Fontana Meadow—Greensward located inside the hollow terrestrial enclosure of Starbase 47. Named for the prominent fountain in its center. (HAR)
Ford, Crewman Donna—Enlisted engineer on the U.S.S. Bombay. KIA. (HAR)
Gabbert, Lieutenant Christopher—“Room boss” in charge of directing Starfleet covert operations on Gamma Tauri IV. (RTW)
Gallonik III—Planet that erupted into a civil war in 2177 because of a misprint in its first treaty of global alliance. Its articles of territorial sovereignty contained conflicting geographical coordinates for the borders demarcating areas of settlement for its two rival sentient species. As a result, 738 million Gallonikans died in the conflict. (HAR)
Gamma Tauri IV—Colony planet in the Taurus Reach. Contracted former mining consortium executive Jeanne Vinueza to serve as its president in 2266. Also site of a hidden Shedai Conduit. Starfleet efforts to find the artifact motivated Klingon forces to land on the politically unaligned world, as well. An attack by Shedai sentinels wiped out the colony and provoked Starfleet and the Klingons into annihilating the planet’s surface. (RTW)
Gannon, Captain Hallie—Commanding officer of the U.S.S. Bombay and former first officer of Diego Reyes aboard the U.S.S. Dauntless. Blonde, optimistic. KIA at Ravanar IV. (HAR)
Ganz—Orion merchant-prince. Operates from his ship the Omari-Ekon, docked at Starbase 47. (HAR)
Ge’hoQ—Klingon name for Gamma Tauri IV. (RTW)
Gek, Dr. Varech jav—Tellarite scientist, works in the Vault with Lieutenant Ming Xiong. One of Starfleet’s top minds in theoretical chemistry and molecular physics. Excitable; a bit of a gossip. (STT)
Geller, Rabbi—Religious leader aboard Starbase 47. (HAR)
Gerzhog, Captain—Commanding officer of the I.K.S. HovQaw’wI’. (RTW)
Getheon—Planet on which a team of dilithium prospectors became temporarily stranded because of a failure in their ship’s warp drive. (HAR)
Ghrex, Ensign—Denobulan female, engineer with the S.C.E. team on the U.S.S. Lovell. Participated in the research mission to Erilon. (DEW STT)
Glassner Colony—Federation settlement on Buquair III. Damaged in 2263 by a tsunami generated by an underwater earthquake. The colony was aided by the U.S.S. Lovell and its S.C.E. crew, as well as by several other vessels. During the relief mission, the S.C.E. team discovered an alien spacecraft that had long ago crashed on the planet, and which was continuing to transmit an S.O.S. (DEW)
Glazya, Councillor—Member of the Klingon High Council in 2265; allied with Grozik and Argashek. (HAR)
glenget —a backless piece of furniture designed to permit a Chelon to kneel comfortably in repose. (STT)
Gonmog Sector—Klingon name for the Taurus Reach. (RTW)
Gorkon, Councillor—Member of the Klingon High Council in 2265; will preside as Chancellor in 2293. (HAR)
Grap’hwu Province—Geopolitical subdivision of the planet Palgrenax. (STT)
gredlahr —Andorian beverage, luminescent yellow. Similar to rum, though sweeter. Available from the bar on the OmariEkon. (DEW)
Greenfield, Yeoman/Lieutenant Toby—Senior administrative assistant to Commodore Diego Reyes. Short, doe-eyed, efficient, cute, mid-20s. (HAR)
Greisman, Dr. Stewart—Assistant chief medical officer of the U.S.S. Bombay. KIA. (HAR)
Griffin, Dr. Bruce—Assistant chief medical officer of the
U.S.S. Endeavour. Has a reputation for always being prepared. (STT)
Grinpa, Dr.—Klingon researcher studying Shedai artifacts. (RTW)
Grozik, Councillor—Member of the Klingon High Council in 2265; allied with Glazya and Argashek. (HAR)
Guerin, Nurse (Jean)—Member of the medical staff on the U.S.S. Bombay. KIA. (HAR)
Halse, Ensign—Bridge officer, U.S.S. Endeavour. (STT)
Hanigar—Klingon Imperial Intelligence supervisor, in charge of field agent Mogan. (RTW)
Hayes, Cargo Chief—Non-commissioned officer, U.S.S. Bombay. KIA. (HAR)
Heghpu’rav, I.K.S. —Klingon warship deceived by warp-shadow illusions generated by the crew of the U.S.S. Sagittarius. (RTW)
Helios, U.S.S. —Drexler-class frigate aboard which a young Diego Reyes served, under the command of Captain Matuzas. Also serving with Reyes, for all of 12 days, was future Lovell CO Daniel Okagawa.
Herald—Shedai Serrataal. His loyalties in the Shedai power struggle are uncertain. Known to be a provocateur. (RTW)
High Epopt of Tamaros—Religious leader mentioned in one of Jetanien’s many digressive allegories. (HAR)
Hirskene, Commander—Commanding officer of the Tholian warship Aen’q Tholis. KIA. (STT)
HovQaw’wI’, I.K.S. —Klingon warship, commanded by Captain Gerzhog, that participates in a barrage against Gamma Tauri IV led by the Starship Endeavour. (RTW)
Hub, the—Octagonal command table on the elevated supervisors’ deck in the Starbase 47 operations center. (HAR)
Icarion —a Nalori argosy piloted by Zett Nilric. (RTW) Ilium Range—Geological feature on Gamma Tauri IV, near the New Boulder Colony. (RTW)
Ilucci, Master Chief Petty Officer Mike “Mad Man”—Chief engineer of the U.S.S. Sagittarius. (HAR)
Imelio, Nurse—Member of medical staff on U.S.S. Bombay. KIA. (HAR)
Indizar, Councillor—Member of Klingon High Council in 2265. Close ally of Councillor Gorkon and Chancellor Sturka. (HAR) Head of Imperial Intelligence. (RTW)
Ineti, Subcommander—Second-in-command of Romulan bird-of-prey Bloodied Talon during its ill-fated mission to the Taurus Reach. KIA. (STT)
Jackson, Lieutenant Haniff—Head of security on Starbase 47. Never loses a bet. (HAR)
Jaeq—Orion male. Former chief enforcer for Orion merchant-prince Ganz. Tall and slender. Had one altercation too many with Starfleet. To avoid complications, Ganz had Jaeq assassinated before he could be arrested and tried by Starfleet. (DEW)
Javathian oyster broth—Concoction enjoyed by Ambassador Jetanien. (STT)
Jemonon—Federation colony planet in the Taurus Reach. (HAR)
Jetanien, Ambassador—Chelon diplomat in charge of Federation political efforts in the Taurus Reach. (HAR)
Jinoteur—Remote star system in the Taurus Reach. Home system of the Shedai, who engineered it in its entirety. Five planets, none on the same orbital plane. Planets one and five perpendicular to each other; two and three at equal, complementary angles off the ecliptic. Planet four roughly level with its star’s equator. Planets one, two, and three each have two moons; planet four has three satellites; planet five has four. All moons follow orbital paths perpendicular to those of their host planets, so that they never pass between the planets and the star. Furthermore, all the satellites show the same rotational oddity, always facing the same hemisphere out. Moons are fortified with powerful defensive weapons systems. Entire system “blinked” out of space-time by the Apostate. (STT/RTW)
Jinoteur IV—Homeworld of the Shedai, location of the Shedai Colloquium. (RTW)
Judge, Lieutenant Kevin—Chief engineer, U.S.S. Bombay. KIA. (HAR)
Kamron, Dr.—Klingon scientist, studied Shedai evidence on Gamma Tauri IV. (RTW)
Kane, Joshua—Human male, had eight perfect alibis for his presence on eight far-flung planets at precisely the times of eight daring and unsolved heists. Part of Ganz’s retinue on the Omari-Ekon. (RTW)
Karumé, Akeylah—Federation diplomat. Dark-skinned, tall, bold. Dresses in bright colors. Great at handling Klingons. (HAR)
Kashuk, Lieutenant Steve—Engineer, U.S.S. Bombay. KIA. (HAR)
Kattan, Security Guard—Member of Starfleet search party on Gamma Tauri IV. KIA. (RTW) keesa beetle—Chelon delicacy, considered best when fried and crunchy. (HAR)
Kepler, Shuttlecraft —Medium-range Starfleet craft, assigned to U.S.S. Lovell, piloted on Gamma Tauri IV by Ensign Brian O’Halloran. (RTW)
Kertral, Lieutenant Governor—Second-in-command to Governor Morqla on Palgrenax. KIA. (STT)