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“Say good night, Jules,” Baylor commanded.

“Right. Good night, Jules, and congrats, you two. I’m dead chuffed about this whole thing.”

“Happy,” Baylor translated. “Oh,” Hobie said.

Juliana gave them each a hug before she left in search of





“I worry so much about your friends,” Hobie said.

“This is very nice,” Hobie said as she took in the champagne bottle sitting in a silver ice bucket. “Is this the surprise you had planned?”

“No, this is just a precursor.”

“Wow, it’s still cold. How did you manage that?” Hobie asked when she placed her hand against the bottle.

“That was Tanti’s handiwork.” “How did she do it?”

“She cast a spell.” Baylor enjoyed Hobie’s wide-eyed expression. “Just kidding. She asked one of her friends to stop by on her way home and set it up.”

“A spell, huh?” “Sorry.”

“You’re not, either.”

“Sorry you don’t think it’s funny,” Baylor said with a pout. “My poor baby.” Hobie moved closer and wrapped her arms

around Baylor’s waist. “Hey, the water looks kind of inviting, huh?”


“The water in the pool,” Hobie said. “Let’s take a dip. What do you say?”

Baylor looked at Hobie’s enticing expression, then down at the pool. “Uh-uh.”

“Come on, sweetheart. I promise I’ll make it worth your while,” Hobie said seductively. She kissed Baylor’s neck as she undid the top button of Baylor’s blouse.

“Oh.” Baylor groaned. She looked from Hobie to the pool once more. “Uh-uh.” She shook her head vigorously.

“Okay,” Hobie said, pulling away. “What is it with you and this pool? You wouldn’t go in with Noah the other day, either, and all I keep getting from you is that we’ll discuss it later. It’s later. Is it something about the pool? Did you see an alligator in it, or what?”

Baylor shook her head. “It’s not just the pool. It’s all water,




everywhere. Taking a bath gives me a weird feeling.”

“Did something cause it? I mean, what are you afraid of?” “Sinking, mostly. Afear of sinking. I had a bad experience in

the water.”

“Honey, people only sink when they fight it. If you relax and—”

“Nope, I pretty much always sink. Hell, I should have gotten over it and taken classes or something a long time ago, but I never did. It was one of those brilliant ideas my father had. Throw her in the water and she’s sure to learn how to swim or tread water or something, right? Wrong. I sank like a stone and passed out. I nearly drowned, and that bastard still acted like it was some failing on my part.”

Baylor half expected Hobie to laugh. At the very least, she expected Hobie to calmly talk to her, attempt to put off her childish fears. What Baylor didn’t expect was what Hobie did.

“That goddamn son of a bitch!” Hobie began to pace alongside the pool. “That bastard ruined it!”

“Ruined what?” Baylor asked uncertainly.

“Things! He ruined things in your life, innocent things that are supposed to mean something or be fun. That sick bastard screwed it up for everyone that came after him. I hate him, and I hate the terrible things he did to you, the way he treated you. I’m the one who’s never going to treat you that way, but he’s already fucking ruined it all.”

“Honey, honey…”

Baylor came up behind Hobie and wrapped her arms around her. Hobie was nearly rigid with anger and her whole body trembled. Baylor hadn’t been prepared for Hobie’s passionate response, and the display touched her in a place few had been able to reach. With the exception of her grandmother, no one had stood up for Baylor before and certainly never against her father. She was sure that if she had met Hobie years earlier, the feisty redhead would have given him a run for his money. Just knowing that helped Baylor more than ten years of therapy had.

“It’s okay, honey. He can’t hurt me anymore, not unless I let him, and I’m not going to let him.”




Hobie was still quiet, but Baylor could feel her body begin to relax. She heard a muffled sound and thought Hobie was crying. “Hobie, you okay?” When Hobie turned, Baylor could see that she was laughing.

“God.” Hobie shook her head. “I think our wedding night is going good so far, how about you?”

“You are crazy, do you know that?”

“I know. I warned you, but you wouldn’t listen. I’m sorry for going off like that.”

“Don’t be. I was pretty impressed.”

“Impressed that I can turn into a raving lunatic at the drop of a hat?”

“I was thinking more along the lines of being thankful that I have someone who loves me enough to turn into a raving lunatic on my behalf.”

“Thanks.” Hobie furrowed her brow. “I think.”

“I love you, Hobie Lynn, just as you are, all your frailties and faults included. I’ve always believed that it was a person’s flaws that make them so lovable.”

“Really? Well then, I should be damn near irresistible.” “You are, baby. You are,” Baylor said, punctuating her answer

with a passionate kiss.

“Same goes for you.” Hobie returned the kiss with equal fervor. “When you said you weren’t going to let your father hurt you anymore, does that mean you might,” Hobie gently placed a line of kisses from Baylor’s jaw to her collarbone, “give the pool a shot?”

“Um...” Baylor nervously looked at the water. She figured she could be brave if she had to, but was her wedding night the time to close old wounds?

Hobie continued her seduction where she had left off before her meltdown. She unbuttoned two more buttons on Baylor’s blouse and surprised her by gently massaging her breast. Hobie could feel the nipple harden immediately under the thin silk blouse.

“Oh, God.” Baylor groaned. She wanted to speak, but her body was enjoying the experience too much. She was sure her brain




was making a conscious effort to keep her voice from messing up the entire experience.

“Because I was thinking...” Hobie continued. She had completely unbuttoned Baylor’s blouse. Her fingers easily slipped inside the silky bra to tease Baylor even further. “You’ve got this negative experience on your mind, and maybe...” She lightly pinched the hardened nipple, making Baylor gasp in pleasure.

“Maybe you just need a positive experience in the water to push that old memory out. What do you think?” Hobie nuzzled the skin of Baylor’s neck and sucked, gently at first, then gradually increasing the intensity of the sensation.

“Good God!” Baylor said. “Hmm?”

Baylor finally received the message from her body that this was a good thing and that she shouldn’t ruin it. “Oh, yeah. Positive is good. I could do positive.” Her head bobbed up and down.

“I’m glad you feel that way.” Hobie forced herself to separate from Baylor and walked to the table. “Are you going to open this?”


Hobie nodded. Baylor made quick work of the wire and cork. She turned with a full glass to catch Hobie unzipping her dress. Hobie pushed the dress from her shoulders and carefully stepped out of it, then folded the garment over the back of a nearby chair. “What are you doing?” Baylor asked the question that needed