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Cradling his shield arm, Gadalanak used the wall to lever himself upright, then set off in search of a healer.

There had been events in the palace, sending tremors far enough to reach the challengers’ compound. Perhaps the List had been formalized, the order of the battles decided. A rumour to please the idiotic warriors gathered here-although Karsa’s only response to the possibility was a sour grunt. Samar Dev was inclined to agree with him-she was not convinced that the rumour was accurate. No, something else had happened, something messy. Factions sniping like mongrels at a feast all could share had they any brains. But that’s always the way, isn’t it! Enough is never enough.

She felt something then, a shivering along the strands-the bones-buried beneath the flesh of this realm. This realm… and every other one. Gods below… The witch found she was on her feet. Blinking. And in the compound’s centre she saw Karsa now facing her, a fierce regard in his bestial eyes. The Toblakai bared his teeth.

Shaking her gaze free of the terrible warrior, she walked quickly into the colonnaded hallway, then through to the passage lined by the cells where the champions were quartered. Down the corridor.

Into her modest room.

She closed the door behind her, already muttering the ritual of sealing. Trouble out there, blood spilled and sizzling like acid. Dreadful events, something old beyond belief, exulting in new power-

Her heart stuttered in her chest. An apparition was rising from the floor in the centre of the room. Shouldering through her wards.

She drew her knife.

A damned ghost. The ghost of a damned mage, in fact.

Luminous but faint eyes fixed on her. ‘Witch,’ it whispered, ‘do not resist, I beg you.’

‘You are not invited,’ she said. ‘Why would I not resist?’

‘I need your help.’

‘Seems a little late for that.’

‘I am Ceda Kuru Qan.’

She frowned, then nodded. ‘I have heard that name. You fell at the Edur conquest.’

‘Fell? A notion worth consideration. Alas, not now. You must heal someone. Please. I can lead you to her.’


A Letherii. She is named Feather Witch-’

Samar Dev hissed, then said, ‘You chose the wrong person, Ceda Kuru Qan. Heal that blonde rhinazan? If she’s dying, I am happy to help her along. That woman gives witches a bad name.’

Another tremor rumbled through the unseen web binding the world.

She saw Kuru Qan’s ghost flinch, saw the sudden terror in its eyes.

And Samar Dev spat on her knife blade, darted forward and slashed the weapon through the ghost.

The Ceda’s shriek was short-lived, as the iron weapon snared the ghost, drew it inward, trapped it. In her hand the knife’s hilt was suddenly cold as ice. Steam slithered from the blade.

She quickly added a few words under her breath, tightening the binding.

Then staggered back until her legs bumped against her cot. She sank down, shivering in the aftermath of the capture. Her eyes fell to the weapon in her hand. ‘Gods below,’ she mumbled. ‘Got another one.’

Moments later the door swung open. Ducking, Karsa Orlong entered.

Samar Dev cursed at him, then said, ‘Must you do that?’

‘This room stinks, witch.’

‘You walk through my wards as if they were cobwebs. Toblakai, it would take a damned god to do what you just did-yet you are no god. I would swear to that on the bones of every poor fool you’ve killed.’

‘I care nothing for your damned wards,’ the huge warrior replied, leaning his sword against a wall then taking a single step that placed him in the centre of the room. ‘I know that smell. Ghosts, spirits, it’s the stink of forgetting.’


‘When the dead forget they’re dead, witch.’

‘Like your friends in that stone sword of yours?’

The eyes that fixed on her were cold as ashes. ‘They have cheated death, Samar Dev. Such was my gift. Such was theirs, to turn away from peace. From oblivion. They live because the sword lives.’

‘Yes, a warren within a weapon. Don’t imagine that as unique as you might want it to be.’

He bared his teeth. ‘No. After all, you have that knife.’

She started. ‘Hardly a warren in this blade, Karsa Orlong. It’s just folded iron. Folded in a very specific way-’

‘To fashion a prison. You civilized people are so eager to blunt the meaning of your words. Probably because you have so many of them, which you use too often and for no reason.’ He looked round. ‘So you have bound a ghost. That is not like you.’

‘I could not argue that,’ she admitted, ‘since I am no longer sure who I am. What I’m supposed to be like.’

‘You once told me you did not compel, you did not bind. You bargained.’

‘Ah, that. Well, yes, given the choice. Seems that being in your company crushes under heel the privilege of choice, Toblakai.’

‘You blame me for your greed?’

‘Not greed. More like an overwhelming need for power.’

,’To oppose me?’

‘You? No, I don’t think so. To stay alive, I think. You are dangerous, Karsa Orlong. Your will, your strength, your… disregard. You present the quaint and appalling argument that through wilful ignorance of the laws and rules of the universe you cannot suffer their influence. As you might imagine, your very success poses evidence of that tenet, and it is one I cannot reconcile, since it runs contrary to a lifetime of observation.’

‘Too many words again, Samar Dev. State it plain.’

‘Fine,’ she snapped. ‘Everything about you terrifies me.’

He nodded. ‘And fascinates as well.’

‘Arrogant bastard. Believe what you like!’

He turned back to the doorway. Collecting his sword, he said over one shoulder, ‘The Seguleh has unsheathed her swords for me, witch.’

Then he was gone.

Samar Dev remained on her cot for another dozen heartbeats, then, ‘Damn him!’ And she rose, hurrying to arrive before the bout began. Damn him!

The sun had crawled far enough to one side of the sky to leave the compound in shadow. As she emerged from the covered colonnade Samar Dev saw the Seguleh standing in the middle of the exercise area, a thin-bladed longsword in each gloved hand. Her dark hair hung in greasy strands down her shoulders, and through the eye-holes of the mask her midnight gaze tracked Karsa Orlong as he strode to join her in the sand-floored clearing.

A full score of champions looked on, indicating that word had travelled, and Samar Dev saw-with shock-the Gral, Taralack Veed, and, behind him, Icarium. Gods below, the name, the Jhag… all that I know, all that 1 have heard. Icarium is here. A champion.

He will leave this city a heap of rubble. He will leave its citizens a mountain of shattered bones. Gods, look at him! Standing calm, so deep in shadow as to be almost invisible-Karsa does not see him, no. The Toblakai’s focus rests on the Seguleh, as he circles her at a distance. And she moves like a cat to ever face him.

Oh, she is a fighter all right.

And Karsa will throw her over the damned wall.

If she dares close. As she must. Get inside that huge flint sword.

Over the wall. Or through it.

Her heart pounded, the beat rapid, disturbingly erratic.

She sensed someone at her side and saw, with a jolt of alarm, a Tiste Edur-and she then recognized him. Preda… Tomad. Tomad Sengar.

The Emperor’s father.

Karsa, you don’t want this audience-

* * *

An explosion of motion as the two contestants closed-afterwards, none could agree on who moved first, as if some instinctive agreement was reached between the Seguleh and Karsa, and acted upon faster than thought itself.