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Who, as far as Aryl knew, were all like Oran di Caraat. At best, Grona’s Adepts had brought her among them, in her opinion showing a serious lack of judgment in those supposed to be wise. At worst? She’d seen that side. She wouldn’t trust her fate there.

Aryl kept going, jumping the occasional gap in the wall of boulders and pebbles, heading—she wasn’t sure where. Away from Grona. Away from Yena. Haxel had mentioned sheltering from the night’s cold under ledges or in holes. She’d also noted the Grona carried fire starters with them, though what they burned for light and heat, Aryl couldn’t fathom. Their crops maybe.

She didn’t have a fire starter anyway. Maybe there were warm holes.

Aryl laughed at herself. Haxel had been right after all. She should have been a scout.

Survive first.

Then worry about why.

“Find a warm hole.” Like all advice, it had been easier to give than take. This close to firstnight, walking wasn’t enough to warm her; the bulky Grona clothing insulated what it covered, but the now-icy breeze worked through at wrist and ankle. And, Aryl tightened her belt for the second time, it snuck in at her waist. First chance she had, she’d fix that.

She’d passed a handful of Grona Om’ray working in their fields. They hadn’t spoken, merely stared as if it had never occurred to them someone could walk on their walls. Others moved along the road, busy at what she didn’t care. The feast was well underway behind her; likely no one had noticed her absence. She kept up her shields. There would be time to seek her own kind when she was away from here, and closer to . . . closer to anywhere else, Aryl told herself firmly.

“Something wrong with the road?”

Startled, Aryl looked down to find Enris grinning up at her, a large pack over his shoulders.

At a loss for anything else to say, she pointed. “It’s too flat.”

“Suit yourself.” He resumed walking, as if there was nothing unusual about him being on the road, and her being on the wall.

She had to lengthen her strides to keep up. “I thought you weren’t leaving until tomorrow morning.”

“I thought you weren’t leaving at all.” A hint of something dark beneath the words. Anger?

Aryl stopped. Enris walked a few more steps, then stopped as well, turning to look back. “I changed my mind. I couldn’t stay,” she told him, wrapping her arms around her waist. “I don’t like it here. It’s too cold.”

“They made it impossible for you to stay,” he countered, the anger out in the open now. “I was there, Aryl. I heard.”

“Heard—?” she repeated numbly.

“Your so-called heart-kin and his Adept.” Enris’ lips twisted over the word as if it left a foul taste. “They wanted what you can do. And I’m no better.” Guilt. He let her feel that, too. “I wanted it. I’m sorry, Aryl.”

Aryl jumped to the road and took a tentative step toward him, rubbing one foot in the dirt. “Flat,” she complained. Then, before he had to say anything else, “Don’t be sorry, Enris. Oran wants to make herself more than other Om’ray. I chose not to help her. That’s why I left.”

As she came beside him and looked up, Aryl felt strangely shy. “You think of others first. I know that. I promised to teach you and I will, if I can. Do you see a Council here to forbid it? Not,” she added hastily, “that I know what it is—yet.” She shivered again. “You did bring fire,” she said wistfully.

“Yes,” with his deep laugh. Then Enris sobered, his dark eyes gazing at her. “And something else, Aryl Sarc.” His eyes lifted to look behind her.

Aryl turned, her heart suddenly pounding, and saw figures coming up the road from Grona. More, she choked on a laugh, walked along terrace walls. Without hesitation, she lowered her shields and reached.

They were all there. Every Yena who’d come with her, from Haxel to Seru, Myris to Ziba. Even old Cetto and Husni. She reached deeper, feeling their joy at having found her, their courage, their determination to be together, always.

Wherever they were to go, Aryl Sarc promised her Clan, they would be.


APOD BURST, ITS BRITTLE shell no match for the urgency of life. Rastis seedlings spilled forth in a determined confusion of reaching roots and stalks. This was a race, after all. First to grow meant first to the light. Fail and starve in the shadow of others. These sprouts had an unusual opportunity, for their pod lay on a mountain slope, dropped in a dispute between greedy wastryls. Though they lacked the cover of a wing, nothing grew here to challenge them. Rastis need only a roothold and light to conquer.

But Cersi was a world meticulously divided and ruled. Rastis belonged to the lands of the Tikitik, not in the mountains or plains of the Oud.

Sensing the lush young sprouts, other life roused from slumber and began to move, equally determined. Working together, slow and sure, they smothered the young rastis before the first fronds could open. Over time, they digested all flesh, even the splinters of podwood, until only rock remained. As it must, by the Agreement.

Others would dare trespass. Some quick and hard to corner. Some with strange tastes and unfamiliar machines. Some hidden behind barriers and within walls.

None of this will save them, when their time comes.

The Om’ray of Cersi

(Note: names shown as first encountered in the story.)


Adrius sud Parth (Member of Yena Council)

Ael sud Sarc (Chosen of Myris)

Alejo Parth (Seru’s brother)

Aryl Sarc

Barit sud Teerac (Bern’s father, Chosen of Evra)

Bern Teerac

Cader Sarc

Cetto sud Teerac (Member of Yena Council, Chosen of


Chaun sud Teerac (Chosen of Weth)

Costa sud Teerac (Aryl’s brother, Chosen of Leri)

Dalris sud Sarc (Taisal’s grandfather, Unnel’s father, Chosen

of Nela)

Evra Teerac (Bern’s mother)

Ferna Parth (Seru’s mother)

Fon Kessa’at (Son of Veca)

Ghoch sud Sarc (Chosen of Oryl)

Gijs sud Vendan (Chosen of Juo)

Haxel Vendan (First Scout)

Husni Teerac

Joyn Uruus (Son of Rimis)

Juo Vendan

Kayd Uruus (Son of Taen)

Kiric Mendolar

Lendin sud Kessa’at (Chosen of Morla)

Leri Teerac

Mele sud Sarc (Aryl’s father, Chosen of Taisal)

Morla Kessa’at (Council Member)

Myris Sarc (Taisal’s sister)

Nela Sarc (Taisal’s grandmother)

Oryl Sarc

Pio di Kessa’at (Adept)

Rimis Uruus (Joyn’s mother)

Rorn sud Vendan (Chosen of Haxel)

Seru Parth (Aryl’s cousin)

Sian d’sud Vendan (Adept, Member of Yena Council)

Syb sud Uruus (Kayd and Ziba’s father, Chosen of Taen)

Taen Uruus (Kayd and Ziba’s mother)

Taisal di Sarc (Aryl’s mother, Adept, Speaker for Yena)

Tikva di Uruus (Adept, Member of Yena Council)

Tilip sud Kessa’at (Fon’s father, Chosen of Veca)

Till sud Parth (Seru’s father, Scout, Chosen of Ferna)