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Baylor sipped the steaming brew and massaged her temple with her free hand.

“How many gimlets did you have last night?”

“I think I lost count at ten. How shitfaced did I get? Tell me I didn’t do anything to piss off Hobie.”

“Um, well...”

“Oh, no. What did I do?”

“Let’s see. You cornered Hobie and kept telling her you had something life altering to tell her. Then you passed out on her. She helped me get you home. You threw up—not on her, thankfully— you flirted shamelessly with her in the truck, and that’s about it.”

“Did I tell her?”

“That you’re in love with her? Nah, by the time we got home, you couldn’t remember what it was you wanted to say.” She easily interpreted the stricken look on Baylor’s face. “And, yes, you told me that you cared for her.”

“Geez, I must have been drunk. God, she must hate me.” “Surprisingly enough, I believe she still thinks you’re rather cute. Damned if I know why.”

Baylor’s head popped up at that. “Cute? Were those her exact words? I mean did she actually say I was cute?”

“Can we say pathetic?” Juliana chuckled.

“Oh, shut up. If she didn’t come out and say she liked me, then how do you know for sure?”

“Trust me on this. I’ve lost enough girlfriends to you that I know what it looks like when I’ve been relegated to alternate status.”

“Really?” Baylor asked with a small smile.

Juliana glared. “I’d appreciate a little less enthusiasm at that comment.”

“Sorry,” Baylor said. “I meant...really?” she added with a somber expression and a low tone.

“That’s better.”

“So at least I didn’t embarrass her too bad, huh?”

“I didn’t say that. I said I think she likes you and that you didn’t piss her off.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that you embarrassed the hell out of her. Don’t you remember the dance?”

“Dance? Dance?” Baylor mumbled the words under her breath. “Oh, shit.” She looked over at Juliana, her eyes widening.

“I see it’s all coming back to you.” “Not all. Refresh my memory.”

“Okay, let’s see. Not that I meant to eavesdrop, mind you.” “Oh, naturally.”

“Well, I think it started when you walked up to the table she was sitting at...”

“Hey.” Baylor walked up to Hobie’s table. She was well on her way to inebriated bliss.

“Hiya, Baylor.”

“Hey, Bubba. Hello,” Baylor slowly drawled as she attempted to get Hobie’s attention.

“Hello, Baylor,” Hobie said at last. “May I have this dance?”

“Are you insane?” “What? What’d I say?”

“Women don’t dance together on Ana Lia,” Hobie said. “Those old dykes do.” Baylor pointed to Katherine and Helen

as they moved together on the dance floor. “They’re sisters.”

“I don’t think anyone really believes that, do you? Come on, let’s dance.”

“Go away.”

“Come on, we could be sisters, too.” Baylor grinned.

Hobie shook her head and tried not to smile. “Somehow, I don’t think the family resemblance is there.”

“Sure it is. We’re practically identical twins.” Baylor dropped to one knee and put an arm around Hobie’s shoulder. “Bubba, what do you think? Your mom and me look alike, right?”

“Oh, stop,” Hobie ordered.

“Um...” Noah pushed his glasses up.

Baylor offered a wide, toothy grin and nodded for Noah to see. “Come on, Bubba, how ’bout it?” Again, she nodded.

“Yes,” the youngster said, then burst out laughing. “See,” Baylor said as she turned to Hobie.

“My own child, thank you very much.”

“Hey, my man here only calls ’em as he sees ’em. So let’s dance.”

Hobie watched as Baylor used her cane to get to her feet. “There’s something seriously wrong with you. You know that, right?”

“What? I bet plenty of gals here would dance with me if I asked.”

“Well, by all means.” Hobie smiled and spread her arms wide. “Don’t let me interrupt a master at work.”

“All right, smart ass.” Baylor turned toward the tables surrounding the dance area. “She thinks I can’t get a dance partner,” she said to herself as she searched the area. She noticed there weren’t many women there who weren’t collecting Social Security. She looked at Hobie, who sat there with a smug smile.

“Okay, so the pickings are a little slim. I bet even the old broads will dance with me.” She spotted a familiar face. “Mrs. Emberly...”

“Oh, God.” Hobie groaned.

“Mrs. Emberly, would it bother you to dance with me?” “Why no, dear. Although you are rather tall, and you seem a little incapacitated with that leg.”

Baylor turned and walked over to Hobie. “See,” she said with an air of triumph.

“That’s because she doesn’t know you’re gay.” Baylor spun on one heel. “Mrs. Emberly—” “Don’t even think about it, Baylor Warren!”

“Mrs. Emberly, I’m gay. Would that affect your decision to dance with me?”

“Why no, dear. I love to see you young women happy.” “Um, it’s not really that kind of…never mind.” Baylor gave up when she saw Hobie giggling. “Thanks anyway, Mrs. Emberly.” “Have a heart and quit laughing so hard.” A dejected Baylor sat beside Hobie. “One dance and I promise I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the evening.”

“I should be so lucky.”

“Ow, that hurts. Okay, guess I’ll just have to tell a few more of the old broads I’m gay and try to get a dance out of them.” Baylor made as if to rise but hesitated long enough to hear Hobie’s hurried response.

“Don’t you dare!” Hobie pointed a finger at Baylor. “One dance, then you behave. Right?”

“Scout’s honor.” Baylor drew a cross against her chest. “Why do I doubt that you ever did Girl Scouts?” Hobie

immediately regretted her choice of words. She waited with a scowl for Baylor to comment in some lewd manner.

“What are you looking at?” Baylor asked.

“I was waiting for you to respond with some sort of indecent remark about what I said.”

Baylor smiled. “Hmm.” “What?”

Baylor leaned closer to Hobie, who now stood beside her. “Oh, nothing, just wondering.”

“Wondering what?”

“Wondering if it’s sex you’re always thinking about or whether it’s me that’s always on your mind.” Baylor whispered the last few words against Hobie’s ear. She put on an arrogant grin when she saw the goose bumps rise on Hobie’s skin.

“I suggest you concern yourself a little less with what I have on my mind.”

“Don’t be that way,” Baylor teased. “Even though you are rather cute when you’re mad. Come on, how about that dance?”

“I have an idea.”

Baylor knew she’d crossed a line by the look in Hobie’s eye. “Yes?”

“Why don’t you go ask one of your Girl Scout friends? Better yet, go ask Mrs. Emberly to dance with you!” Hobie turned, grabbed Noah’s hand, and walked away, leaving Baylor speechless and badly in need of another drink.

“Oh God,” Baylor groaned. “Why do I turn into such an ass when I drink?”

“Only when you drink?”

“And you’re supposed to be my best friend.”

Juliana chuckled. “Mate, the way you’re going, I’m your only friend.”

“My life is over.” Baylor let her head fall against the table once more.

Juliana had been thinking the exact thing, but in regard to herself. Especially because she knew that very shortly, she would have to remind Baylor that she was going on a date with Baylor’s girl.