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‘You are impertinent. You lack respect. You are about to come face to face with Silchas Ruin, the White Crow-’

‘Will he bring word of his lost brother? No? I thought not.’

Another hiss of laughter. ‘Oddly enough, I believe you will fit right in with the ones you are about to meet.’

Seren Pedac squinted into the gloom. She was tired. They all were after long days traversing the pass, with no end in sight. Silchas Ruin’s announcement that someone was approaching brought them all to a halt beside the sandy fringe of a stream, where insects rose in clouds to descend upon them. The horses snorted, tails flicking and hides rippling.

She dismounted a moment after Silchas Ruin, and followed him across the stream. Behind her the others remained where they were. Kettle slept in the arms of Udinaas, and he seemed disinclined to move lest he wake her. Fear Sengar slipped down from his horse but made no further move.

Standing beside the albino Tiste Andii, Seren could now hear a strange swishing and clacking sound, whispering down over the tumbled rocks beyond. A moment later a tall, lean form appeared, silhouetted against grey stone.

A smudge of deeper darkness flowed out from his side to hover before Silchas Ruin.

‘Kin,’ said the wraith.

‘A descendant of my followers, Wither?’

‘Oh no, Silchas Ruin.’

Breath slowly hissed from the Tiste Andii. ‘My brother’s. They were this close?’

The young warrior drew closer, his pace almost sauntering. The tone of his skin was dusky, not much different from that of a Tiste Edur. He was twirling a chain in his right hand, the rings on each end blurring in the gloom. ‘Silchas Ruin,’ he said, ‘I greet you on behalf of the Onyx Order of Andara. It has been a long time since we last met a Tiste Andii not of our colony.’ The broad mouth quirked slightly. ‘You do not look at all as I had expected.’

‘Your words verge on insult,’ Silchas Ruin said. ‘Is this how the Onyx Order would greet me?’

The young warrior shrugged, the chain snapping taut for a beat, then spinning out once more. ‘There are K’risnan wards on the trail ahead of you-traps and snares. Nor will you find what you seek in Bluerose, not the city itself nor Jasp nor Outbound.’

‘How is it you know what I seek?’

‘He said you would come, sooner or later.’


Brows rose. ‘Why, your brother. He didn’t arrive in time to prevent your getting taken down, nor the slaughter of your followers-’

‘Did he avenge me?’

‘A moment,’ Seren Pedac cut in. ‘What is your name?’

A white smile. ‘Clip. To answer you, Silchas Ruin, he was not inclined to murder all the Tiste Edur. Scabandari Bloodeye had been destroyed by Elder Gods. A curse was laid upon the lands west of here, denying even death’s release. The Edur were scattered, assailed by ice, retreating seas and terrible storms. In the immediate aftermath of the Omtose Phellack curse, their survival was at risk, and Rake left them to it.’

‘I do not recall my brother being so… merciful.’

‘If our histories of that time are accurate,’ Clip said, ‘then he was rather preoccupied. The sundering of Kurald Emurlahn. Rumours of Osserc in the vicinity, a mercurial dalliance with Lady Envy, arguments and a shaky alliance with Kilmandaros, and then, finally, Silanah, the Eleint who emerged at his side from Emurlahn at the closing of the gate.’

‘It seems much of that time is common knowledge among your Order,’ Silchas Ruin observed, his tone flat. ‘He stayed with you for a lengthy period, then.’

‘He stays nowhere for very long,’ Clip replied, clearly amused by something.

Seren Pedac wondered if the youth knew how close he was to pushing Ruin over the edge. A few more ill-chosen words and Clip’s head would roll from his shoulders. ‘Is it your mission,’ she asked the Tiste Andii, ‘to guide-us to our destination?’

Another smile, another snap of the chain. ‘It is. You will be, uh, welcomed as guests of the Andara. Although the presence of both Letherii and Tiste Edur in your party is somewhat problematic. The Onyx Order has been outlawed, as you know, subject to vicious repression. The Andara represents the last secret refuge of our people. Its location must not be compromised.’

‘What do you suggest?’ Seren asked.

‘The remainder of this journey,’ Clip replied, ‘will be through warren. Through Kurald Galain.’

Silchas Ruin cocked his head at that, then grunted, ‘I am beginning to understand. Tell me, Clip, how many wizards of the Order dwell in the Andara?’

‘There are five, and they are the last.’

‘And can they agree on anything?’

‘Of course not. I am here by the command of Ordant Brid, Reve Master of the Rock. My departure from the Andara was uneventful, else it is likely I would not be here-’

‘Should another of the Order have intercepted you.’

A nod. ‘Can you wait for the maelstrom your arrival will bring, Silchas Ruin? I can’t.’

‘Thus, your greeting earlier should have been qualified. The Order does not welcome us. Rather, this Ordant Brid does.’

‘They all choose to speak for the Order,’ Clip said, his eyes glittering, ‘when it will most confound the others. Now, I can see how eager you all are.’ From his right hand the chain whipped out, the silver ring round his index finger, and at the snap of the chain’s full length, a gate into Darkness appeared to the warrior’s right. ‘Call the others here,’ Clip said, ‘at haste. Even now, bound wraiths serving the Tiste Edur are converging. Of course, they all dream of escape-alas, that we cannot give them. But their Edur masters watch through their eyes, and that won’t do.’

Seren Pedac turned about and summoned the others.

Clip stepped to one side and bowed low. ‘Silchas Ruin, I invite you to walk through first, and know once more the welcome embrace of true Darkness. Besides,’ he added, straightening as Ruin strode towards the gate, ‘you will make for us a bright beacon-’

One of Silchas Ruin’s swords hissed out, a gleaming blur, the edge slashing across the space where Clip’s neck had been, but the young warrior had leaned back… just enough, and the weapon sang through air.

A soft laugh from the youth, appallingly relaxed. ‘He said you’d be angry.’

Silchas Ruin stared across at Clip for a long moment, then he turned and walked through the gate.

Drawing a deep.breath to slow her heart, Seren Pedac glared at Clip. ‘You have no idea-’

‘Don’t I?’

The others appeared, leading their horses. Udinaas, with Kettle tucked into one arm, barely glanced over at Clip before he tugged his horse into the rent.

‘You wish to cross swords with a god, Clip?’

‘He gave himself away-oh, he’s fast all right, and with two weapons he’d be hard to handle, I’ll grant you-’

‘And will the Reve Master who sent you be pleased with your immature behaviour?’

Clip laughed. ‘Ordant could have selected any of a hundred warriors at hand for this mission, Letherii.’

‘Yet he chose you, meaning he is either profoundly stupid or he anticipated your irreverence.’

You waste your time, Acquitor,’ Fear Sengar said, coming up alongside her and eyeing Clip. ‘He is Tiste Andii. His mind is naught but darkness, in which ignorance and foolishness thrive.’

To Fear the young warrior bowed again. ‘Edur, please, proceed. Darkness awaits you.’ And he waved at the gate.

As Fear Sengar led his horse into the gate, the chain on Clip’s right index finger spun out once more, ending with a clash of rings.

‘Why do you do that?’ Seren demanded, irritated.

Brows lifted. ‘Do what?’

Swearing under her breath, the Acquitor walked through the gate.

Book Two

Layers Of The Dead

Who now strides on my trail

devouring the distance between

no matter how I flee, the wasted