meta-genome. (HAR)
Unez—Scoridian journalist in Edinburgh, Scotland, who served as a mentor to young Tim Pennington—and taught the fledgling newshound how to pick locks like a professional criminal. (HAR)
Urgoz, Cargo Chief—Cargo master on the I.K.S. Zin’za. (RTW)
val’reth —Vulcan term for one who carries the katra of another against one’s will; one so afflicted cannot enjoy the release of Pon farr nor the serenity of Kolinahr, or be assured that one’s spirit will find rest with those of one’s ancestors—in effect, it is a “living death.” (HAR)
Vanderhoven, Ensign—Torpedo room officer, U.S.S. Bombay. KIA. (HAR)
Vanguard—name of the Watchtower-class space station built to become Starbase 47. (HAR)
Vault, the—Top-secret research facility hidden deep inside the core of Starbase 47. It is devoted to research of the Shedai, their artifacts, the Shedai Carrier Wave, and the Taurus meta-genome. Its entrance is concealed within compartment CA/194-6. (STT)
Vekpa, Lieutenant—Klingon officer serving in the occupation force on Palgrenax. KIA. (STT)
Velez, Chief Petty Officer Miguel—Member of the S.C.E. team on Ravanar IV under the command of Commander Dean Singer. (HAR)
Vel’j Tholis —Tholian warship that participated in the attack on the U.S.S. Bombay and the Starfleet outpost on RavanarIV. Of the six ships sent to attack the outpost, it and the Nov’k Tholis were the only survivors. (HAR)
Velrene [The Azure]—Member of the Tholian Ruling Conclave in 2265. (HAR)
Verheiden, Agent—Starfleet Intelligence agent who escorts Anna Sandesjo from her temporary quarters to a secret transport that is intended to smuggle her off of Starbase 47. (RTW)
Veselka, Councillor—Member of the Klingon High Council in 2265, decidedly the most feminine of the female councilmembers. (HAR)
veS’Hov, I.K.S. —Klingon warship sent to Gamma Tauri IV as a show of strength; it was destroyed in the opening salvo by the planet’s surface-based Shedai artillery. (RTW)
Vinueza, Jeanne—Ex-wife of Commodore Diego Reyes. Tall, brunette, native of Luna, high esper skills. Served as president of the New Boulder Colony on Gamma Tauri IV, where she was killed by Shedai sentinels. (HAR/RTW)
Voice, the—Shedai term for Tholians who are yoked to their Conduits; conversely, it is also what the Tholians call the Shedai who speak through them. (RTW)
Vrax, Praetor—Ruler of the Romulan Star Empire in 2265. (STT)
V’Shan —Dancelike Vulcan martial art that involves detailed study of pressure points. (HAR)
Vulcan syrah—Red wine available in Manón’s cabaret in 2266; the ’51 Saylok is a good varietal of Vulcan syrah. (RTW)
Vumelko, Chief Petty Officer Ivan—Starfleet Customs officer on Starbase 47. Paunchy, bug-eyed, world-weary, sarcastic, grouchy. (HAR)
Wallingford, Security Officer—Security officer in charge of restricting access to Starbase 47’s cargo facility. (HAR)
Wanderer, the—Shedai Serrataal, one of the youngest of her kind, but empowered with a unique gift to travel between worlds without the use of a Conduit. Awakens the others of her kind after destroying Palgrenax. (RTW)
Warden—Shedai Serrataal of great age and power. Responsible for meting out justice and retribution. Allied with the Maker. (RTW)
Warfield, Arlys—Federation News Service executive editor. She is Tim Pennington’s boss until he is made the victim of a disinformation campaign that embarrasses FNS, after which Warfield fires Pennington. (HAR)
Watchtower class—Classification for a very large and multimission-capable starbase such as Vanguard, which is made to operate independently very far from the Federation. (HAR)
Xav, Ensign—Tellarite male, science officer, U.S.S. Lovell. (RTW)
Xiong, Lieutenant Ming—Human male, Archaeology & Anthropology officer, in charge of the scientific aspects of Operation Vanguard. Runs the Vault. (HAR)
Yazkene [The Emerald]—Member of the Tholian Ruling Conclave in 2265. (HAR)
Yerad III—Planet on which Zakdorn accountant Sakud Armnoj resided; sort of a low-rent pleasure planet, a Risa or a Wrigleys without all those meddlesome laws. (STT) Yeskene—Second-in-